I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 411: : Weird things are happening

Feitian Pasta Education originated in the United States and was founded in June 2005 by Bobby Henderson, a graduate of Physics from Oregon State University in the United States.

The believers of this church believe that the universe was created by a flying spaghetti monster ‘after a severe alcohol abuse’.

And this spaghetti monster is the only true god, so the true **** is also called the ‘flying noodle god’.

Unlike traditional religions, Feitian Pasta is a funny religion, whether it’s a **** made up of spaghetti designed by believers, or a paradise made up of a volcano that erupts beer and a dance hall. They are full of funny flavors.

In order to preach, these people created the "Flying Gospel", proclaiming that only women and some men can be fashionable, proclaiming that only water can be pure, proclaiming that fat people should turn off the TV and go for a walk to reduce their weight, proclaiming people who eat buns, dumplings, wontons, bread and milk in the morning. They are all heretics, and only those who eat pasta are orthodox.

And to join this church, you don’t need to do anything, you don’t need to pay membership fees, you don’t need to take an oath, and you don’t even need to understand the doctrine. Just say that you join Feitian Pasta.

After the establishment of Feitian Pasta, countless people joined the sect with the mentality of “fun” and “try it out”. In a very short period of time, more than two million people declared themselves to join Feitian Pasta. And they have obtained legal preaching rights in many countries, even churches have them.

However, as the enthusiasm receded and the mysterious power appeared, Feitian Pasta taught rapidly declined.

After all, compared to religions with a long history and a strong connection with the gods in mythology, this kind of funny religion can be used to play around. It is impossible for them to believe in this kind of religion.

Bogu is the president of the New Zealand branch of Feitian Pasta. He presides over a church alone. Before the mysterious power appeared, he made a lot of money by hosting weddings for the opposite **** or the same sex.

Only after the mysterious power appeared, his business plummeted. Compared with the priests of Feitian Pasta, those who married were more willing to accept the blessings of the priests of the Cross.

Originally, he planned to close the church and find another decent job, but he didn't expect that he would just squint for a while in the afternoon and enter this dark world like the deep space of the universe?

"Where is this place?"

Looking at the deep space around him, Bogu's mind was in chaos. He felt as if he was dreaming, but was this dream too weird and depressing.

In his field of vision, there is a bleak and dark cosmic space all around, but unlike the vastness of the cosmic space, this cosmic space seems to be full of some kind of weird depression, and the endless darkness seems to There is a huge horror that is indescribable.

He stayed on the spot, didn't dare to move or make any sound, for fear that if he moved or made a sound, it would trigger some kind of huge disaster.

But that's the case, the time and space of this universe full of endless darkness has changed.

The darkness, which can only be seen in black and no other colors other than that, is driven away by an indescribable huge force, and a color that is biased towards white and gray emerges from the darkness in the form of thick lines.

Drops of transparent and pure liquid dripped down the lines, making terrifying and strange ticking sounds in the silent universe, and in the darker universe, there seemed to be something extremely dark and terrifying being creeping. Rushed over.

Soon, two eyeballs larger than a planet emerged, and something similar to a huge dark star struggling and wriggling out of the white-gray lines.

And these images have constructed a familiar and unfamiliar image in Bogu’s mind,

"Flying God?"

After this thought popped out of his mind, Bogu was confused and speechless for a moment, as if he was being stirred by an invisible chopsticks in his mind, and there were no more thoughts.

It seems to be aware that someone is looking at him. The two huge eyes that emerged fell down, and a yellow robe was draped over his body. A nauseous light radiated from his body, which filled the darkness densely in the deep sky of the universe. Expelled.

One by one, sharp and manic voices whispered in his ears, and the continuous sound of ballads penetrated and passed from the depths of the distant universe, stars and seas,

"Along the shore, cutting through the clouds, the twins' sun sinks into the lake, and the long shadows fall down. It's in Nakarksa..."

He seemed to hear a snickering sound, and it was as if he heard a certain monster whispering to himself, more like he heard some indescribable and terrifying evil **** sitting on the edge of the river bank, sitting on the ancient decline and destruction. Next to the wreckage of the city, facing the beautiful picture of destruction, sang happy,

"The wonderful night where the black star rises, the wonderful moon that moves in the night, but the more wonderful thing is that, the lost Kalksa..."

The Cthulhu, who couldn't be described in words and words, smiled happily.

Amidst its laughter, the entire universe began to vibrate, and the seal under the ancient gods trembled violently, and then quickly collapsed in the laughter.

"No one hears the song of Bi Plexis, the king's rags swayed in the wind, and the voice of the song disappeared silently, the dim Kalksa..."

The inexplicable terror attacked Bogu in an instant, and the next moment he was almost shocked to death.

"The Yellow King Hasta..."


Seba, City of Sao Paulo.

A Han-Tibetan believer who was preparing to participate in religious activities looked horrified at this time.

As the legal religion of Seba, Hanzang religion is a funny religion like Feitian Pasta, but it is different from Feitian Pasta, which is a fictional deity with ironic meaning. Hanzang directly puts it in the game "Watching Pioneer." Hanzo as the object of his beliefs.

The celebration of this sect is also on Tuesday, bring fried chicken, cola, chicken rice noodles, milk tea and pizza for a fun game.

But at this moment, this believer does not have any happy thoughts.

Because in his computer, Hanzo, the object of their worship, suddenly melted into a cloud of light gray liquid, and then the liquid continued to vibrate and swell, turning into creeping violent gods, and kept facing him in the computer. Roar.


Peacock Country Gaotai Education ~www.NovelMTL.com~ A man lying on the bed with his eyes closed, a face with typical Sudra characteristics is extremely distorted, countless crazy and secretive sounds like harsh music, non-stop From his ears into his brain.

In front of him, a portrait of Messiah, Guanyin, Confucius, Newton, Einstein, Tathagata, Shiva and other great gods drifted slowly to the ground.

One after another portraits, weird smiles curled up at the same time.


Strange and terrifying phenomena have occurred in various regions or countries on the blue stars such as Black Africa and Greenland at the same time.


In the Papal State, the American diplomat who just received the call rushed into St. Peter's Basilica like running.

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