I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 424: :shroud

Above the papal kingdom, the shadows of chaos were constantly wriggling, and the distorted pollution was projected from the unknown end of time and space, as if the whole world could be submerged in black mud.

In the Pope's country, the two angels on the earth work together, relying on their own surging light and the good wishes of the Pope's country over the years to resist.

The whole area looks like a lotus wrapped in black mud, it seems that the next moment, the white lotus will be with the light and dust, completely turning into a black lotus in the infinite darkness.

What happened in the Papal State was immediately reported to President Mussonia by the Italian intelligence officer, and Musonia was stunned when he knew the information.

"The Papal Kingdom was actually attacked by the Cthulhu followers?"

The holy place in the hearts of billions of believers around the world, the white shepherds of the world, the Lord’s heaven on earth, and the papal kingdom were actually attacked by followers of the evil god. Are you kidding me?

What Cthulhu believer is impatient with his life, running there to find death?

"Although I don't want to admit it, in fact, the Papal Kingdom has not only been attacked by the followers of Cthulhu, it seems to have fallen into a disadvantage." The intelligence agent whispered.

Although he was on the safe side...well, to stay useful and serve the country, he didn't get close to the papal country, he just glanced at it through the tubing, but he could see it even from the small, glowing screen. How absurd and weird the black that engulfed the entire papal kingdom is.

As for the Papal State, there was no movement in the black.

He even wondered whether the Papal Kingdom had been killed by the Cthulhu followers.

"These **** evil **** followers, they are going to heaven..." Musonia no longer knew what to say.

Once such a major event as the Papal State being attacked is spread, the whole world will be shaken.

In addition, the Papal Kingdom is in the land of Idali. In case, when they fight against each other, there will be a little power fluctuation and ruin a certain city, then Idali will really cry.

Gods fight, and mortals suffer. This is not a false statement, but a genuine statement.

Don’t you see that some time ago, the Nordic gods fought against Loki’s rebels, and they almost wiped out the entire Blue Star. If it wasn’t for the goddess Anan, who was the goddess of fixed numbers, would he say if there is a Blue Star?

Or to push the time forward a little bit, Satan and Lucifer teamed up to challenge the Son, and almost collapsed the entire universe to zero.

If it weren't for the critical moment that the Son of God bore all the sins in the world, I am afraid that everyone should now be in the lake of sulfur and fire, bearing the punishment of eternal life.

But what if he realizes this?

Can he stop it? Is he capable of stopping?


The saddest thing in this world is that the body says you can’t do it when the brain is talking about it.

"Find a way to disperse the residents of the cities near the Papal State." Musonia calmly ordered, since it can't be stopped, then save yourself.


When it started to withdraw the people around it, other countries also got the news.

Different from Italia, these countries know far more things than Italia. After they connected all the news they knew, everyone just felt fortunate.

"Fortunately to run fast, otherwise I will be added to the people who are blocked by Lucifer in the black palace playing games..."

Seeing the people summoned by Lucifer this time, they are so fierce and mighty. Even the Pope Kingdom, standing on the top of the mystery, can be said to be the upper limit of the Blue Star Mystery Realm, has been blocked and will soon be destroyed. .

If they were newcomers from the mysterious world to participate, I am afraid that even the ashes are now being raised.

But immediately, these people thought about it.

Can the Papal State survive this attack?

Although the combat power displayed by this woman named Florence was very sturdy, only one contact would drown the entire papal kingdom, and the power can only be described by the monstrous magic.

But the Papal State, as the holy land of the Cross, has a history of more than two thousand years. Since the first coming of the Son of Messiah, it has gained unparalleled power.

They are adhering to the glory of God, constantly attacking the city and plundering the land at Blue Star, eroding his belief in God.

Those mysterious kingdoms that have been captured by faith have used their own depravity to bring out the infinite power of the cross religion. If it weren’t for the glorious gods to refocus their eyes on their own kingdom, their native faith would have long disappeared. Up.

But even so, the Cross Religion is still the world’s largest religion today.

And such a sacred place of the cross of the Megatron Blue Star for more than two thousand years, how could the Papal kingdom fall so easily?

"Maybe you can take this opportunity to see exactly how much the Papal State has and how many hole cards it has."

Countless thoughts turned.

Since the emergence of the mysterious power, the rules of the world have changed. In the past, whoever has strong economic power and military power will speak loudly, but now whoever has the strongest fist is the boss.

As the holy land of the cross religion that has shocked Blue Star for more than two thousand years, the strength of the Papal Kingdom is undoubtedly the strongest, but how strong it is and how strong it is, countless people want to know.

After all, the unknown is strong, and the known is not of the same magnitude.

Of course, our peeking into the hole cards of our own kind does not affect everyone in the same boat when facing the Cthulhu. We peeking into the hole cards of the Papal Kingdom are just to better understand our own people.

Countless people comforted themselves in this way, and then stared at the Papal State unblinkingly, and through the creation of human technology, they have a panoramic view of what happened in the Papal State.

Above the papal kingdom, countless pollutions are thrown down from the infinite time and space dimensions, and the real world that is impossible to imagine. Whether people in the papal kingdom want to, just a breathing room, they will be completely swallowed by this pollution~www. NovelMTL.com~ If it were not for the gathered brilliance and the support of angelic power, they would have alienated into an indescribable evil that replaced their own thinking and consciousness.

But this is the case. Faced with the pollution directly projected from the chaos of reality, the believers who were bathed in the light still heard the sharp, piercing and crazy sound of the flute, and then they began to be crazy about the flute. Dance.

"It can't go on like this."

"Go get something like that out."

Simon Angel opened the three pairs of wings behind him, and the pure white light instantly became entangled with the darkness like black mud.

However, his own breath was constantly declining, but in an instant, old traces appeared on his feet, hands, and face.

Lisa Angel folded back and walked back to the church, and then took out a piece of cloth step by step.

A piece of black cloth that once wrapped the Lord's birth and the Lord's death.

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