I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 393: :victory

"Are you crazy?"

Seeing Jiang Hao giving up the confrontation with Cyric's Book, another face of'he' showed unstoppable surprise, a pair of dark eyes appeared puzzled, and the Lord of All-Knowing temporarily suspended his confrontation with Jiang. Hao's erosion,

As far as the gods are concerned, being killed and eroded is actually not a real death.

Gods are called eternal and immortal because they are truly eternal and immortal in the multiverse.

When they die, the gates of the astral world will open, sucking their sacred essence into them.

Although the gods falling into the astral world will be contaminated by the beliefs that follow them, they will be suppressed by the powerful rules of the astral world, unable to transmit divine power, and unable to contact the believers. The floating island in the silver sea can only fall into a deep sleep step by step, and his thinking has stagnated.

But these are not deaths, they still have a chance to return.

As long as they gather enough faith and divine power, they can still return to the main plane and take the posture of the gods who overlook all living beings.

But it is different when it is distorted by the Book of Cyric.

The distorted **** will be arrogant and arrogant, will fall into madness, will think that he is the highest and only true god.

At this time, the **** is permanently ‘death’.

Regarding the two results, he felt that the other party would choose to be corroded by himself, but the results were a bit different.

"Ho ho... Are you afraid of me? Afraid of the only destiny of the highest? Now, I order you, in the name of the King of Gods, to kneel down immediately."

‘Jiang Hao’’s face was full of crazy smiles, even when facing a 19th-level divine power like the Lord of All-Knowing, he used a commanding tone.

"You really are crazy."

Upon hearing the words of "Jiang Hao", the Lord of All-Knowing said without any emotion,

"But even if you choose to be distorted by Cyric's Book, it will not affect the final result."

"At best, it's just a bit more troublesome."

"Bold, dare to be disrespectful to the king of the gods."

Hearing the words of the Lord of All-Knowing,'Jiang Hao' was furious.

The skin on his body suddenly exploded, and inside the flesh and blood, large eyes squeezed out of the blooming flesh and blood, and looked around with terrifying eyes.

Some kind of extremely deep ancient madness has infected every strand of Jiang Hao's consciousness, and even the conscious thoughts of the Lord of All-knowing that have eroded over are rendered by this madness, showing a crazy posture.

The All-Knowing Lord stretched out his hand, grabbed the book in front of him, and opened the first page. A piece of history recording text jumped out, slowly unfolding a historical picture scroll, wrapping Jiang Hao.

"Hehe... actually used this small method to deal with the great king of gods, the supreme and sole master of destiny."

The big eyeballs on'Jiang Hao' wriggled, and whispering snickers rang out in the void, and a certain horror in the extreme darkness penetrated into a period of history.

It seems that the words that carry all the history of the multiverse so far have begun to jump violently. The black ink color has become deeper and darker, and the crazy voice is like a virus that can replicate itself, rendering every piece of history and every piece of history that carries history. Text.

In history, the recorded racial impressions of humans, dwarves, elves, etc. gradually changed in the snicker, becoming a kind of abnormal aesthetic creatures with distorted images, dizziness, nausea and nausea at first glance.

At the same time, the big eyeballs on'Jiang Hao' fell from the flesh and blood.

No, it can't be considered as detached, because these big eyeballs and the body of'Jiang Hao' are connected by dark red **** threads. These **** threads, which are more like blood vessels than nerves, are constantly squirming, driving the big eyes. Zi also danced wildly.

Seeing the movements of'Jiang Hao', a pair of golden eyes appeared behind the Lord of All-Knowing.

Perth, the **** of dreams.

He weaves a bizarre dream for'Jiang Hao' and pulls him into it.

In the next moment, the dream was full of whispers from children's shrill voices, and the original bizarre dream was distorted into an illogical and messy piece of information.

And'Jiang Hao' broke free from the shackles of dreams.

But as soon as he broke free, the voice of the Lord of All-Knowing came through.

"How I think, must still be defined; how I define, must still be realized..."

"I said, madness is only temporary, soberness is the ultimate eternity!"

Suddenly, the influence of Cyric's Book on Jiang Hao declined rapidly, and the faint whispers that lingered in his ears almost disappeared.

Although the Book of Cyric is an artifact carefully crafted by Cyric in the dark, as soon as it appeared, it had a glorious record of driving its owner Dark Sun insane.

Faced with the great divine power of the Lord of All-Knowing God with a level of 19, it was suppressed in an instant.

As the madness subsided, Jiang Hao's own consciousness regained the upper hand.

He looked at everything that happened before him, with a smile on his face.

"I won!"

As early as when he was about to be promoted, but had not yet been promoted to the master of destiny, he used the long river of fate to see all his future.

But in almost all futures, his fate will be eroded and replaced by the Lord of All-Knowing, but there is only one future, the one he will win.

In order to confuse the Lord of All-Knowing and prevent him from making targeted responses, Jiang Hao did not slowly plan to ensure that the future becomes a reality.

Instead, he chose to be directly promoted to the Lord of Destiny, drawing all the attention of the Lord of All-Knowing to the erosion of himself, making him ignore some details.

After being eroded and polluted madly, among countless futures, the only one he won will finally become a reality~www.NovelMTL.com~ trouble! "

As if he had sensed something, the gentle smile on the face of the Lord of All-Knowing couldn't hold back.

His deep eyes darkened in vain, and declared in a sacred and solemn voice.

"How I think, must still be defined; how I define, must still be realized..."

Jiang Hao thought, communicating with the black whirlpool in his mind.

"I said that the flowing time and space will surely solidify forever!"

The ‘omnipotent’ authority of the Lord of All-Knowing is at work, and the unimaginable great power freezes all time and space.

In the temple, the old man of Xuemu Atinqin looked overwhelmed by the fate of the emptiness.

He paused, and then stiffly left the temple. The moment he walked out of the temple, the temple that no one knew was completely ignited by the anger that fell from the sky, and it was turned into a pile of ashes in an instant.

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