I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 269: : Strategic Flicker

Penrose Stairs? This is actually the Penrose ladder? "

"This is impossible."

"How can there be such a thing as the Penrose ladder in the real world? Doesn't it mean that this ladder shouldn't exist in three-dimensional space?"

"Why is the Penrose Ladder displayed in a three-dimensional form? This is not scientific at all."

"What age are you talking about science to me?"


When they saw the Penrose Stairs, the eyes of a crowd of netizens were about to come out.

The Penrose Ladder is a geometric paradox published in 1958 by the British geneticist Leonier S. Penrose and his son mathematician Roger Penrose. It is a geometric paradox that is always downward and upward. But it will never reach the end, it will only turn the stairs on the spot,

Many people call this ladder an "impossible step". The reason is that this ladder without the highest and lowest points cannot exist in three-dimensional space according to theory.

Therefore, together with the Mobius ring and the Klein bottle, it is regarded as a vision that can only be realized by touching a higher dimension. I did not expect to see the Penrose Ladder here.

Penrose Stairs? It's another math problem. Do demons like to play math problems now? Sphinx played Goldbach’s conjecture, Minotaur played Penrose Ladder. In these thousands of years since you disappeared, you have teamed up to study mathematics.

Let's just say, which school do you study mathematics in, I must make this school unable to open.

"Sir, what shall we do?"

After searching the Penrose Stairs with his phone, Krov was dumbfounded.

Penrose Stairs? Geometric problems? Netizens say that if you learn mathematics, physics and chemistry well, you are not afraid to travel all over the world. Is it true? Only by studying mathematics, physics and chemistry can we get out of this maze, so is it too late for me to go back and study mathematics?

How to do? I also want to know what to do.

Cornelius felt his head hurt when he heard Krov's question.

My profession is a president, not a mathematician. Even if Athena bestows him with immense wisdom, I add some points to mysticism, not to geometry. Now I want to solve geometric problems. It’s not an embarrassment. person?

And even if I add points to mathematics, I can't solve this problem.

It has been decades since it was made public, and I haven't seen any mathematician get it done.

Seeing that the mysterious man ignored him, Crove had to ask his knowledgeable netizens, "...Is there any way to solve this Penrose ladder?"

"Can't solve it, goodbye!"

"You give up, there is no solution to this stuff!"

"It is recommended that the tubing masters eat something delicious, have fun, and go on the road with peace of mind. Today next year, we will set up tubing Sunday to commemorate the dead tubing masters."

"Play Chopin's Nocturne for you to commemorate my dead tubing master..."

"No rhyme, it is recommended to rewrite the lyrics."

"Amitabha Buddha, good and good, the benefactor should die."


Seeing the comments in the live broadcast room, Krov's eyes widened.

No way, no solution? This Penrose ladder has no solution?

He quietly opened the distance between himself and Cornelius. In a place where there is no water and food, people can last up to three days, but if someone is around, they may not last for even a day.

Sometimes people are food.

Cornelius didn’t notice Krov’s movements, and his mind was all on the Penrose ladder. This ladder has no highest point, no lowest point, and can never go to the bottom and top of the ladder, which means He couldn't leave the maze by walking.

As an extraordinary person who gets power from the gods, his life journey is destined to be magnificent and colorful. He doesn't want to be trapped in this maze.

After all, after connecting with the gods, his life essence began to change. Although he is far from the immortal demigods and demons in the mythology, it is definitely longer than the life span of normal people, even if they don’t eat. Drink it and you can die.

Staying in this dark maze for decades and hundreds of years, he might as well punch himself in the head.

Cornelius glanced at the inevitable darkness around him, took a deep breath, clenched his fists in both hands, the golden light radiated from his armor, and the whole person lit up.

"If you can't get out of the labyrinth in a normal way, then try a special way."

As soon as his voice fell, the surging power surged, and Krov, who was a distance away from him, felt a gust of air blowing towards him, and his hair blew backwards like a traitor.

The small universe broke out?

Is this mysterious man really a saint?

Two thoughts suddenly popped out of Krov’s heart. He tried to open his eyes. The live broadcast device in his hand was aimed at Cornelius. Although he couldn’t see the popularity increase, he felt that his current popularity increase must be considerable .

"Praise the beauty **** Athena."

Cornelius yelled, the golden light burst out all over his body, and golden beams of light radiated from him as the center, piercing the dense black darkness around him.

Seeing the light, Krov squinted his eyes unconsciously, reducing the irritation of the light to his eyes.

"It's so flashy."

"The dog's eyes are blind."

"Optical pollution."

"I now believe that "Saint Seiya" was processed and recreated by Masami Chada based on real Greek mythology. This flash is exactly the same as in the anime."

"What's this trick? Pegasus Meteor Fist? Lushan Shenglongba?"


Cornelius had no idea that his image in the minds of netizens had become a saint. If he knew it, he would be happy because this was what he wanted.

Although he didn’t watch many episodes of "Saint Seiya" back then~www.NovelMTL.com~ his impression of this anime is also very vague, but he still remembers that the power system of the Saint Seiya in this anime is very high. Even if he can kill the gods, if he can give the outside world the impression that the transcendents of Greece are saints, then Greece's status in the existing international system will rise sharply.

This is called strategic flicker.

Cornelius faced the ground with his fists, stretched out, roared ‘Τοστεναγμ??τη??Αθην???? (Athena’s exclamation)’ and blasted out.


The light like the eruption of the Milky Way burst out from Cornelius' hands, and violently bombarded the slabs of Penrose Steps.

The dazzling brilliance robbed Krov's vision in an instant. His vision first brightened and then went dark, and the screen in the live broadcast room was even brighter, and he couldn't see anything clearly.

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