I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 242: : Teamfight can be lost

  "Pray for the coming of the Holy Father, help me praise the name of the Lord, and give my heartfelt voice! Only the Lord is the supreme honor, but the Lord is completely victorious, ask the Lord to rule us, the Almighty God!"

  "Pray for the Son of God to come, show his majesty and power, and listen to the voice! Give grace to all the people, revitalize the Lord’s way, establish goodness and justice, and save the Son of the world!"

  "Pray for the coming of the Holy Spirit, show the sacred testimony, and influence everyone! But the Lord Almighty and Supreme, plead to rule the hearts of all people, never leave us, the Supreme Holy Spirit!"


The sound of sacred chants sounded, and the sound of high horns blew all over Sicily. Trees of life took root and sprouted in the magma, and the sacred brilliance came from the kingdom of heaven, from the Holy Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, the Trinity The God of Glory fell down and turned into a vast expanse of daylight.

Wherever    passed, all lava was frozen.

  The lava that was about to hit the ocean and hit the residents of Sicily suddenly paused, as if it had been solidified in an instant. Only the oncoming hot temperature still reminded people that the lava had never cooled.

The people who escaped from the dead didn’t know where they were saved after seeing this scene. They drew the cross religiously one by one, turned around and looked at that surrounded by countless beautiful little angels. One of the angels, the redemption angel Florence, his eyes became more and more enthusiastic, and tears fell in the eyes of some enthusiastic believers.

  The Lord’s messenger came to save them.

  Flatching his wings, the Florence who once won the game of Lucifer, stabbed the Lord and was redeemed by the Lord, and called by the Pope as the angel of salvation, stepped on slowly, the angels around him, the brilliance continued to spread,

   "Evil, leave my lord's territory."

  Florence said this sentence, and the Italian President Musonia, who was paying close attention to the situation in the rear, gave a thud in his heart.

  Too bad.

  Sure enough, Typhon, who was about to leave, seemed to be attracted by Florence. It turned around, and countless snake heads opened the letter to him, and the voice of strange evil power was spreading in Sicily.

   "Your lord's territory?"

   "Birdman, how do I remember this is the place of our Titans in my memory? When did you birdmen come here?"

The blasphemous mantra contained in the memory of Floating City was used by Typhon. A certain peculiar evil force gently brushed the people on Sicily and penetrated into their hearts. Those people immediately felt manic. , Anger, hatred, greed and other emotions surged.

For a while, they felt that the angel and Typhon were talking crookedly here, and they felt that the Italian government was wasting taxpayers’ money by failing to protect themselves, and for a while they hated Typhon for destroying their homes. After a while, I started to be jealous of the angel’s power again, thinking how good these powers would be if I was mine, I would do whatever I wanted, I would kill people if I wanted to, save people if I wanted to save people, and become gods and demons. Between my thoughts, even I can replace the Son...

   "Lord, please forgive my disrespect."

   "Demon, you are a demon, you are a demon that deceives people's hearts."

  "Is this the temptation faced by the ancient saints?"


  As soon as all kinds of evil thoughts surfaced, some people noticed that something was wrong with them. They immediately thought of the devil's deceptive story in the church allusion, and immediately turned pale with fright, and began to repent one by one.

  When they were looking at church allusions before, they still felt that why the devil behaved like a mortal, deceiving people's hearts only to tease with words, is this technique too low-level? It feels that everyone can do it.

At that time, they thought that the saints in the classics were also very strange, they would be shaken by the devil saying a few words, but after experiencing it for themselves, they realized that the devil’s language contains incredible evil power, which can move people’s hearts. Mortals simply cannot resist the most negative thoughts.

   "Evil power, leave the Lord's people."

  In just a moment, the sacred light shrouded and expelled the blasphemous mantra.

  In the brilliance, the believers began to pray, and the prayers recorded in the scriptures came out of these believers, and together they were not weaker than Typhon’s voice.

  Seeing this scene, Typhon was furious.

The memory of the floating city tells it that it was originally the land of the Titan God, and everyone who walked on this land believed in the Titan God, but now, it saw these mortals praying to the foreign gods as Gaia and the tower of the abyss. The descendant of Ertalus, one of the purest and most ancient Titan gods, how could it not be angry.

   "Stupid mortals, who don't believe in the gods of the Titans, but believe in foreign gods, you all go to death."

In an instant, the violent wind roared, and the terrifying storm brought the sea water and roared towards Florence. Under the sea, countless volcanoes erupted. Under the control of Typhon, these molten smashed out of the sea and turned into a strip. A sea snake entangled at Florence.

  "The mountains shook frequently, the volcano erupted, and Typhon's power was so terrible, it was hardly inferior to the big snake Yemengga."

  "When will human technology reach this point?"

   "Can angels resist it?"

   "It's hard to say~www.NovelMTL.com~Oh."


  Many senior officials of various countries and their advisers who borrowed satellites to observe this scene could not help but raise questions when they saw Typhon’s terrorist power.

Thanks to the development of modern communications, as early as the emergence of Typhon, countries have received news. They urgently mobilized satellites to observe and pay close attention to the trend. For them, any **** or demon in mythology will appear. It requires continuous attention, because none of them will have a huge impact on the existing international order, and the impact is very profound.

  Like the last time the evil **** Cthulhu appeared, it directly led to a huge change in the pattern of East Asia, and the universe began to lean towards that ancient country.

Italian President Mussonia was about to cry when he saw this scene. Typhon was about to leave. Although he didn’t know where it was going, many experts speculated it based on the direction it was walking and what it ranted. Is going to Olympus to find Zeus to settle accounts.

  Who will win Typhon and Zeus, he doesn’t know, but at least the place where they fight is not Italy but Greece.

But it turned out that Florence said "evil, leave my lord's territory" and attracted Typhon's gaze to Sicily. My lord angel, your hatred is too good, you play Does League of Legends play Timo?

   Teamfight can be lost, the kind that Timo must die?

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