I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 384: : Walk with God for 13 years (14)

After Arnold finished speaking, he took the wine glass again and took a long sip. Before the wine was swallowed, he heard the stranger in front of him say in a slow tone.

"Then I will give you a chance."


what chance?

Before Arnold knew what it meant, his eyes went dark and he passed out.

When he woke up again, his eyes were slightly blank and looked at the tavern.


"This is the tavern? Old Toby's tavern?"

He was stunned for a few seconds, and then suddenly woke up, "I went back in time? I...I was born again?"

"By the way, that stranger..."

Arnold looked around, but at this time there was no one in the tavern, and there was no shadow of the stranger.

Arnold sighed, but quickly cheered up and left the tavern quickly. He remembered that a business opportunity could make him a fortune.

"Since the God of Destiny allowed me to be born again, then this time, I must become the richest businessman on the continent."

In the tavern, after Arnold walked out, Jiang Hao took a leisurely sip of ale, and then walked out of the tavern with a suitcase.

Of course, it is impossible for him to rebirth Arnold. This involves time and space, and he can only do it by the gods who have the authority of ‘time and space’.

He only predicted the fate of Arnold for the next twenty years, and then stuffed all these fateful images into his mind, creating the illusion of'rebirth'.

After creating a ‘Rebirth’, Jiang Hao carrying a suitcase came to the wishing pool in the square of this city.

A group of white pigeon-like creatures parked at the side of the wishing pool were awakened by Jiang Hao's arrival, spread their wings and flew up. The white spring water sprayed out from the middle of the wishing pool, and then fell weakly and hit the surface of the pool. , Splashing layers of ripples.

There are silver coins at the bottom of the blue wishing pool, rippling in the waves.

"I hope that grandma can always be alive, that grandma can be healthy, and that grandma can always be happy."

A little boy closed his eyes and made a wish at the wishing pool, and then let go of his closed hands. A silver coin fell into the pool water, making a "plop" sound, and sank to the bottom of the pool with a beautiful look. Wish, mixed with countless coins.

"Your wish will come true." Jiang Hao said with a smile.

With that, he took out the quill pen and wrote on it.

In a corner of a city, a scrawny old man in his eighties was crouching his body, slowly wiping the dust on the wall.

Suddenly, a silver coin flashed past, and the old man Maoao's body rose up miraculously.

She raised her hand blankly, watching her return to her young, smooth and delicate hands, not understanding what happened.


"My mastery of'destiny' is getting higher and higher."

A steam train running on the rails, Jiang Hao slowly examined his situation.

"On the one hand, steam is rapidly spreading, and steam-based industries are infiltrating people's lives from all aspects, subtly changing this era, making the era change silently."

"On the other hand, I also weave destiny at will, interfere with destiny, and let destiny develop in the direction I expected, which is equivalent to acting as the **** of destiny to some extent."

He took the pen and continued knitting on the notebook.

At present, he is like a writer, constantly writing stories and plots with his own pen. The more he writes, the more veritable he is as a writer (the **** of fate).

"For me now, it is not difficult to be promoted to the God of Destiny. The focus is on the blockers who will take action during promotion."

"Think about it in another way. Suppose I am a god. At this moment, a **** who can control his own'destiny' suddenly appears. He will definitely stop it, because it means that every decision made by'I' is not necessarily mine. The decision made by oneself may also be the arrangement of fate."

"This kind of authority is bound to arouse the worries and fears of the gods. If I have been promoted to the'master of destiny', they may recognize it by pinching their noses, but I am a new god, and as long as I interrupt the ceremony of becoming a god, I will fail. Of the kind, they will definitely not be willing to have their destiny in the hands of the new god.

"But I have the goddess of ice and snow and the **** of twilight as helpers, and the main **** of the elves and the lady of the night as allies. This lineup is enough for them to think about whether they want to make a move or whether they can afford the price of the shot..."

"But they may hesitate. Ms. Doom and Goddess of Luck are definitely my endless enemies, because once I become the master of destiny, their authority will be lost. If I don’t have other authority, they might directly follow the gods. Become a mortal..."

"Well, there is also the Lord of All-Knowing. He has been watching me and he will certainly not let this opportunity pass. For him, once I become the master of destiny, he will never have a chance again, so he will definitely become my destiny. Take action before dominating and complete the erosion of me."

"Before, I planned to use the method of Asmodeus to become a **** secretly, so as to hide the two goddesses, but now it seems that this does not work at all. Maybe I can use this method to hide the goddess of luck and the lady of doom. , But I can’t hide it from the Lord of All-Knowing, no matter how secretive it is, I can’t hide it from him. In this way, that method will only put me in danger.

"Hehe, with the connection between Asmodeus and the Lord of All-Knowing, I have reason to suspect that he is pitting me. There may be some unknown danger hidden in that method. He just waited for me to jump in and bury it. "

"Other than that is the backlash of the wheel of fortune~www.NovelMTL.com~ I used the power of the wheel of fortune to guide the Lady of the Night and the Elf Lord God over. Although I deliberately started from the side, I artificially reduced the strength of the backlash. But the backlash has not come, which in itself is a bad signal."

"It won't burst out until the critical moment."

While thinking in his heart, Jiang Hao quickly wrote on his notebook with a quill pen, weaving a new destiny, to realize his interference in destiny, and let destiny develop in the direction he expected.

Suddenly, his mind moved, a feeling of danger emerged, and a picture appeared in front of him at the same time:

Holding a pair of invisible scissors in a pair of white hands, he cut the top of his head, and he cut off something on his body.

Immediately afterwards, a dark red light fell on his head, entwining himself a little bit.

"this is……"

The light in Jiang Hao's eyes sank, "The two goddesses have taken action."

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