I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 280: : Anan Carving of Definite Numbers

"what happened?"

   "I seemed to disappear just now?"

   "I felt like I had a dream. In the dream, I returned to my mother's belly in the retrospect of time, and then there was no more."

   "I called my boyfriend and he said that we have gone back in time!"

   "Huh, can you go on Twitter?"

   "I am from Huaxia, I will prove that time backtracking has indeed happened just now."

"Retrospect in time? Like the event that happened in the universe country last time? It's not possible, right? If time backtracking does happen, even if it only goes back for a minute, I can't stand here, and the last time the universe country happened. After time goes back, the person who was backtracked has relevant memories, but I don't have any memory at all now."

   "Fake, if time retrospect really happened, how did the people of Huaxia know about it? Don't tell me that retrospective events have occurred all over the world, but Huaxia did not happen!


   When the mighty time flowed to the starting point of time retrospect, the people and things that had been covered and disappeared appeared again on the blue star land.

   They were in a daze, feeling that they had just had a strange and long dream.

   Many people began to discuss what happened just now and why so many people suddenly "dream".

Some Chinese netizens who went out over the wall saw this situation and immediately incarnate the Confucius of my teacher Yan in the three-person group, preaching to foreigners and clarifying the karma, and telling them that the nine worlds have gone back in time, and they almost became a bunch just now. The sperm disappeared.

   But there are not many foreigners who believe in these popular sciences, and many foreigners have raised questions on the Internet.

  The reason is very simple. You said that time has happened in the nine worlds, looking back in time, how did you know? Isn’t Huaxia also a member of the atrium in the Nine Worlds? You need to look back that you Chinese people are also in the scope of the backtracking, what, you said you have the protection of the Jiuding barrier? We still have the protection of the gods, so why can your Jiuding be able to block the backtracking of time while our gods can't? You can't tell a lie. If you say something too fake, no one will believe it.

   Some Chinese brothers who were more grumpy saw that they kindly gave foreigners popular science, but these foreigners didn’t say thank you, and then they spread rumors and slandered us to lie? Immediately they put their hands on the keyboard, using their hands for decades to hit the keyboard frantically, spraying them one by one.

   Although the proportion of Chinese netizens who will cross the wall is not large, the base of Chinese netizens is large, and even the smaller proportion under the huge base is also considerable in number.

   Therefore, on the Internet, foreigners were steadily retreated by Huaxia brothers. In the end, the administrators of those websites saw that the situation was not good, and they hurriedly came out and blocked Huaxia's IP. Only then did foreign netizens gradually regain their lost ground.

   Compared with those netizens who are clamoring on the Internet, the leaders of various countries who have reconnected with the agents and spies in China look at each other.

   Has it really happened just now? We almost became sperm disappeared just now?

   Many people were afraid for a while, and at the same time they gained a new understanding of the power of the mysterious side. That power is completely irresistible and unreasonable. Modern technology is incomparable to mystery.

   "If something like this happens again in the future, I will definitely visit Huaxia as soon as possible."

Hodgson secretly made up his mind. As a president, when such a global event occurs, it is normal to go to the other side of the Pacific to discuss how to deal with such an event. He didn't want it. Go for refuge.

   While he was thinking, the secretary walked up with the satellite phone and said in a low voice: "Mr. President, on the phone from Griffith Observatory, Professor Marshall said that I have important things to tell you."

"Griffith Observatory? It's not that the comet is about to hit the earth again or that the sound of celestial bodies is coming again." Hodgson squeezed his eyebrows, praying in his heart not to be what he thought, and then took it. Over the satellite phone, I pressed the answer button, "...what's the important thing? If it's bad news, don't tell me."

Professor Marshall on the other side felt his forehead jumping when he heard the words, and felt that the president was unreliable, but who made this president elected by one vote? Even if he was a pig, he had to report to him. "Your Excellency, our Griffith Observatory just discovered an extra planet between our blue star and the moon..."

