I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 183: : Harmony with authority

Going to the underground world to develop beliefs is not something that can be accomplished overnight, especially since the idea came about temporarily. She needs enough time to mobilize resources, but her remuneration has already been paid first, driven by the Augustus family. , Dozens of great nobles began to stop watching, and distributed the seeds they got to the farmers in their fiefs, so that they could plant them.

Driven by the great nobles, the little nobles chose to follow suit. For a time, wheat seeds became a popular cash crop. It seemed that as long as they planted wheat, the output on their own land would greatly increase.

Although in fact it is the same.

Under such circumstances, Jiang Hao felt that the connection between authority and himself had begun to become closer, and he felt that his degree of control over authority had deepened.

"According to the notes of Bartholomew Augustus, when I consciously have complete control over authority, I can declare my name to the entire main plane, and the world's'recognition' will follow. Coming."

So, I guessed wrong before? No, I guessed it right. Although the inference process was wrong, the final result was right.

"Just how does it sound like buying a listed company from Bluestar?... First, buy shares on the stock market, and then wait for the shares to exceed 51%, and then announce your holdings to the market. This company will be yours. …If you use this analogy, then Iyeta is quite an entrepreneurial venture, so he doesn’t need the world’s "recognition", because the "recognition" has been there from the beginning."

"Then the dark day last time was not only provoking the gods and announcing his return, but also regaining the recognition of the world? Or to put it another way, he knew that his return would definitely attract the interference of the good gods, after all, he Not very popular, so He set a trap."

"But how can a fallen god, or a fallen **** after going mad, do this? He has regained his sanity? Or is there another **** behind him manipulating everything?"

"If so, who is the one who manipulates all of this behind? Using the dark day as a **** to cause the fall of the good dragon **** is not something ordinary gods can do."

"The opponent is at least medium divine power, and it is still known for its combat effectiveness. Of course, it may also be strong divine power or great divine power. If you think about it this way, there are only a few names."

Looking at the notes in his hand, Jiang Hao's thoughts turned like lightning, and the names of powerful evil gods such as the Lord of All-Knowing, Lady Spider, and the Queen of Five Colored Dragons appeared in his mind.

After analyzing several gods who might be behind the scenes in his mind, he focused his attention on himself.

"If the control authority is really regarded as the acquisition of company shares, according to my feeling, the shares of the "agricultural" company I hold in my hand have risen from the original one-thousandth to one percent. Continue, I will hold more and more shares, as long as no one grabs me to buy this company ahead of time, this company will be mine sooner or later."

"But I don't know what will happen if I declare my god's name like the entire main plane when I can't fully control the authority?"

"Will it be invalid?"

Well, there may be the possibility of being detained. After all, you even called out the name of the gods. As long as the other party carefully investigates, they will definitely be able to find out.

"From the action point of view, there does not seem to be anyone in the Augustus family who has ideas about the authority of ‘richness’, but it is also possible that the other person is still waiting and watching, or is still making preparations."

"When dealing with such a family, it is best to be more careful, careful, and not to give all your trust, so as not to be fooled by accident..."

"The heart of harm is not allowed, but the heart of defense is also necessary. Dig more holes first. If the other party really jumps in, I don't mind burying him directly alive."

He thought to himself, tearing open the scroll, and a white light flashed.



The collapsed city walls, the collapsed houses, the blood corroding the ground, the dimly polluted sky, the corpses fell on the ground like stalks piled up after being cut, without the slightest sense of movement.

Against this background, Fiona Russell ran unbearably painful, looking for her father, Grand Duke Russell, everywhere in a dilapidated city.


Fiona Russell’s maid, Leah, made a voice of worry and fear in a world that was so silent that it gave birth to grief and despair.

Obviously... What you obviously want to welcome is God's blessing, God's gift, and joy.

But why, the final result will be like this?

The devil invaded, and the powerful Grand Duke Russell, after leading the Knights to fight, was gone.

"Miss Fiona, mourning." A mage wearing a wide, crimson mage robe flew down from the sky and stood in front of Fiona Russell.

Although this mage's hair is already silvery white, his spirit is strong, and his blue eyes seem to contain infinite wisdom and knowledge, "Grand Duke Russell died in battle."

Fiona Russell shook her body and almost fell down. It took a long time for her to slow down, pretending to be calm, and said, "Trouble the mage to help me find my father's body."

As long as there is a corpse, she can go to the temple to find the archbishop to release the resurrection technique to resurrect him. Although this will pay a great price, she doesn't care.

The mage sighed and handed a ring to Fiona Russell. He knew what the granddaughter’s daughter was thinking, but this would not work. “The body of Grand Duke Russell is in this ring, but Fiona Miss, Grand Duke Russell’s soul was taken to the abyss by the abyss demon."

Abyssal demons are chaotic and disorderly, but chaos and disorder does not mean that demons have no IQ at all~www.NovelMTL.com~ In fact, they are quite cunning, but they can’t suppress their chaotic nature and often do Something that ordinary people cannot understand.

In the abyss, the souls of the nobles on the main plane are very sought-after resources. Those devils who are keen to play with and collect souls have a special love for the souls of big people, especially those who stir the situation. Hundreds or even thousands of ordinary human souls can often be exchanged from the hands of the devil's agents.

When not dominated by chaotic nature, the devil will often choose to take his soul back to the abyss to make a deal with the devil.


Fiona Russell felt extremely cold all over. The cold invaded the flesh and soul, causing her thinking to be frozen, becoming confused and stiff. The world was so dim that people could not see what it looked like. At this moment, a strand of White light lit up on her wrist.

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