I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 224: : Minoko

"Hasta, the yellow king!"

Looking at Huangdi Xuanyuan, which seemed to decay and wither in the endless years, everyone had a numb scalp. They didn't know that they were deceived by the evil god. This was not Huangdi Xuanyuan at all, but the Cthulhu evil **** Huangyizhi King Hasta.

In Seoul, those who faced Hasta, the king of yellow clothes, only felt a certain maliciousness that was as deep as a black cloud over them.

Bursts of sacred and unclean voices echoed in their ears, as if directly in their minds.

Those voices seemed to be orderly and disorderly. They seemed to be songs from their mother calling them to go home, and they seemed to be the voices of worshipping gods in a distant age.

Driven by this voice, they had an urge to throw in the arms of the king of yellow clothes Hasta. The only meaning for them to continuously produce their lives in their hearts was to offer everything they had to God.

This feeling is so strong that all their intellect is occupied by the feeling, and they can no longer tolerate any other thoughts.

In the dark, they saw a little girl in a maid costume with white stockings sitting on the back of the zombie dragon and said grinning,

‘SAN value-1’

‘SAN value-2’

‘SAN value-3’

As soon as this voice said, those who had knelt down to the evil **** without knowing it, chanted eulogy to the king of yellow clothes, put their fingers in their eyes, and planned to dig out their own eyeballs and dedicate them to the gods. Sober up,

"Cthulhu, this is Cthulhu... Don't look directly at the Cthulhu, it will be controlled by him."

"Run, we can't defeat the evil god..."

"Escape and escape..."

"Run Smecta."


Unstoppable fear spread in Seoul. Soldiers who were armed and well-trained, who were not even afraid of life and death, screamed and fled in horror.

Faced with this kind of evil **** that will be attracted and manipulated as long as you look at it, these soldiers will collapse without touching them. The honor and collective sense of the soldiers that are usually taught by the instructors are constantly emerging in their hearts. The fear that came out was defeated.

"Cthulhu... Cthulhu, don't."

A terrible scream cut through the silent starry sky. At first the soldier who offered his faith to the evil **** rolled on the ground, scratching his body with his hands constantly, as if his body was extremely itchy and painful, two feelings constantly. Torture him.

Dense blisters emerged from the surface of the skin, they were scratched, and yellowish pus came out. Peristaltic tentacles emerged from his eye sockets, ears, nostrils, mouth and holes behind his back, outwards. Dripping viscous and disgusting liquid, it exudes a foul smell that has been condensed countless times the fragrance.

After a while, the screams stopped, and this monster, which could no longer be called a human, and did not know what species it was, opened its new-born eyes and looked at the new-born world curiously.


A voice full of uncomfortable grit, like bones colliding and rubbing against each other, came from the dry throat of Hasta, the king of yellow clothes. The evil **** left the zombie dragon and descended slowly. A rotten robe spread out under the yellow robe. Octopus tentacles that make people feel nauseous and vomiting.

One side of the octopus tentacles is a highly rotten yellow, exuding a fragrant smell, and the other is an uncomfortable dirty purple, exuding a nauseating stench.

Dark eyeballs opened from the tentacles, and the sweet lake water poured out from behind the ‘door’.

These lakes turned into torrents, rushing along the streets behind the wreckage, engulfing the fleeing soldiers.

After being swallowed by water, these soldiers did not die, but struggled constantly in the water. Tentacles of octopus protruded from their bodies, fine scales penetrated from the surface of the skin, and the gills of fish used for underwater breathing turned over. Open, one-to-one peristalsis, to separate the oxygen in the water.

Gradually, these changed soldiers adapted to life in the water. Instead of struggling, they opened a pair of dark pupils and looked at the world curiously.

After seeing the king of yellow clothes Hasta, these soldiers contaminated by the evil **** raised their hands high and shouted feverishly with the vocal organs hidden in their bodies.

"Praise you, the great faraway feaster, the lord of the deep sky and the sea, the indescribable, the king of yellow clothes Hasta."

"It's over, it's over."

Li Zhengyi murmured, and backhanded he grabbed the theologian who suggested that people try to believe in the evil god, and hit his face with a gun butt, and the blood flowed.

"It's all you... it's all you harmed. What kind of **** suggestion. If it weren't for you, things wouldn't be like this..."

The theologian felt as if something was torn in his nose, blood was pouring out of his nostrils, and there was a burst of numbness in his mouth.


His mouth squirmed twice, trying to defend himself, but as soon as he opened his mouth, a rifle **** smashed up, all the words were smashed back into his stomach, and tears fell unconsciously.

"Are the people of the universe now accustomed to angering others?"

In the command room, a voice suddenly appeared.


The angry Li Zhengyi roared.

He didn’t know that he couldn’t blame the theologian for this incident, but he needed a punching bag to vent his anger. It just so happened that the theologian became a punching bag. Now that someone pierced him, instead of venting the anger in his heart, instead of venting at all, the anger in his heart rushed towards him. rise.

Upon seeing this, the expert on the side immediately took a few steps back, trying to reduce his sense of existence, for fear that the angry general would anger him, he didn't want to experience the tragedy of his colleagues once.



Who is Jizi?

Li Zhengyi was stunned~www.NovelMTL.com~ He was facing the direction of the sound, only to see an old man wearing a black robe, hair-tie and a crown, looking at him with dissatisfaction, and it was him who just spoke. .

The expert on the side was also shocked when he heard the name Jizi, but he immediately became excited, and he no longer cared about the idea of ​​reducing his sense of existence before, and shouted excitedly, "Jizi? Are you? King Jizi! You are not dead? You are still alive? This is incredible, really incredible!"

"Who is Jizi?" Li Zhengyi was stunned by the expert's words. The other party's clothing and the expert's words made him realize that this Jizi seems to be an ancient person?

In this era, a living ancient can almost be equated with the extraordinary.

His anger disappeared in an instant, and his face was squeezed with a smile that he believed to be amiable, he helped the theologian on the ground up, and said softly: "Sijing, although you have masochism, but You can't always let me hit you, does it hurt?"

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