   "Is it going to hit the earth?" Hodgson's expression became horrified.


   Hodgson got the answer even more horrified, "Is it going to awaken Cthulhu?"

"It shouldn't be." Professor Marshall's eyebrows kept beating, and he was a bit speechless. You are the president. Don't guess at all. "We compared the images we observed before, and I'm pretty sure this planet is suddenly there. of."

   "I hope to seek your opinion, and let the space agency cooperate with us to collect some materials, maybe that planet is related to mystery."

   He knows very well that since the mysterious power appeared on the Blue Star, the President on the phone has shifted funding from the development of science and technology to the research of mystery.

   In fact, it is not only the United States, but most countries in the world do this. The remaining countries do not want to study mystery, but have no money.

   Professor Marshall wanted to study that planet, so naturally he used mystery as a gimmick.

   "It turns out that I wanted to go up and collect a little material, so let's make a feasibility report, and I will let Congress study it." Hodgson said haha, go to the asteroid to collect material? What are the benefits of this? Can you make money? Can you show off to the outside world? Can you show off? What can't it? Then I will let the Congress study it slowly. After the country finishes the study, the planet is estimated to have left the blue star's orbit.

   Professor Marshall on the other end of the phone is about to explode, let Congress study it? After letting Congress study it, the day lilies are all cold.

   As Professor Marshall and Hodgson fought hard in the Black Palace, Asgard, the kingdom of the gods, changed again.

   A pair of crystal clear, jewel-like eyes suddenly appeared in the sky above Asgard and was seen by all the survivors of Asgard and the people on the Blue Star.

   These eyes are surprisingly big, occupying almost all of the field of vision. The tall and burly gods are no different from a dust in the air in front of these eyes.

From the black eyeballs, the people on the blue star saw the world tree Uktra Hill, the nine worlds, and saw the great **** Odin, who hung himself upside down on the tree and sacrificed himself to Odin. It’s the Twilight Battle of the Gods predicted by Odin, I saw the Winter of Fumble, I saw the collapse of the World Tree Uktrashir, I saw Odin and his brothers dividing the giant’s corpse and offering sacrifices to create the world. , I saw the original giant slashing the iceberg with the sword of flame, the fire and the eternal iceberg produced a lot of steam, I saw the vague chaos, I saw that everything is gone, there is no chaos, and the eternity is not. Become absolutely vanity.

   What is contained in these eyes is all the sights of the entire nine worlds, past, present, and future.

   Finally, they saw a pair of eyes...

   A pair of eyes with all the above things in it.

   There are eyes in the eyes, and there are still eyes in the eyes. As long as you look at an infinite number of pairs of eyes, humans feel dizzy.


   Looking at these eyes, a name automatically popped up in everyone's mind, and then their mouths opened one by one, not knowing what to say.

   Allraug, the true creator of the Norse mythology, the existence of the first person, when there is no time and space, no chaos, nothing, and nothing at all, Allraug already exists.

   Its will is destiny, destiny, and number of days.

   It wanted chaos, so chaos was born; it wanted a world, so nine wonderful worlds were born; it wanted a doom, so the gods were born at dusk.

   It has the same personality as the God of the Cross religion, the God of the Cross, Koronos, the original transcendence **** of Greek mythology, and the original Chaos Water Nunn of Egyptian mythology. It is a great person who can restart the universe with a single thought.

   "It's over, this big guy has come out, things are not good."

   "It came from the countercurrent of time just now, what does it want to do? Is it because things did not develop as it expected, so it has to do it again?"

"It's the reading file to start again. It's like playing a stand-alone game. I did various strategies in the early stage. After the actual operation, I found that all the npcs inside were not obedient, so I read the file again and tried to make a perfect game. Ending."

   "Great Lord of Heaven, please protect me."

"Oh, God."


   Seeing the emergence of Ollaug, countless people began to pray for the help of the gods they believed in. No one wanted to experience the state of death in ignorance and unconsciousness, so they were extremely religious.

