I! New Systems Every Day

0162 People Are Inferior To Dogs (Third Update)

"Dad, where are you?"

Just after making breakfast, Su Li heard a cry, and helplessness flashed in her eyes.

Knowing that his daughter had woken up, he hurriedly ran upstairs.

"What's wrong, girl?"

Su Li asked with a smile while looking at Xiaozhuba curled up in bed.

"Dad, I want you to send me clothes."

Su Li nodded and then helped the other person get dressed.

Then he took her to wash up, and then came downstairs to let the other party have breakfast.

Although it is breakfast, it is very rich, including chicken, duck and fish.

There was even a lot of seafood, some left over from the sea beasts he had hunted before.

"Dad, I want to go shopping."

After breakfast, the little girl hugged Su Li's neck and said.

"Why are you so clingy?"

Su Li touched the tip of the other person's nose and said with a smile, then kicked the dog next to him.

"Master, I won't go shopping. Xiaohua and I have agreed to go on a date together today."

Dahei looked at Su Li and said.

Only then did Su Li notice this guy, who seemed to be dressed up.

The hair is very smooth, as if it had been combed with a comb.

And from somewhere, I even got a bow tie and tied it around my neck.

He also wears sunglasses on his head, but don’t they all belong to him?

The corners of Su Li's mouth twitched, and he suddenly realized that this dog could dress up better than him.

"Dad, I want to play with the dog."

Piggy Ba's eyes lit up when she saw Dahei.

Then he easily broke away from Su Li's arms and came directly to Dahei.

But Su Li was stunned. This girl was actually stronger and faster than him.

[The host has no doubt that Xiaozhuba's life level has reached the third stage. Although the host's strength is not weak, the opponent's lifespan and strength are definitely far superior to the host. A hundred hosts may not be able to defeat Xiaozhu. Ba. 】

The system explained enthusiastically, but Su Li wanted to cry.

He is not as good as his own dog when it comes to dressing up to win over girls, and now his strength is not as good as that of his own girls. There is no way he can survive.

"Dog, if you obey today, I will give you candy."

As Piggy Ba spoke, she took out a candy and placed it in front of Dahei.

"Hmph, I am a person who wants to dominate the dog world, how could I be fooled by your... um... Okay, okay, I promise to be obedient today.

Dahei originally looked disdainful.

But after seeing the candy that Piggy took out, her eyes suddenly lit up, and she looked at Piggy with flattery.

"System, is there anything special about this candy?"

Su Li asked curiously.

It can make a dog suddenly change his attitude and give up trying to pick up girls, which shows how special this candy is.

[Host, this is a colorful candy. After eating it, you can increase your strength. Moreover, there is a trace of Fudou's bloodline in Dahei's body. This candy has a certain chance of making the opponent's bloodline more powerful. 】

Hearing this, Su Li understood immediately.

No wonder the dog suddenly became so obedient.

You must know that although this guy has only been with you for a day or two, he will not listen to you at all when it comes to picking up girls.

"System, what is the background of this little pig, that he has so many good things?"

Su Li couldn't help but ask.

There is a small bag hanging on Little Piggy's body, and whether it is a star stone or colorful candies, everything is taken out from it.

This made Su Li couldn't help but think of Najie. I'm afraid there are a lot of good things in it.

[The system answers the host, Xiaozhuba is the little princess of the Tianzhu tribe. She has an extraordinary status and of course has many good things. If the host can make Xiaozhuba happy, she can also get a lot of benefits. If Xiaozhuba doesn’t If you are happy, I am afraid it will cause unimaginable disasters. 】

Su Li was shocked, the little princess of the Tianzhu tribe?

No wonder there are so many goodies.

And given the level of the opponent's plane, it's normal for him to bring out so many good things.

"It seems that we must take good care of this little girl. If she becomes unhappy, just take out a nuclear bomb and it will be over.

Su Li thought to himself that this is not impossible.

How could the Tianzhu clan not give the other party something to save their lives?

At this time, Dahei had already surrendered to Xiaozhuba's little flower skirt.

He actually became a groom and walked outside with Piggy Ba on his back.

Su Li took one look and hurriedly followed. He didn't know what the other party was going out to play.

But it doesn't matter, don't children like those things?

"Girl, let me take you to the amusement park."

On the Rolls-Royce, Su Li looked at the little pigba who was teasing Dahei behind and said.

"Okay, okay, you can go anywhere as long as you are with daddy."

Piggy Ba said with a smile.

Su Li nodded. At least this little girl is still very obedient now.

Then he drove towards the largest amusement park in H City.

I got out of the car and looked at the facilities in the amusement park.

Piglet Barton's eyes suddenly lit up. She has been a princess since she was a child.

I don’t have many friends around me, and I haven’t experienced too many lively scenes, so I am naturally full of excitement now.

"Dad, I want to play with that one and this one. The one over there looks really fun..."

Xiaozhuba hugged Su Li and said with a smile.

Su Li was a little helpless when she saw what the other party wanted to play with.

He originally wanted to take the other party to play something safer.

Unexpectedly, the other party wanted to play something exciting.

Roller coasters, pirate ships... Anyway, just play whatever is exciting.

"Then you promise dad, you can't."

Su Li980 said that if the other party wanted to play, he would have no reason to refuse.

"Dad, don't worry, I won't cry."

Su Li nodded and went to buy an ice cream for the other party.

But the other person took one bite and threw it away, saying it didn't taste good.

Su Li was also a little proud when he was helpless. At least the food he cooked made the other party like it very much.

The first thing to play is naturally the roller coaster, and the dog can only wait below.

Initially, Su Li thought that the other party would be scared, but she didn't expect that she would smile the whole time.

It was fun to say it, and there was no sign of fear at all.

This also made Su Li feel relieved, and then he took the other party to play all the exciting projects in the entire amusement park. It was almost noon.

"Girl, are you unhappy?"

Su Li asked with a smile. This naturally has another meaning. If you are happy, just give your father something good.

"Happy, mua!"

As Xiaozhuba said, she kissed Su Li on the face and made no other moves.

Su Li was a little disappointed at first, but unexpectedly the system sound sounded.

[The system prompts that the host has received a sincere kiss from the little princess of the Tianzhu tribe, and his reputation within the Tianzhu tribe has reached respect. 】

"Reputation reaches respect? System, what use do I need this thing for?"

Su Li frowned and asked, after all, the Tianzhu tribe is not on earth, so even respect is useless. .

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