I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 387: : Walking with God for 13 Years (17)

If it hadn't been for this traitor dragon to take refuge in the **** of agriculture and attack the golden queen Astorina as a bait to lure him into action, he would not surrender to God, let alone fall to where it is now.

Although it was reborn on the body of the golden queen Astorina by relying on its backhands, it also lost its original divine body and authority.

Seeing the gaze of the five-color dragon queen Tiamat eating the dragon, the muscles of the black dragon Bamas's body were completely tense, showing a state that he would fight back with a touch.

At the same time, he kept calling in his heart,

"Help, master, sos."

"Hehe, you must now call the **** of agriculture in your heart to save, but it's useless. This is the lair I carefully prepared for my daughter. It is protected by my remaining divine power. Even the gods cannot take their own Cast your gaze over."

"But don't worry, you will not be alone in the underworld. After I pull my body back from the star realm, I will not let go of those who have hurt me."

"The **** of agriculture, the goddess of ice and snow, the **** of dusk, and omniscience, none of them can escape."

The five-color dragon queen Tiamat showed a fierce and cruel smile, and rushed towards the black dragon Bamas.


There was a sound like a torn cloth, and then Tiamat felt a sharp pain, something tore its scales and pierced its body fiercely.

Behind it, an old man wearing a gorgeous robe and holding a snow wooden Atyn came up slowly,

"I just seemed to hear you calling me?"


"Although the luck of the black dragon Bamas has fallen to a low point, as a pet of the mountain Drew, the **** of agriculture, it is a logical development for it to safely reach the glorious dawn of the sanctuary of the Lord of the Dawn on the main plane."

Jiang Hao started writing on the notebook with a quill pen.

Affected by the cut of good fortune and the entanglement of bad luck, the black dragon Bamas’ teleportation appeared accidentally one after another, and finally teleported to a place where he could not see. Weave a safe fate.

After finishing writing, Jiang Hao cast his gaze beyond his own kingdom of God.

There, a pair of scissors did not know when they appeared.

They are about the size of a palm, densely packed, and from different angles, aiming at their own kingdom of God. Behind these scissors, a blonde goddess wearing a holy robe is looking at him from a distance.

"His Royal Highness Mount Drew, the **** of agriculture, can you give up trying to control your destiny?"

"Destiny should not have a ruler born."

This goddess has a very good temper. No wonder everyone always uses gentleness to describe good luck... Jiang Hao subconsciously thought about it when he heard the goddess' words, and then shook his head.

"I won't give up being promoted to dominate destiny."

How could it be possible to give up the power that is immediately grasped.

Moreover, with the power of Destiny, and after being promoted to the great divine power of God level 19 with Destiny, his strength will leap into the forefront of many great divine powers, perhaps second only to good snakes and evil. The two snakes have been at the top of all gods since the beginning of the era of chaos.

In addition, by prying at him with omniscience, even if he wants to give up, the other party will push him to become the master of fate, but at that time he may need to change his name to omniscience.

"I said that there is no need to negotiate with him." A female **** who was wearing a black robe and almost exactly the same face as Goddess of Luck appeared beside Goddess of Luck.

"This kind of **** who wants to control fate will let him die in endless bad luck."

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Hao adhered to the concept of ‘strike first, and then suffer.’ He knocked on the armrest of the **** seat, and a row of silver electric lights shot out from the kingdom of god.

But just when these electric lights were about to hit the two goddesses.

In the universe, a void creature flew over in the form of being knocked into the air, just blocking the front of the goddess of luck and lady doom. After a moment, the void creature turned into coke, exuding the aroma of charcoal, and became a void A piece of burnt meat in it.

In the distance, the demigod who was tracking this flying void creature saw this scene, immediately turned around and ran away.

"I am lucky, all the bad luck of being attacked will not fall on me."

The Goddess of Luck smiled reservedly. Compared with the gentle Goddess of Luck, Ms. Doom looked irritable, "Welcome your doom."

After speaking, he took out a moldy and rotten apple and threw it at the kingdom of God.

When Jiang Hao saw it, he raised his hand to point at the apple, and the rules of the Kingdom of God changed accordingly. One after another, bubbles rose from the ground and floated in the air.

After the apple entered the kingdom of God, these bubbles greeted them, but what is peculiar is that this apple does not exist. It passes through these bubbles and falls on the land of the kingdom of God. In a blink of an eye, an apple grows. Big apple tree.


The originally stable space suddenly shattered, the chaotic storm hit Jiang Hao's kingdom of God, and the kingdom began to shake violently.

At the same time, the densely packed scissors outside of God moved, and they slowly closed, the sharp blades crossed over, making a clicking sound.

Then Jiang Hao Shen's few petitioners in the country had strange accidents. Some flashed their waists when they were farming, some were exposed to their hands when they were in the water, and some walked. When I fell, some choked on drinking water.

As petitioners, these people essentially have no sex, and do not need to drink water or eat ~www.NovelMTL.com~ nor do they need to farm or sun water.

But as Jiang Hao believers and human identities, farming, eating and sleeping are already carved into their souls, even if they are in the kingdom of God, these believers still maintain the habits of their lives.

When good luck is cut away, these habits allow bad luck to be brought into play.

Jiang Hao grabbed the quill and wrote in the notebook.

"The believers who believe in the **** of agriculture, Shandru, are brothers to each other, so their luck is connected. When bad luck occurs, these bad luck will be evenly distributed to each believer."

After this passage was written, the accident began to move away from the petitioner.

Because the number of his petitioners does not have much relationship at present, the misfortune of scattering has no effect on other believers.

Then Jiang Hao wrote again,

"The gods of twilight and the goddess of ice and snow noticed that the gods of agriculture had been attacked, and they began to leave their kingdom and rush to the battlefield."

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