I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 173: : Plane of Shadow

The platinum dragon god, the lord of the north wind, the master of good dragons, and the good dragon **** Bahamut have fallen?

Jiang Hao was a little stunned. As the dragon **** among the gods, he was very good at fighting. In addition, his own race was the giant dragon, which was at the top of countless creatures in the alien world. Even if Bahamut's **** level was only 9, it was weak Waiting for the divine power, but the average medium divine power is difficult to defeat it, this level of gods unexpectedly fell quietly?

Contact the fallen **** of justice....

"Could it be that the era of the evil gods is coming?" Jiang Hao guessed in his heart.

It’s just that if the era of the evil gods really comes, there will be disputes and wars in other worlds. Those evil gods don’t care whether the believers live well or not. Evil, chaos, killing, conspiracy, and betrayal are the dramas of them. Happy to see.

Seeing Jiang Hao, the black dragon Bamas quickly shrank his figure to the size of a husky, his hideous face was full of panic, "Just now, the great evil dragon mother, the benevolent five-color dragon **** announced the good dragon **** Baha. His Highness Mute has fallen, and He requires all dragons to believe in Him."

"And the most exaggerated thing is that he actually asked every dragon to set up his statue in its lair."

Put his statue in your lair, what if you are caught by him? Who didn't know that every dragon that was stared at by the queen of five-color dragons, finally the treasure in the lair became empty.

At this moment, the black dragon Bamas missed the compassionate platinum dragon **** Bahamut very much. At least when he was there, the great dragon mother would not send such a terrifying oracle.

"Aren't you going to build two nests?" Looking at the panicked black dragon Bamas, Jiang Hao gave an opinion, "One nest for treasures and one for his statue!"

The black dragon Bamas was stunned and asked in amazement.

"Is this okay?"

"If you deceive the dragon mother like this, won't he be angry?"

But the benevolent and great dragon mother shouldn't care if the child he likes deceives him. I must find a vast place to make a lair, and then place his statue.

Ignoring this black dragon, who was clearly tempted, but had to say something worried on his mouth, Jiang Hao switched his vision to Creeping Walker clone again.

After briefly inspecting the surrounding situation and confirming that there is no sight cast from a distant place, he exerted the ability of a creeping walker to travel through space, and his figure disappeared into the void outside the domain.

In the next moment, he appeared in a plane with no earth, full of dim tones, and giving people an unspeakable silence and desolation.

This plane is the target of his trip-the plane of shadow.

This is a plane called by the projections of the planes, it is connected to countless planes, is the shadow of countless planes, the area is vast and boundless.

There is no light in this plane, and no light is allowed. The magic spells such as light, illumination, and flash cannot have any effect here, so on this plane, the role of the eyes is Reduced to the lowest level, non-high-sensitivity creatures can hardly move here.

When Jiang Hao arrived, he clearly felt that many creatures lurking in the shadows were like frightened fish, fleeing away from him in a frantic manner. They were afraid of the ancient evil creatures creeping around.

But a few creatures did not escape, they just hid their shadows deeper.

——They hide in the shadows, quietly watching this uninvited guest who is incompatible with the shadow plane, and seem to be curious about why it wants to break into their home.

"I don't know if it's the boldness or greed that blinded the reason, but I wouldn't have a few pairs of eyes on my body when I look for the floating city."

Jiang Hao thought in his heart, tentacles appeared on the Creeping Walker clone, and the top of the tentacles opened their fine eyes, looking at them maliciously.

In an instant, negative states such as phantoms, frenzy, poisoning, hypnosis, paralysis, fixation, and **** were overwhelmingly blessed on them. Creatures hiding in the shadows emerged one by one, some with blurred eyes, and some with frightened faces. Some are indescribable, but they all have something in common, that is, they cannot act.

——After adulthood, the creeping walker's abilities in all aspects have been greatly increased. If a creature does not occupy and control authority, almost a face will be dominated by its negative state.

After finishing this, Jiang Hao began to walk downward.

The plane of shadow is a plane composed entirely of shadows. Although matter exists, it is far from being dominated by matter. Most of those matter float on the plane of shadow.

As he walked, the surrounding environment became more and more deadly, and even those shadow creatures living in the shadow plane were rarely seen, as if something had driven them away, or something Dongfang has designated this as its own territory and prohibits other creatures from approaching.

"According to Afram Krell, the floating city has the ability to hide itself. It hides itself after falling into the plane of shadow, and all the spells of prophecy and investigation cannot find its hiding place."

"But now this situation is obviously a bit wrong. Near the floating city, there is not even a shadow creature!"

He stopped, a large number of tentacles appeared on the body of the Creeping Walker clone, and each of his fine eyes opened, looking at this area.

There are no creatures in the creeping walker's perception!

Jiang Hao, who was far away from the main plane, took out the magic materials collected from the collection of the Archmage Tingen, and drew a magic array on the ground composed of complicated symbols.

Then he cut off his hearing and asked the mirror image Masefield to stand in with the beautifully shaped scepter of God ~www.NovelMTL.com~ he activated the magic circle.

He took the Creeping Walker clone as a coordinate and teleported the mirror image of Masefield to the Creeping Walker clone.

Once teleported to the plane of shadow, the mirror image Masefield raised the scepter of God, and a sacred, solemn, solemn voice of illusory praise suddenly resounded.

"God said: Let there be light!"

A beam of light fell from the sky.

Even though the Plane of Shadow refused the light to appear, after the increase of the Scepter of God, the magic of mirroring Masefield still played a role.

The pure white light illuminates the shadow that has remained unchanged for thousands of years, revealing all the things hidden in this dim world.

Through the light, Jiang Hao suddenly saw a huge dragon hiding in the shadow, dozens of times the size of the black dragon Bamas, and behind it, a strange and magnificent city floating in the shadow.

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