I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 207: : The Fury of the Orochi

"what happened?"

"This...what is this? What is rising from the bottom of the sea?"

"Why the picture shakes so badly? I'm going to be dizzy."

"Norwegian sea monster? Pacific Rim? Atlantis? Don't shake the anchor, I'm dying of anxiety."

"Couldn't the anchor be playing a movie, this shaking scene reminds me of the movie "Ghost Record"."

Looking at the behemoth that was suddenly shot in the live broadcast room, the dissatisfaction that was caused by the sudden shaking of the live broadcast disappeared in a flash, one by one held their breath and waited attentively.

It's just that because the shooting angle of view has been shaking, no one in the live broadcast room can see exactly what it is, a question mark that makes people face, until the deafening sound is transmitted from the live broadcast room to the audience sitting in front of the computer. Was shocked instantly.

"It's so loud. Fortunately, my voice is turned to the lowest level, otherwise my daughter will be awakened."

"What was it shouting just now? Odin? Does this huge creature have anything to do with Northern Europe? Is there any creature in Norse mythology that is so big?"

"The big snake? In the Norse mythology, it seems that only the big snake Yemengade has such a huge volume, but it is impossible. Isn't it dead? Isn't it killed by the Nordic extraordinary?"

When facing a huge creature, people always have a fearful mind. If the creature is separated from oneself by a screen and is not staring at oneself, there will only be a sense of shock, just like watching a special effects blockbuster. , But if this huge creature is right in front of him, right on top of his head, when it is possible to eat one bite at any time, there will be endless fear in his heart.

Zou Ziming is like this. Facing this behemoth, his heart suddenly stopped, almost stopping beating. The fine beads of sweat hung on his forehead and then dripped down, and there was a sense of tension and a strong sense of fear in the depths of his heart. Almost swallowed him.

Until he discovered that the big snake didn't pay the slightest attention to his little bug, until he gradually adapted to the existence of this big snake, until some undetectable invisible force brushed his mind, the root in his mind was tense. The string relaxed slightly, and the tension in my heart faded slightly.

He took the phone, adjusted the angle, and photographed part of the big snake's body into his live broadcast room. He quivered his lips and said, "Hello everyone, this is Zou Ziming. In front of you is the legendary big snake, Yemengga. Got it!"

Hearing the words of the anchor, the live broadcast room was full of barrage at the same moment.

"It's still there? I almost died as the anchor."

"Is the anchor here to send himself an obituary?"

"The big snake Yemengada? It's really it? But it's impossible. Isn't it dead? And it's not that big, isn't it only a few hundred meters?"

"Which plane of the big snake Yemeng added hundreds of meters? How do I remember the videos circulating on the Internet and the interpretation of the big snake Yemengade by experts that the snake Yemeng added at least tens of thousands of meters, even how many meters? One hundred thousand meters."

"It should be the book "My First Contact with the Big Snake Yemengade" written by a member of the Icelandic rescue team, but the words used by people are at least a few hundred meters. Pay attention to the word at least, and this book was The background is that the detector hasn’t floated far, and failed to fully detect the size of a big snake. It’s like looking at the endless ocean at the beach, and then using the sea to describe it as tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of square meters, but in fact it’s just the sea. The tip of the iceberg, this point, the author also admitted in subsequent talk shows, if you don’t believe it, you can go to the Internet to see it, but from the Internet video, the big snake Yemengga was definitely not that big at that time. Could it be it? Growing up? But this is too terrifying, how long is it, the big snake Yemengga has grown to this point?"

"Maybe I ate Jinke La."

"This is called a big? Well, I admit it is big, but the real big snake is the snake that surrounds the world."

"Maybe it is not an adult yet. When it becomes an adult, it can eat the blue star and digest us all."


Zou Ziming, holding his mobile phone, did not have time to watch his live broadcast room, because where he could see, there appeared a man wearing dark high boots and brown knit clothes with a pointed hood on his head.

When this man appeared, the big snake rising from the bottom of the sea became agitated.

With its restlessness, the sea surface suddenly surging, countless sea water surging up, the "Golden Princess" ship shook, and the live broadcast room also shook.

But the big snake only moved for a while and then stopped.

The behemoth lowered his head, opened his huge snake pupil and looked at the man. After a while, a sound like an explosion of spring thunder rang.


The big snake's voice was so loud that people on the ship covered their ears involuntarily, but for those who are across the screen, no matter how loud the voice is, a small volume controller can solve it.

Facing the phrase "father" of Orochi, the barrage soared like crazy.


"This man is Loki, the **** of fire, the father of the big snake Yemengade?"

"Yes, yes, in the top-secret video stolen and spread by hackers on the Internet, at the end of the First Battle in Iceland, Loki appeared and took the big snake Yemengade away. I thought the **** who was the father of the big snake was here to take it away. At that time, I was moved by my son’s corpse, and I felt that every father was not at ease. Now, it seems that where is his son’s corpse taken away, it clearly intends to resurrect the snake."

"Maybe the big snake Yemengade didn’t die at all? Don’t forget, Loki’s daughter Hela is the ruler of the underworld, the **** of death, she refused to enter the underworld life, let alone being penetrated by a weapon, even if It is burned to ashes by fire~www.NovelMTL.com~ and it will not die."

"I suddenly thought of the big snake Yemengade calling'Odin' when he appeared? But wasn't it the Nordic superhuman who killed it? It's terrifying to think carefully."

"Judging from the conversation between Odin and Rashen in the recently circulated extranet video, Odin intends to rebel against fate, so in order to change the fate of the gods, he turned into a transcendent and killed the young snake Yemeng. Gad, trying to prevent the arrival of the gods at dusk? If this is the case, then Odin has failed."

In the brains of many netizens, a line is gradually connected, and then my heart is like a monkey tickling a commotion, eager to know the answer.

But what followed was the fire **** Loki silently opening his mouth, as if he was saying something. After a while, the big snake Yemengade suddenly laughed.


It moved.

The sky was shrouded by the power of the serpent, dark clouds, sun and moon, and pitch black. Under the agitation of the serpent with the title of the snake that devours the world, unprecedented storms and huge waves in human history were lifted.

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