I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 389: : Walking with God for 13 Years (19)


Just when the abyss consciousness was about to swallow the goddess of luck and lady doom together, a light illuminates all the void.

The evening turned into daylight, the lightning was swallowed by the light, and the Lord of Dawn suppressed a strong divine power and a medium divine power with his own power.

And as an existence that hates evil, of course, the abyss consciousness full of evil, madness, chaos, and distortion has also become the target of the Lord of Dawn.

The light that penetrated everything directly pierced the darkness as the carrier of the abyss consciousness, and the extremely strong flame ignited the chaotic consciousness.

In a roar, the abyss consciousness brought by the caster's sacrifice to himself was thoroughly purified by the Lord of Dawn.

"Good luck will always be with us." The goddess of luck carried a corner of the holy robe, bent her long legs, and made a playful gesture.

"But doom will definitely envelop you." Ms. Doom pointed at Jiang Hao angrily.

Immediately afterwards, the bottomless abyss vibrated violently, and the so-called infinite abyss level shook together. Distorted human faces emerged from the abyss, roaring angrily at the Lord of Dawn.

Under the urging of the abyss consciousness, a group of demon princes rushed out.

As the darling of the abyss, the demon lord is very closely integrated with the abyss consciousness. Driven by it, even if the demon lord is unwilling to leave his domain and go to the void outside the domain to fight with the gods, he has to rush up.

"As the Demon Lord of the Bottomless Abyss, these creatures have forged feuds with many gods. Therefore, when they leave the Bottomless Abyss, it is a logical development for the gods to attack them."

Jiang Hao took a quill pen and started writing on the notebook.

Although the target of the abyss consciousness just now is the goddess of luck and the lady of doom, and the Lord of Dawn who purifies its consciousness, the hatred should be on them.

But since ancient times, a fool out of the abyss, to beat my teammates and protect my enemies is the normal state of the devil in the bottomless abyss, plus the gods on his side are enveloped by bad luck, these demon princes rushed out and attacked the gods on his side. The probability is greater.

After the last word was written, the demon princes plunged into the realm shrouded in squally winds.

Seeing the wind, Jiang Hao instinctively came up with a name.

Papani, Lord of Wind Elements!

As one of the ancient gods in this multiverse, Papani, the lord of the elemental wind, was born together with the four elemental planes of earth, water, wind, and fire, and the elemental plane of wind.

Although it is not a natural god, it is also the existence of a **** who is promoted in the rise of the gods of the second era. Once promoted, it is the powerful divine power of the gods at level 18. All the wind elements are his followers.

When the Bottomless Abyss swept across the multiverse, Chaos led billions of demons into the elemental plane of wind, and finally returned to the Bottomless Abyss after Chaos. Papani was contaminated by the power of the abyss and had to fall once. As a price to clean up these pollution.

After returning, Papani took advantage of the opportunity to hide in the steam swamp after the chaos, and led the army to clean the abyss again. If it weren't for the interference of some evil gods, it is estimated that there are no such creatures as the abyss demon now.

The two sides can be said to be as deep as the sea.

In the next second, these gusts were intertwined into an infinite storm, and the demon princes were involved and forcibly divided.

Then, legendary wind elements and demigod wind elements rushed out, fighting with the demon lord.

Having temporarily resolved the threat of the abyss, Jiang Hao turned his attention back to the Lord of Dawn.

The Lord of Dawn has turned into a hot sun with a diameter of more than 49,000 kilometers, which is different from the previous brilliance. At this moment, the surface of the sun is showing the color of molten slurry, and a large amount of flowing fire is ejected from the surface of the sun like all around. When it came out, it was as high as 100,000 degrees Celsius, distorting the surrounding space.

A lot of light and heat are transmitted farther away with him as the center. When the residents of some inferior planes and outer planes look up, they can see that there is one more sun on their own sun.

The small sunset turned into by the **** of twilight wandered around this huge sun, cautiously avoiding all kinds of tangible and intangible attacks.

Nathaniel, the undead king who was entangled with the goddess of ice and snow, no longer knew where he was going, but the goddess of ice and snow, who got rid of the entanglement of the goddess of ice and snow, faced the sun, wandering outside a certain range, using supernatural powers. In front of the **** of twilight, there are outlines of ice that cannot be melted for thousands of years, blocking part of the fire that is ejected from the sun.

The Goddess of Luck and Lady Doom didn't know when they left where they were originally standing, looking at the battlefield in the distance, waiting for the results to appear.

Is Good Snake crazy? He actually sent the real body of the Lord of Dawn, so he wanted to get the authority of the God of Twilight? Jiang Hao took out a quill pen and wrote on the notebook.

"As an ally of Drew, the **** of agriculture, Ms. Dark's move at this moment is a logical development."

After he finished the last word, it was dark.

Darkness like a black curtain came from a very far away from here, and it would stand in the void, wrapped in the sun, and the void that was originally bright as daylight returned to its original color.

The **** of twilight seized this opportunity, broke away from the lock of the lord of dawn, and then looked into the distance.

Only by facing the Lord of Dawn, can we understand how powerful this **** is known as the most powerful of the new gods.

"However, Ms. Dark Night is actually on the side of the main god. Could the main **** be one of the original Seven Gods born with Ms. Dark Night?"

As He was thinking, the boundless brilliance vented from the top of the Seven Heavens Mountain, and fell on the black curtain, which combined with the brilliance of the Lord of Dawn in the curtain, pierced the black curtain, and liberated the Lord of Dawn~www. NovelMTL.com~Shan Snake has taken action. "

"And my body is still trying to grasp the racial creation sovereignty seized from the hands of the spider lady and the five-color dragon queen. There is no way to give you more help."

The misty voice of Ms. Heye penetrated the kingdom of God and reached Jiang Hao's ears.

While He was speaking, stars in the sky appeared.

As soon as these stars appeared, they dropped a lot of starlight, seemingly chaotic, but in fact they turned into pillars, propped up a cage, and temporarily trapped the Lord of Dawn inside.

"Thank you for your help, Your Highness, then let me face it myself."

Jiang Hao nodded and thanked him.

After he finished speaking, he took a quill pen and wrote on the notebook.

"The **** of agriculture, Mountain Drew, has reached a very high level of control over the authority of destiny, so it is a logical development for him to be promoted to the master of destiny at this moment."

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