I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 21: :steam

   Iyetta Cavendil spoke, and Jiang Hao cast his eyes on him.

   The cause and result of the divine punishment of the Lord of Dawn incident, he knows clearly as a participant, the reason why he raised this question to find someone to investigate is to guide them to trade here, and send a small gift by the way.

   Originally, he was optimistic about Afram Krell, but it seemed that this gift would fall into Iyetta Cavendil's hands.

   "Fate is really amazing..." Jiang Hao turned his mind and smiled, "Say."

   Is what they are going to say next is the secret of the gods?

   Fiona Russell pricked her ears and listened curiously.

  Afram Krell was also curious, but what he was curious about was different from Fiona Russell. He was curious about the identity of Iyetta Cavendil.

   It’s not easy for anyone who knows the things of the gods.

  He should not be a demigod or a god, otherwise my knowledge and spirituality will give me hints.

   Judging from his age, he should not be a member of the church, unless it is a new god, otherwise no high-level church will be so young, and in the past 100 years, no new **** has been born.

  Party? eyewitness? A member of the Godly family that is still associated with the Lord of Dawn?

  Afram Krell thought for a while, and there was a vague guess in his heart, "He said that he is not in the main plane and cannot be the person involved. The person who left the main plane after angering the Lord of Dawn is an act of seeking death."

   "The possibility of an eyewitness is not very high, so he is likely to be a member of the goddess family related to the Lord of Dawn."

   "The Lord of Dawn has no blood descendants himself, but the God of Twilight does, but the Ingnari family, the blood descendant family of the God of Twilight, is equivalent to a low-key. It seems that they are not loved by the God of Twilight and rarely receive enlightenment."

   "If you can't get the enlightenment, they may not know this."

   "The Cavendil family, descended from the blood of the Lord of Dawn? This is very likely."

   "Since the Lord of the Dawn of the last era, Luoshanda, caused the disaster of dawn, the Cavendil family has been very active on the main plane, and this family has the crown of divine artifacts and prophecies in its hands."

  Afram Krell remembered the record about this in Greycastle.

In the Fourth Age, before the disaster of dawn, Roshanda, the Lord of the Dawn, personally visited the kingdom of the God of Prophecy. Soon after, the Lord of the Dawn fell, and the God of Prophecy also followed the news of the fall, and Cavendy There is a divine tool in the hands of the Er family-the crown of prophecy.

"The Cavendil family, in the outer plane... Of the 16 sons of the dawn of the Cavendil family, only Iyetta Cavendil chose to go to the Abyssal Battlefield, hoping to quickly improve his career from the **** battle. grade."

   Will he be Iyetta Cavendil? Avram Krell watched the figure shrouded in mysterious white light with interest, like a detective lover who hoped to get the answer after speculating.

   Iyetta Cavendil didn’t know that his old bottom was about to be seen through. He sorted out his words and said: “The reason why the Lord of Dawn will send down his anger is because a false **** is occupying the power of the ‘sun’.”

  A false **** has appeared again? Fiona Russell remembered what the teacher said in class: False gods are gods born from ignorant beliefs, essentially equivalent to demigods, and are common in the Second Age.

   The second era is the era of the explosion of races. A large number of new races multiply and expand on the mainland, and ignorant beliefs can be seen everywhere, so false gods appear in large numbers.

   But didn’t the false gods have lost their living soil in the Fourth Age? How can a new false **** be born? She was very puzzled.

"As the new **** born in the current era, that is, the fifth era, the Lord of Dawn has always tried to occupy the power of the'sun', but for some unknown reason, he has not succeeded... He is extremely hostile to everything and occupy the power of the'sun'. The presence."

   "Isn't the Lord of Dawn one of the original seven gods?" Fiona Russell couldn't help but interject.

   Her teacher, her father, and everything she came into contact with, said that the Lord of Dawn was one of the original seven gods, a **** that had existed since the birth of the world.

   Can the mysterious man in front of you say that the Lord of Dawn is the new **** born in this era?

   This is a good question, I also want to know... Jiang Hao silently agreed.

"Ha ha!"

Iyetta Cavendil sneered. He glanced at the unsurprisingly paper man and then at His Royal Highness who was not surprised in the white dress, and explained, "The ancient sun that has existed since the beginning of the world was born. God Amanata, after he fell, the Lord of Dawn was born from him. Later, the Lord of Dawn fell due to the disaster of dawn, and from him, the Lord of Dawn and the God of Dusk were born."

   "Is this true?" Fiona Russell couldn't help exclaiming.

"It's true." It was Afram Krell~www.NovelMTL.com~ who was so hostile to the Lord of Dawn, he had determined that the figure in the mysterious white light was Iyetta Cavendil, only the Lord of Dawn The descendants of God are so hostile to the Lord of Dawn.

   After all, they are each other's mortal enemies.

   He got the answer and was very happy. He smiled gently and said, "Actually, the situation of the mysterious girl, one of the original Seven Gods, is similar to that of the Lord of Dawn."

"The magic net at the beginning of the world was born after His Highness Mistri, the master of the magic net, fell from his body, and from his body was born Mystra, the mother of magic, and later, the mother of magic, Mystra, fell and was born again from his body. Mysterious girl."

   "Some people say that the original gods did not fall, and the new gods that appeared afterwards were the vests of the original seven gods, so they can have the original seven gods' title."

   "The person who said this must be an idiot." Iyetta Cavendil said coldly.

  Afram Krell nodded softly, "I think so too."

  Because, if the original ancient sun **** Amannatha had not fallen, the false **** who occupied the authority of the ‘sun’ would not have been born.

"As for the outcome of this matter." Iyetta Cavendil brought the topic back. "Because of the involvement of Lady Night, I don't know much about it. I only know that the Lord of the Dawn descended from the kingdom of God. After the oracle was issued, the Church of Dawn formed a team of five legendary demigods with the title of "Light of All Realms"."

Five legends, plus a demigod, really look up to me... Jiang Hao quietly listened to Iyetta Cavendil’s words, and after he finished speaking, he smiled and said, “I’m very satisfied with your answer. In return, I will give you a clue of authority."

   "The name of this authority is called..."


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