I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 391: :Omniscience

There are no visions, no fluctuations, and no announcements.

After writing the last word, Jiang Hao just sank suddenly, and the material gathered into his body melted into the river of fate like a bubble.

Under the impetus of Dahe, his thinking consciousness began to expand infinitely with his landing point as the center.

The past remains unchanged, but the future changes rapidly.

Under the impetus of the long river of destiny, his mind consciousness continuously spreads to the past and the future, until it completely covers this river that contains all the unchanging and ever-changing of the multiverse, all fixed and possible, and the collection of all things.

Suddenly, the river of fate shook.

A light and shadow rose from the long river of destiny. He slowly walked on this river that contained everything in the multiverse, showing a smile.

"Should I shout "Let there be light" at this time, or should I shout "Heaven and earth, I am the only one"?"

He laughed, then raised his hand.

Under his feet, the river of destiny shrank miraculously, the past is shrinking, the future is shrinking, everything is shrinking, and finally condensed into a clay tablet.

Holding the tablet of fate, Jiang Hao's confidence greatly increased. He cast his sight on the multiverse, looking for the trace of the Lord of All-Knowing. He is also the great divine power of God Level 19, and what he masters is the kind of destiny that can support The authority that raises the spirit to level 19 is also the top authority, and there is no need to be afraid of the omniscient master who masters the'omniscience'.

At this moment, Jiang Hao suddenly heard a prayer.

"Praise you, Sandro is dominated by a great destiny..."

How is this going?

Why would anyone pray to me under the honorable name of "Destiny Master"?

Jiang Hao instinctively flashed a trace of doubt.

His promotion belongs to the scope of secret. Among the gods, only those great divine powers of level 19 will have some perception. Other gods, even the ancient and powerful divine powers such as the lord of the wind element, may not be able to perceive the master of destiny. Birth.

Immediately, he cast his gaze down.

Then he saw an old man wearing a gorgeous robe and holding a snow wooden Atyn praying to the statue in a temple, and the appearance of the statue was indeed Jiang Hao's appearance.

It seems that he felt the gaze cast down from fate. The old man holding the snow wooden Atyn raised his head, met Jiang Hao’s gaze, and sketched a smile.

"You are the master of destiny and the ruler of all things. I praise you and pray for you, yearning for your protection and redemption..."

An invisible line of faith suddenly connects Jiang Hao and the Lord of All-Knowing.

After the connection between the two parties was established, the Lord of All-Knowing took out a book and opened it.

"Almighty Lord, I found a book, now I will read it to you."

It's the Book of Cyric!

Jiang Hao's pupils shrank when he saw the book.

The Book of Cyric is an artifact created by Cyric in the Dark Sun. After creating and looking through this artifact, Cyric, a **** at level 18, went crazy when he claimed to be the strongest evil god, and then fell into Into the astral world.

Prior to this, the fall of the **** of knowledge was also related to the book of Cyric.

He immediately set about cutting off his contact with the Lord of All-Knowing.

But before he could do it, he saw an extremely confusing and maddening, disgusting text.

In an instant, a continuous snicker sounded, and the stars, planes, and universe in his sight gradually collapsed in the snicker.

And he sat high on the supreme, supreme throne, sitting and watching the destruction of the universe, watching all beings howling, indifferent.

At the same time, Jiang Hao, who was sitting on the throne, showed another face on his face, and the two faces gradually overlapped.

His eyes are deep, and the corners of his mouth are slightly raised:

"By connecting the line of faith to bypass the protection of the kingdom of God, this method was invented by the good snake to sneak attack on the ancient sun god. I changed it and used it, and the effect was pretty good."

"There is also the Book of Cyric. It is Cyric’s divine tool. I was once tainted by it. I was so arrogant that I thought I was an all-knowing and omnipotent existence. I got rid of its influence on me until I was promoted to God level 19. It took me a lot of time to completely eliminate its impact on me. I brought it over and just used it casually, but now it seems that the effect is very good."

A book appeared around Jiang Hao, and paragraphs of words jumped from the book. Jiang Hao felt that his wisdom was soaring, and a large amount of unobtrusive knowledge accumulated in history emerged one by one.

His thoughts began to blur, and another personality that was rendered by the Lord of All-Knowing and that he was the Lord of All-Knowing emerged, and gradually became dominant.

"He" walks slowly on the destiny of all living beings, using his omniscience and authority to constantly accept the future of infinite tributaries of illusion, and strengthen his omniscience.

While Jiang Hao expelled the influence of the Book of Cyric and prevented himself from becoming a lunatic like Cyric, he tried to resist the erosion of the Lord of All-Knowing and prevent him from completely losing himself.

In order to keep his thoughts clear, he tried to talk to the Lord of All-Knowing, using the way of dialogue to fight against the more and more sleepy desire to fall into sleep.

"Why did you choose to erode me after I was promoted to master of destiny?"

"Because I can only corrode you after you are promoted to the master of destiny."

'He' knew Jiang Hao's thoughts, but he didn't care at all, so he chuckled, "After all, you brought the steam. You opened the curtain of the Sixth Era, and the new era is also advancing according to your expectations. , The key point of all this lies in you."

"I can erode you before you become the master of destiny, but after the eroded you are me, then steam will have nothing to do with me, and the new era will not advance as I expected."

"I can't complete the mastery of'destiny' after eroding you."

‘He’ opened his hands~www.NovelMTL.com~ A book flew out and merged with the future of infinite tributaries.

One book merges an illusory tributary, and an infinite number of illusory tributaries are merged with an infinite book.

"Actually you should thank me..."

"When you helped the God of Twilight resurrect, I stopped the good snake for you, otherwise you will face the good snake..."

"Perhaps you will not fall here with the help of the night, but the **** of dusk will definitely not be able to return from the star realm..."

"And the God of Prophecy, do you think he did not predict the future when you use the wheel of fortune? Wrong, he predicted it, but I moved a little bit of his consciousness while he was sleeping, Let him ignore those futures."

"Hehe, what He predicts is not 61,000 futures, but 73,000 futures..."

"And your black dragon. It was almost killed by the five-color dragon queen. I saved it. I don't need to thank me. It's just a small effort. After all, it will soon be my pet..."

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