I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 426: : The stars are dazzling

Dead, dead, dying.

The Senators Milliken, who were just about to cheer for the two angels showing their power and excitement, saw this endless, distorted shadow that seemed to cover the entire world, and immediately came into being,'God has closed a door, but He also surrounded the room with steel and welded it all to death.

A heart that almost jumped out because of excitement was not only pressed back by a big hand, but also pressed into the bottomless abyss, and could not rise again.

They didn't expect that they just obliterated a Florence, and actually provoke Nyarlatotepu, one of the terrifying evil gods, one of the three pillar gods.

It is true that in the last war, Nyarlatotepu was defeated and a clone was killed on the spot. By the way, it was sealed again. Don't think of it in a short time.

But this does not mean that this terrifying evil **** is very weak.

As one of the three pillar gods, Nyarlatotepu is the most special of all the evil gods.

Because in the mythological system of Cthulhu, the universe is the dream of Asathos, chaos is the most real reality, and as a representative of chaos, Nyarlatotepu symbolizes all reality.

In addition, Nyarlatotepu is also the messenger of the evil **** Asathos, the **** who conveys the will of Asathos, his body is chaotic, and contains almost all the outer gods.

Such an evil **** descended on the Blue Star again, I am afraid that the entire Blue Star will be destroyed.

"The trouble is really big."

Looking at the huge shadows and chaos that swallowed up the light released by the star of the sun outside the window, the heads of each country had no idea what to say.

Why did the Cthulhu be happy to play the small and the old?

"Maybe, this time, there will be no Papal State." Greek President Archimes looked at the shadows of distortion, absurdity, and chaos unabashedly and publicly, and I felt that the Papal State was this time. They are all doomed.

In all fairness, the Papal State is gone. He agreed with his hands and feet. After all, the Papal State suppressed Blue Star for more than two thousand years, and with its own power, the entire Blue Star mysterious world could not rise up.

Its power is arrogant and profound, and it can be said to be the best on the planet.

It is this kind of power that is manipulated in the hands of a group of barbaric and violent guys.

The floating cross flag, the two-hundred-year jihad, and the blood of heretics that can stain the red sea all explain the aggressive factors that the Papal State possesses and are carved into its bones.

Even though the current papal kingdom looks like it's indisputable, it has never modified the Ten Commandments and has never denied the identity of the sole **** of God. How can people feel relieved?

Maybe someday, those fanatical warriors will start a war against heretical countries all over the world under the banner of letting God be the only god.

Therefore, it would be more reassuring for such forces to disappear directly.

"But the time is wrong."

Archimes clenched his fists.

If the Papal Kingdom disappears at another point in time, for example, when the world is at peace, he will really cry and clap his hands and cheer.

But when is it now? The Cthulhu Cthulhu revives vigorously, and those strange events that seem to be very small in scope can evolve into a crisis that subverts the world at any time.

What's more, Nyarlatotep came this time, it was clear that the entire Blue Star was eaten like a cake. If the Papal State disappears at this time, Blue Star will be buried for the Papal State in minutes.

"I hope the Papal Kingdom can withstand and defeat Nyarlatotepu!"

Of course, it would be perfect if the Papal State and Nyarlatotepu died together.

"I knew that Nyarlatotepu would appear in the end. It is impossible to win Lucifer's game by relying on the Papal State alone."

While directing the Indians to prepare for the memorial ceremony, Hodgson looked at the huge shadow that swallowed all the light and the real chaos that lurked behind the shadow, almost equivalent to the universe, raised his hand and wiped his forehead.

As a person who almost came into contact with the "Xuanjun Seven Chapter Secret Scripture", he didn't know that there was a way to summon Nyarlatotepu in this magic book.

As the holder of the Grimoire, Florence summons the creeping chaos when she is defeated, which is a completely reasonable option.

"No one understands the "Seven Chapters of Xuanjun Secret Scripture" better than me."


"Nyarathotep? I seemed to hear Nyarathotep's voice just now?"

"No, it was just a plot of the Papal Kingdom fighting against the followers of the evil god. In a blink of an eye, this plot was transformed into a plot of Nyarlatotepu's annexation of Blue Star? This plot is so big that only an inexperienced author can do it. Write it down!"

"I was eating melon just now, but in a blink of an eye I became a melon..."

"I don't know the name, I force it to be named Nyallatotepu? Lao Tzu: Is this what I said?"

"God... who will save us."

After the shadow from the chaos completely engulfed the blue star, after looking up at the sky from blue and pure white to a distorted chaos, after the ear-piercing flute sounded in the ears, the body unconsciously began to dance. After the impulse.

At this moment, the people of Blue Star finally realized what the crisis they were talking about when the heads of the world shouted about the crisis on TV some time ago.

But they are too late and have no way to escape.

In their sight, the whole world turned into a crazy and weird world. The city created by human beings with technological beauty was filled with peristaltic blood vessels of green blood, and the ground under their feet gradually seeped dark red fleshy flesh. Something that is invisible, inexplicable, and unclear gradually appeared in the air~www.NovelMTL.com~ their blue star, their mother, this one that gave birth to human civilization Cradle Planet, under the erosion and pollution of the creeping chaos, is gradually alienating and degenerating.

Once it completes its alienation, there is no doubt that the human beings living on the Blue Star will be completely perished, and no one can survive.

But they couldn't stop it, they couldn't stop anything, they could only watch all this happen.

In a daze, they saw stars rising from the dim and chaotic sky.

It’s just that, compared with those twinkling stars in the past, these stars are extremely terrifying, and what makes them even more frightened is that these dark stars are not dead like ordinary stars, they are more like The indescribable and terrifying evil **** is opening his eyes, watching every life on this planet that is about to be corroded by chaos with a malicious gaze that is mixed and indescribable.

An indescribable fear emerged from the bottom of everyone's heart.

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