   The surging beliefs gathered in Jiang Hao, and the devout beliefs issued by billions of people from Blue Star formed a mighty river of faith around Jiang Hao.

   Any **** in the alien world will be jealous when he sees this huge belief, and he will take his place as a man, and then kill him, pretending to be him, and give the believer magical magic.

   "Calculate the time, Iyetta Cavendil should have the time to enshrine the gods, and the blue star should finish temporarily."

Infinite divine power swelled in Jiang Hao’s body. If it were not for the authority to be held in another world, he really wanted to stay in the blue star and never return to the other world. Compared with the other world of not many believers, in the blue star of his own Believe in the home court, is it not fragrant to feel the skyrocketing power all the time?

When Jiang Hao thought, the planet that passed through the outer space of the blue star changed its direction and disappeared from outer space. In the blink of an eye, it appeared in the sky above Athens and entered Asgard, the kingdom of the gods, turning into a blurred face. A female deity with a vague stature.

   She covered most of her body with a very simple white cloth, and on this white cloth, everyone saw the vast universe, saw the rotation of the sun, moon and stars, and saw the future of all living beings.

   Endless fate converges and turns into a long river in a way that humans can’t understand, and then is caught in the hands of this goddess and transformed into clothes used to cover his own figure.

   The huge eyes floating above Asgard turned slightly, slowly looking at the uninvited goddess, and the eyes that mirrored countless time segments of the Nine Worlds also mirrored the figure of this goddess.

   But all the moments of time, only the moment of time that represents this moment, there is this goddess,

   "Anan Kee!"

   Hearing this sound transmitted to Blue Star, the entire Blue Star countless people were shocked.

   Anan, the incarnation of the number of days, the goddess of inevitability.

   In ancient Greek mythology, the **** who was born with Chronos before the appearance of chaos, his personality is still higher than the creation **** of Chaos.

   In Greek mythology, there has always been a saying that God can break the shackles of fate, but destiny and inevitability must be obeyed.

   "Although Zeus and the others are stupid, greedy, lustful, and forget righteousness, as the gods who are in charge of the laws of the universe instead of the primitive gods, Zeus and the others should not have the fate of death before the arrival of inevitability."

   In an instant, Anan Ke's body burst open, and the mighty river of fate was covered.


   One time segment after another projected from Allaug’s eyes, belonging to the nine worlds ~www.NovelMTL.com~ Countless time segments that existed in history collided with the mighty river of destiny.

   Endless brilliance fell from Asgard.

   At this moment, Asgard, the kingdom of the gods, was covered by the time segment in the eyes of Allaug, representing the twilight of the gods in the prophecy.

The sea is turbulent, floods flooding the land, the fierce battlefield is filled with the corpses of gods and giants and monsters, the red blood dyes the surging ocean red, and the sky glows with **** dark red light, dyeing the sky and the earth. Crimson.

   On the battlefield, Sulter threw the sword of doom into the sky, a pillar of fire pierced through the universe, thick smoke engulfed the top of the mountain, and the tree of the world that supported the universe was swallowed by flames and collapsed, and the entire universe was destroyed.

  The efforts made by the great **** Odin are buried in the curled up timeline, and become a trivial piece of the past in Allraug's eyes.

   At this moment, Blue Star was covered by Anan’s fate, and the gods on the sacred Mount Olympus smiled fortunately.

   Athens, the Big Apple, and all the cracks in the sky above Stockholm disappeared, and the war called the Battle of Twilight came to an end.

   The beings of the Blue Star learned in the dark that the fate of the Blue Star was ruled by the goddess of destiny, Anan, and will no longer be changed.

   After doing this, Jiang Hao's figure appeared in space, and his surging divine power was squandered, pushing a planet out of its orbit and flying towards the blue star.

   "This planet is regarded as a gift from me to Blue Star. I hope that I will see a different scenery next time I come back."

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