I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 405: : Tentacles

"the Lord!"

Seeing this scene as if God manifested in the human world, all the believers present burst into tears.

They crawled on the ground, praying loudly with their loudest voice and their most pious heart.

Lord, their Lord, came down to pick them up.

They will have a good life.

No, no?

Kip looked at the figure in the sky that seemed to contain all the light in this world, and his heart became messy.

Isn't that the cosmic countryman named Cui Yingjun is a liar? Isn’t it said that Almighty Education is actually a liar organization? Why does the Lord come down at their Mass? This is too magical.

No, it's impossible...

Seeing the divine and dazzling figure in the sky, Johnson roared in his heart.

The random "Bible", the priest who doesn't care about other things except selling the atonement, and a group of believers who want to go to heaven without even reading the orthodox "Bible", this combination actually called God down. ?

At the same time he was a little scared in his heart.

He is a spy. He is the Judas lurking in the Almighty Cult. Now that God has really come, he, Judas, may be thrown into the lake of sulfur and fire and endure the torment of eternal day and night.

When quieting down with people nearby in the church.

There was a commotion in the city of Polis, and many people who were far away, who could only see a beam of light, only regarded what happened here as a miracle.

They took out their mobile phones or other tools to take pictures of the vision, accompanied by titles such as "Strange Light" and "Miracle", and uploaded them to YouTube or the overseas version of Douyin to attract fans' likes.

But some of the people who were close enough to see that the light was the shadow of a person rushed towards the church as if they were crazy.

The news that this church is going to hold Mass is not a secret nearby, but compared with the believers who are attracted to the past and trapped by the doctrine, others see it more clearly. They do not believe that Cui Yingjun preached on Christmas Day. The saying of heaven.

In their eyes, Almighty Sect is a religion of liars, and those believers are fools who have been deceived.

Because in the doctrine of the cross religion, suicide is a big sin, how can you go to heaven? As for the atonement, it is even more a joke.

The atonement was originally from the Middle Ages, and it was specially issued by Urban II in order to strengthen his control over the soldiers of the Eastern Expedition.

At the beginning of the 16th century, Pope Leo X of the Papal State, in order to fund the construction of the cathedral and satisfy his desire for luxury and prostitution, had an idea and began to sell indulgences. No matter how many sins he commits, anyone who comes to the atonement can go to heaven.

After decades of evolution, the atonement has gradually become a tool used by the church to accumulate money, and the people at the bottom have gradually seen the true nature of the atonement, and kindly call the atonement a tax of faith.

By now, there are no priests or pastors who have raised the atonement.

In the eyes of many priests and pastors, the atonement roll is a shame to the ancestors.

And such a priest who opens his mouth and buys the atonement and can cleanse his sins, how can he be a decent priest.

But now it seems that God has really come?

Is that priest a real priest? The atonement rolls he sells are really useful?

Soon, the people near the city of Polis gathered near the church. They raised their heads, looked at the light and shadow in the sky, shed tears, and kept chanting the prayers in the "Bible".

No matter who it is, and whether his faith is firm or not, all they can do when God appears in the world is to pray devoutly.

For a time, the vicinity of the church seemed like St. Paul's Cathedral in the Papal State, shrouded in the voice of prayers of believers.

"It's kind of weird."

Kip looked at the figure in the sky, a little hesitant.

In order to make a pilgrimage and to satisfy his curiosity, he had visited St. Paul’s Cathedral and saw the Lord’s earthly angels.

The angel gave him a sense of sacredness, holiness, and a sense of faith destination, and the light and shadow in front of him also felt sacred and holy, but it did not give him a sense of faith destination. .

It's like the home of other people, it's also a god, but it's not the **** that you believe in.

But how is this possible...

This is the Lord.

Kip shook his head, and shook out this rebellious idea.

The Lord said, you must not doubt your God.

To doubt that the Lord is not the Lord is a great sin.

"I am your Lord."

Floating in the sky, as if the corners of the lips of all the people whose rays of light converged, they began to speak, "Your Supreme and Only Lord."

As his voice fell, a sweet smell filled the air.

The believers were surprised to find that many pure white milk and honey fell from the swaying light.

At the beginning, some long-suffering and hungry believers were still hesitating, and still hesitating whether to go up to eat milk and honey. After all, the great Lord is still in heaven, is it a bit bad to eat directly?

But as someone could not help reaching out, grabbing the milk and honey into their mouths, and making joyful sounds, these hesitant people couldn't help it.

They abandoned their reservations and began to scramble for the food that the Lord had given them.

The actions of these people also stimulated those who are not hungry.

For them, milk and honey are not very precious things. After all, with the development of science and technology, the production of milk and honey has increased significantly, and the price has naturally been drastically reduced. As long as they have a stable job, eating every day is not Very extravagant behavior.

But these milks are not the same as honey.

This is a gift from God and a gift from the Lord. Maybe you can get huge benefits after eating it. Otherwise, why do those people eat so fragrantly? Why should they fight for it?

With this idea, these people join the army of food grabs.

A lot of milk and honey emerged from the light, but more people robbed it.

Soon, riots broke out.

Seeing this scene, the figure did not say anything to stop ~www.NovelMTL.com~ but showed a weird smile.

He landed slowly,

"I'm not here to call peace on the ground, but to call soldiers on the ground..."

"Because those who love their parents more than me are not worthy of being my believers; those who love their children more than me are not worthy of being my believers..."

"Those who find their lives will lose their lives; those who lose their lives for me will get their lives!"

As His voice fell, those who had eaten milk and honey suddenly paused.

Then, oily tentacles grew out of their bodies and waved towards the humans around them.

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