I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 254: : Mom, why does that uncle carry sister on his back?

not so good……

Krove wanted to say that very much. Although he didn't even know what the busyness was, he knew that busyness must be very dangerous.

As a tubing owner who has a large number of fans on the tubing, his good days have just begun, how can he risk his life?

But considering that although there is a great risk in helping, it is even more risky not to help, so he decided to give play to the Egyptian tradition of hospitality and help this help to the end.

"You said, I will definitely help."

"Bring this thing into the temple of Athena and place it next to the statue of Athena."

The temple of Athena? It won’t be a bomb... I heard that Medusa was a priest of Athena before. Because of sexual **** with people/gods, he broke the young and triggered the wrath of the young goddess Athena, and was cursed to become a swan. A monster with its wings and a twisting snake on its head.

Did she hate Athena's curse and plan to blow up the temple with a bomb? But why are you looking for me, that is the temple of Athena, will it cause divine punishment if you put things in? The thoughts in Krov's mind kept flickering, and he soon felt something in his hand.

It was a delicate and small idol. Although the idol was very small, it could be seen that the woman's face was very delicate, and what was really striking was that the idol's hair was covered with tiny venomous snakes.

Is this the idol of Medusa?

After a while, he felt the smooth and greasy touch spreading all over his body disappear without a trace, and the soft but not warm body behind him lost the intimate contact with him at the same time.


Krov’s heart beat slowly. He took out his phone and planned to call the police, but he hesitated when he touched the phone with his finger. Will Medusa curse me as long as I didn’t put things in as agreed. Will the curse in the temple immediately kill me or turn me into a monster?

And the Greek guards can really protect me. That is Medusa, the demon in mythology. Although it is nothing compared to famous demons such as Typhon and the Three-Headed Dog, it is not something that humans can defeat, right? What if Medusa is angry after calling the police?

"Just putting the idol of Medusa in the temple of Athena shouldn't happen, right? Athena, the benevolent goddess of wisdom, seems to be very kind in the legend. Even if she finds out, she should go to trouble with the culprit instead of Come to see me?"

Croft thought to himself, turned the steering wheel, and drove back.


Athens, Greece.

As the capital and largest city of Greece, Athens has a population of hundreds of thousands. Every morning, the main roads are crowded with all kinds of vehicles.

But now, in the morning, the main roads of communication in Greece are deserted, and there are no other people except the guards in military uniforms coming and going.

"Damn it, aren't all these demons dead? Why do they suddenly appear again? Are all myths and legends fake?"

A guard in military uniform walked with his weapon on his back and said to his companion: "There are also great gods, why haven't they appeared yet? Shouldn't they protect us?"

"Who can guess the mind of God, and didn't Mr. President say it? This time we can't rely on God to rely on ourselves, defending Greece and Athens with our own hands and weapons."

"With your hands and weapons? Stop joking, how can you defeat those demons on your own?"

"There is no way. We can't do nothing unless the gods appear. Let's give up our country and city to those demons."

"It would be great if God appeared."

"I hope, but I hope that these demons will not come. Although experts calculate that the ultimate goal of these demons is Athens, but the experts also said that it is only the result of calculations. As creatures, demons have wisdom. It is unpredictable, and I hope that those demons suddenly don’t want to come to Athens."

The two guards were all helpless as they talked.

In the past few confrontations between human technology and evil gods and demons, it has been proved that weapons created by humans with science and technology have little effect on those evil gods and demons. Although humanity’s strongest nuclear weapons have not been deployed so far, it has left people with a little suspense , But they don’t have nuclear weapons in Greece.

At this moment, Krov, wearing a big windbreaker, hat and sunglasses, passed in front of them.


A voice rang suddenly.

Croft, who was full of thoughts, was suddenly stopped, his heart beat, and he almost stopped suddenly.

One of the two guards was fat, looking at him, and the old guard looked at him and said, "What is your name? Why are you still here? Mr. President has already ordered the residents of Athens to seek refuge in other countries. You Why don't you go?"

"Ah...I am a tubing owner on the tubing, and I plan to broadcast the latest developments in Greece to audiences all over the world."

Hearing the guard calling himself for this~www.NovelMTL.com~ Krov was relieved, and he smiled and explained his situation.

"Live broadcast? Do you know what happened recently? You are still here to live broadcast?"

If it weren't for fear of death, you thought I would stay here.

After a few words in his heart, Krov laughed, "In order to fully disclose what happened here to audiences all over the world, what a little risk is, not to mention I believe that the Greek government can definitely defeat the devil."

"Thank you for your trust, but I still advise you not to stay here, it is not safe here."

"Thank you for your reminder, but I feel that I have a responsibility to show the courage of the Greeks and the devil to the world, so I want to stay here, even if it is not safe here."

"Then good luck."

Krov talked with the guard for a while, and then went on to the temple of Athena. As the most famous goddess in Greece, the temple of Athena is not only large, but also located in a prosperous area in the center of Greece.

Although affected by the invasion of the devil and the president's hope that everyone temporarily leave Athens to seek refuge in other countries, Athens has been empty, but there are still many people staying in the temple of Athena.

Some of these people were worshippers of Athena, and some were believers who had not had time to escape from Athens. They gathered together and prayed in the temple for the coming of God.

Seeing the situation clearly, he immediately took off his hat, took off his glasses, took out the symbol of Athena, and walked into the temple as if I was a believer in Athena, but the moment he walked into the temple , He heard a soft creepy sound,

"Mom, why does that uncle carry a big sister on his back, isn't he tired?"

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