I! New Systems Every Day

0117 Encountering An Island Country Submarine (Second Update, Asking For Everything)

This is a tiger shark, more than five meters long.


Although Su Li was confident that he could kill this thing, he was still a little frightened when he saw its huge body.

His only knowledge of sharks is from the animal world on TV, and this is the first time he has seen it with his own eyes.

A shark like this must be battle-hardened.

Su Li could feel that every move of the opponent was full of murderous intent, and he seemed to be ready to attack at any time.

When Su Li looked at the other party, the tiger shark had also looked at him.

A trace of doubt flashed in Tiger Shark's eyes.

I don’t know when a mysterious species with a sword under its feet appeared in the ocean.


Su Li did not stop, and the flying sword exploded instantly.

The surrounding seawater suddenly stirred up and moved quickly towards the tiger shark.


Tiger Shark also felt Su Li's murderous intention and was furious.

Such a small species dared to provoke him, and it immediately opened its huge mouth and attacked Su Li.

The speed of the tiger shark was simply incomparable to that of the flying sword, and it watched the opponent's bloody mouth 19 attack.

Feijian brought Su Li to Tiger Shark's back in an instant, and at the same time, the unparalleled kitchen knife in his hand fell down.



This time, a huge wound suddenly appeared on the tiger shark's back.

Blood also filled the sea water at this time. The tiger shark screamed in pain and hurriedly distanced itself from Su Li.

“Hehe, this incredible kitchen knife is so powerful, but it’s overkill for cutting vegetables.

Su Li smiled slightly, and then attacked the tiger shark again.

At this time, the tiger shark may have been injured and contaminated with its own blood.

His eyes had turned red, and he saw Su Li attacking again.

Without flinching at all, he had to eat this strange species that hurt him.

"Chi chi chi..."

But soon the tiger shark's eyes were filled with fear. This strange species was too powerful.

He didn't touch the opponent at all, but he had been seriously injured in several places. At this time, it was impossible for him to escape.



Seeing the tiger shark's resistance getting weaker and weaker, Li smiled coldly.

The unparalleled kitchen knife in his hand fell again, due to the injection of internal force.

The tiger shark's entire head was cut off directly.

[The system prompts that the host successfully completed the task and received the tractor beam technology as a reward. 】

The system's voice sounded, and Su Li smiled.

His eyes fell on the ring, and he found one lying quietly inside.

"System, this task is not difficult."

Su Li couldn't help but say that he was a typical example of someone who took advantage and behaved well.

If it hadn't been for good luck, I'd probably still be looking for sharks right now.

"System, I still want to hunt sea beasts."

[The system task requires the host to kill ten sea beasts within an hour. The reward for completing the task is: language proficiency. There is no penalty for failure of the task. 】

"Let me go, system, you are too exploitative, aren't you?"

Looking at this mission reward, Su Li couldn't help but say.

【Do you want love, don’t pull me down!】


Hearing the tugging sound of this broken system, Yin Li almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

Calm down, must be calm.

This broken system is so annoying that it doesn't cost anyone his life, and he has no means to fight against the other party.

"Wait, I always have a chance to kill you!"

Su Li thought to himself, and then activated the flying sword to move forward.

[Host, don’t you despise this reward? You say no, but your body is still very honest. 】

At this time, the system spoke again, and Su Li almost ran away.

This broken system actually learned how to last-hit.

Although she was unhappy, Su Li did not continue to entangle with the other party.

Otherwise, he was afraid that he would explode on the spot.

The task this time was naturally not too difficult.

With good luck, