Who do you like best? (2)

220 kg.

It was the weight that her younger brother had lifted with a deadlift in front of Jeong Su-ryun’s eyes.

As far as she knew, it was an elite weight even if it was more than 170kg from Jeong Seo-hoon’s weight.

However, my younger brother, who rarely exercised, put down a weight that was more than 50kg back and forth lightly 12 times.

‘Did I just see something empty?’

When I was filming Illy Girl, there was a small accident where the rope winch broke on the bridge over the Han River.

At that time, the younger brother had come upstairs, lightly kicking the wall with only the strength of his arms.

I simply thought that I must have done a lot of rappelling in the army, and then I passed on it.

But to do a deadlift of 220kg.

“Did you, by any chance, tutor the general’s sons and daughters in the army, not just the CSAT, but health tutoring?”

“What are you talking about.”

“It makes no sense. How can a guy who rarely works out and only studies lift 220kg?”

“I must have been born with power.”

“Now the color of my face hasn’t changed at all, and I’m not even sweating. Can you lift anything heavier than this?”

Jeong Su-ryun took out her phone and was preparing to take a picture.

“Hey. Give it a try. Put on more weight and do as much as you can. I’m eating #1 on Tube in B-Lab Commune today.”

“it’s okay. It’s hard, so I won’t do it any more.”

“Hey. why? Shall we put more on? If I solve this rice cake, the fans will go crazy and not be able to sleep all night, right?”

“I don’t want to be in the spotlight for something like this. I want to be recognized only for my acting.”

“A guy like that is trying to use his graduate school card for viewership ratings?”

“I don’t like the image of a muscular man.”

“Oh ho, you’re not going to use this concept because you’re afraid it will ruin your image as a sexy guy with brains?”

Jeong Su-ryun put down the phone as if regretting it.

“Then there is nothing you can do. Oh, but this is a bit of a waste. It’s content that can be packaged well and sold… … .”

“If you don’t have anything to sell later, do it then. But why are you here? Not even exercising.”

It is an exercise space that the father created on the first floor for the health of the children, but the mother was the only one who actually used it.

My mother worked out with flexibility rather than weight, so barbells and dumbbells were all best friends with dust.

“You came home a long time ago, but I didn’t see you, so I went looking for you.”

“Why are you looking for me?”

“What did you and Lee Seohyun talk about at the table outside?”

“We just talked about acting, colleagues, and the next project. Why?”

“Someone secretly filmed it and posted it on social media. I don’t know who the SNS is, and anyway, the reporters who were waiting for rice cake took the photo and spread the scandal.”

“Is there another scandal?”

Jeong Su-ryun showed a scandalous article on the Internet window on her phone.

“I made a fuss while spreading it here and there in the community, but the reaction wasn’t cool. Is it because the other day B-Lab cheated on me with a fake scandal? Whether this is real or not, it’s more strange that actress killer Jeong Seo-hoon doesn’t have a scandal, something like this.”

It was the first time I made a fuss whenever there was a scandal, but now it has become a boring daily routine if it doesn’t explode.

“What is the fandom reaction?”

“There is already a state of enjoyment. But this is important. There was a photo of you and Lee Seo-hyun at an outdoor table that was posted together and then deleted in a hurry, and the fans here left a screenshot.”

The picture Jeong Su-ryun showed was of a kissing scene between Daegun and his wife.

filmed just today.

“Hey, do you know what this means?”

“That the first distributor was an insider?”


Jeong Su-ryun was so excited that she spit and continued talking quickly.

“Lighting team Park Sang-oh! Because it was him! After you left today, the shooting team turned upside down!”

“How did you know?”

“I downloaded a deleted picture, but that was the only thing that didn’t erase the recording information. When PD-nim saw that, he gathered the entire filming team and suddenly checked the phone.”

“Is that okay? It would be called an invasion of privacy.”

“No, I only asked for the terminal model number. They only compare the terminal model number embedded in the photo information.”

It’s not about submitting a cell phone or revealing internal files, but only showing the model number, so everyone would have shown it without any burden.

“Lighting team Park Sang-oh, he’s the only one who keeps claiming that he lost his phone. However, Director Jo said at a dinner party not too long ago that he had a picture that Sang-oh Park took with his phone and sent it to him, so I looked at the photo shoot information… … .”

“The terminal numbers matched.”

“That’s why he admitted it with his head bowed.”

“Then when Illigall we… … .”

“uh. It was Park Sang-oh who provided the sauce for the sibling scandal for sneaking out with you and me.”

Jeong Seo-hoon was also a person who remembered his face clearly.

In his early 30s, he was a quiet but kind-hearted person who worked hard at his job.

“Why did you do that?”

“They don’t talk about it until the end, but they say it’s clear that someone stole inside information for money.”

“If you’ve been like that since Illegal, it doesn’t seem like the PD-nim was aiming for you, is it the writer?”

“Don’t you know? If you look at the source of the sibling scandal, it’s you, you.”

“Why me?”

“I don’t know. Maybe someone who knows or unknowingly bled because of you has been messing around since Illigirl.”

Jeong Su-ryun felt refreshed as if she had lost a tooth she had been suffering from.

“I was unsure of who was Buntang the whole time, but it’s nice that it turns out cool. Park Sang-oh decided to send him out of the filming team immediately.”

“Are there any other actions?”

“I don’t dare to do it for fear of being denied. I won’t stop you from doing it personally. But there is nothing good about your image if you bite and hang on.”

Anyway, rumors spread on the floor in an instant, and Park Sang-oh will have no choice but to leave the industry.

The career he had built while dreaming of becoming a lighting director collapsed in an instant, so his food line was cut off.

“What else do I say? You mean you made such a fuss with just one?”

“The studio was in such an uproar today because of this. PD-nim told me that if I couldn’t even show my terminal number, I should take care of what kind of suspicion I might get, but it was really bloody.”

“Your sister too?”

“Because I’m your sister, I just passed on it.”

“It’s a shame that the real criminal came out, if it wasn’t for that, I would have said something.”

“Actually, it’s a Pixel phone, so I just skipped it.”

“Can you type that on the phone? That’s great.”

Jeong Su-ryun poured out everything she wanted to say and left the gym again feeling relieved.

Read at readwn.com

Now, pretending to be an anonymous official, I will release another plausible piece of story in the non-rap community.

Then, I got a call from Yoo Jung-ah.

– I also heard about the lighting team. I’m glad it was released, even if it was belatedly.

“Yes. I don’t know why.”

– This floor is all like that. From the moment Seo Hoon became popular as an illiterate girl, it was no different than making enemies everywhere.

“I know, but I don’t quite understand. Do you really need to harbor such a wasteful hatred?”

-Don’t be offended just because you picked one. Because the second and third Park Sang-oh, who only doesn’t reveal his true feelings, are everywhere. Being a top star is such a tiring job.

“I will keep that in mind.”

-But it was the photo that sparked the discovery. I posted this by mistake and quickly deleted it.


I felt like I somehow knew what was going to happen.

– You kissed Seohyun unnie? Also very friendly.

“The PD and the writer strongly recommended that we try filming a 40% rating. If this is it, it will definitely shoot 40%.”

-phew. Writer Kim Sang-hee said that someone who wasn’t like that keeps doing that since meeting Seo Hoon.

“… … .”

-That writer is famous for never including kiss scenes or love scenes. But it’s already the second time for Seo Hoon. No, if it’s going to be like this, how great would it be if you made it a little affectionate even when you’re a girl?

Prosecutor Seon-hye Hwang and Private First Class Jin-wook Lee are in a chasing and chasing relationship, not a relationship that is affectionate and has something to do… … .

– Did you like it? Be honest.

“I captured the feelings of a loving couple well and acted, and a satisfying scene came out.”

-Look at how well it escapes here and there like a mudfish. I won’t tell you where to go, so can’t you just tell me in a primitive, honest way?

This was a real dragon.

Yoo Jeong-ah, who kept pushing in and out, eventually fell exhausted as there was no chance to attack.

– Next time, let’s make sure to make a loving couple.

“Yes. I am also looking forward to it.”

-Don’t just expect it, and when a new script comes out, be sure to send it to me.

“You knew.”

-If you still don’t know the news, it’s time to retire to this floor. I’ll wait.

After hanging up the phone, Jeong Seo-hoon took a breath and looked around the exercise equipment.

An additional weight was added to the 220 kg barbell.

The total weight was 300 kg, including the rods.

The cold feeling of the iron that had cooled down just then, and the confidence that I could lightly lift it with just one breath flowed into my chest.

Staring at the front mirror, Jeong Seo-hoon simply pulled the bar with both hands.

The feeling of weight against gravity did not give any load to the muscles of the whole body.

340kg, the same.

Whether you weigh 100 kg, 200 kg, or 300 kg, you can feel the difference in weight, but the strain on your muscles is the same.

Jeong Seo-hoon, who was fiddling with whether or not to bring a new barbell weight and add it, suddenly looked in the front mirror.

It is a sleek body with lean and strong muscles that is completely unbelievable for lightly lifting a 340kg barbell.

‘The power is getting stronger. No, the body itself continues to grow stronger.’

It’s not just about getting stronger.

It is closer to having transcendental reinforcement engraved all over the body, which cannot be explained by conventional medicine.

‘Rashid wasn’t even like this.’

Although Rashid, who was forged on the battlefield, was a human weapon, he was not at the level of transcending humans like himself now.

Jeong Seo-hun pondered for a long time whether to add more weights and continue the test, then quietly dismantled all the weights of the barbell and put them back in place.

“Well, it’s good to be strong. Because there is nothing to lose in life.”

Jeong Seo-hoon muttered self-mockingly.

* * *

The process of establishing a production company has begun.

A shaggy graduate student who had driven a Rolls-Royce Phantom the other day came to the studio in Paju.

When the Phantom first appeared, it was thought that Professor Lee Se-jong had suddenly appeared, and there was an uproar, but it was brought by a graduate student alone.

“Who is PD Jang Seung-won?”

“Ah, that’s me… … .”

Jang Seung-won couldn’t bear to speak because he wondered if this was a human being.

‘It looks like a zombie walking around.’

“Please sign everything here. These are documents related to incorporation.”

“Ah yes. All right.”

“And Seo Hoon? You can sign everything here too. Do it right now.”

Jeong Seo-hun was startled before accepting the thick document envelope.

“Do you know me?”

“Honey, it’s me. Hwang Gi-tae.”

“Yes? Ki-tae hyung?”

Jeong Seo-hun was a little surprised and stood up.

“No hyung, why did you change like this? Still, it wasn’t like this when I was there… … .”

“It was really comfortable when you took control of rap. You should have come from graduate school instead of going to the army. I could have postponed it anyway.”

The two knew each other well, and Jang Seung-won’s expression subtly changed when he realized that Hwang Ki-tae had become so emaciated that Jeong Seo-hoon could not recognize him.

‘this… … Is it okay if I send Seo Hoon to graduate school?’

“Doing a PhD is worth it. No, in hindsight, it was worth doing. I’m dying to finish my PhD while raising the triplets.”

“Hyung, are you married?”

“While you were in the army. I was born in December of last year, but compared to raising triplets, my rap life is nothing. You really should have been… … .”

Jang Seung-won couldn’t hold back his curiosity and asked.

“But can you do a PhD while raising three children? Excuse me, but how do you deal with living expenses and child support? … ?”

Is the house rich? I thought about it, but the shoes are too old for that.

“I still don’t have to worry about living expenses because the professor took care of my salary and child allowance for three children. It is a long-standing tradition of our rap.”

“… … .”

In a solemn atmosphere, Jang Seung-won and Jung Seo-hoon finished all their signatures silently.

Hwang Ki-tae sighed and took the paper bag.

“Then I turn this in to the lawyer today. Good job. Seo Hoon-ah, see you later at the rap.”

Jang Seung-won trembled lightly.

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