I Possessed the Sun God

Chapter 157: : Satan


The devil of hell, the devil who bewitches people's hearts, the incarnation of original sin that tempts people to fall, and the challenger who once launched a charge against God, did the Celtic gods want to release this?

In Buckingham Palace, everyone who heard this plan was dumbfounded.

You know, the direct reason why the final judgment will come is that Satan turned into an ancient snake, tempted Adam and Eve to eat the forbidden fruit on the tree of good and evil, and was driven out of the Garden of Eden by the angry God.

Now the Celtic gods actually want to release Satan?

This... This seems to be a good idea.

Some people thought in their hearts.

None of those who can appear here are stunned. Under the background of the evil gods repeatedly coming and bringing about great disasters, of course they must hug the thigh of the one who does what they want and ask for a refuge.

But now that the end is approaching, and they are about to usher in complete destruction, why shouldn't they go to conspiracy with the devil?

Whoever shelters us is the god, whoever wants to kill us, who is the evil devil.

"Everyone, I would like to advise you, don’t place your hope in the atonement roll, don’t place your hope in the baptism, please believe me, those mortals who are no different from you, they give you absolutely no doomsday salvation, they give you, It will only be a lie of a liar."

Ram reminded with a smile.

"Mr. Ram, you laughed. We are all devout followers of the Celtic gods. We have always held infinite respect for the great Danu. We were still discussing the belief in expelling God and returning. Under the command of the Danu Protoss."

In Buckingham Palace, one person speaks righteously and speaks nonsense with his eyes open.

The others nodded in agreement.

If you can protect us through the doomsday and return to the embrace of the Celtic gods when the sun never sets, that is not impossible. After all, although the thighs of God are strong, there are too many people holding his thighs. Now, our country is about to be squeezed down even if the sun sets.

What's more, now, that God doesn't want to stretch out his thighs to hug us, he wants to stretch out the soles of his feet and trample us to death. The ants are still alive, let alone us.

And to a certain extent, the Celtic gods are the original myths of the country where the sun never sets, and they are the objects that the people of the country should believe in.

"Everyone, our friends have come, and they will take you to release Satan."

A group of people wearing black robes and cloaks slowly walked in from outside.

"they are?"

Someone looked at these people hiding behind the black cloak and asked.

When he finished speaking, he heard one of them answer in a cold voice, "We are a bunch of poor homeless worms."

Poor homeless?

Gypsy? Or Hebrew?

"They are the Danu Protoss." Merlin explained lightly.

The poor homeless worm is not a Gypsy or a Hebrew, but a Danu?

Surprised expressions appeared in many eyes, and they immediately reacted one by one.

Yes, the Danu Protoss is said to come from the sky, and because they cannot return to their own country, they will rule Ireland on the ground. Therefore, in Celtic mythology, the Danu Protoss’ enemies, the deep sea giants, call the Danu Protoss stray dogs.

But then again, does the sky of the Danu Protoss refer to the sky of the Blue Star? If so, why can't we find it? According to the description of Celtic mythology, there should be four aerial cities in the sky. That is the birthplace of the Danu tribe. Why doesn't the satellite ever photograph the Danu tribe's aerial city? Is our technology still underdeveloped?

In Buckingham Palace, many people kept turning their minds, determined to wait for the disaster to pass, and organize relevant teams to find the city in the sky of the Danu Protoss.

The gods came to the world, and all kinds of extraordinary powers appeared one by one. The power displayed by the gods in mythology is fascinating and enviable. If you can find the birthplace of the Danu clan and understand the secrets, does it mean? Can we also become gods?

If it's not for the lack of strength, if it is not for other countries to use actual actions to let them know how vulnerable modern technological weapons are in front of the gods, the other party can easily wipe themselves out, and they may have swarmed at this moment and will each other. Imprisoned to torture their source of power and immortality method.

"Let's go, our time is running out."

The cold voice sounded again, and the member of the Danu Protoss turned and left.

After everyone left, Anthony, who had been arching his body and holding his stomach, stood up straight, looked at the direction they were leaving, and said angrily: "Merlin, Celtic gods, hum, I think it is Satan's trick. ."

According to legend, Merlin was chosen by Satan and became Satan's servant because he was half-human and half-demon.

Although this legend was once regarded as a pseudo-legend, with many refutations, it now appears that it may not be false.

Soon he took out his cell phone and dialed a number, "Book a ticket right away, and I'm going to see the son."

Ram, didn't you say that those mortals can't give me redemption? Then I will expose your conspiracy to the Virgin, I will report it, I will atone for my sin, and I will pray for the baptism of the Virgin.


The news about the coming of the Son quickly spread through the Internet. At first, it was just rumor-like news. However, the photos of the little heaven and the videos of the various events that happened before were spread to the Internet by interested people. Go, directly detonated the entire network.

"Tear~ the cloud burst bomb, actually used the cloud burst bomb, and still used the cloud burst bomb to bomb the Virgin. Did the high level of the Gaul country take the wrong medicine collectively?"

"Have you not seen that Billborn has turned into a blood clan? The blood clan and the holy child are rivals~www.NovelMTL.com~ I am not surprised that he used the cloud burst bomb, I am surprised that he did not use a nuclear bomb! "

"It's no wonder that they backstabbed the Papal State several times in history, and even formed an alliance between Crescent Moon and Lily, and they felt that they were rivals to the Papal State."

"Hearts, all heretics."

"Is the only one concerned about Jiuding?"

"Am I the only one who is following Judgment Day?"

"What is Judgment Day?"

"When the world is about to end, the Son will come down from the kingdom of heaven. He will bring all the dead back to life and give them the final judgment. The good will go to heaven for pleasure, and the wicked will be thrown into the lake of sulfur and fire forever. Perish, so this day is also called Judgment Day, which is the prophecy recorded in the Book of Revelation."

"Fuck, don't scare me."

"Say I scared you, please open your window and see what's outside."

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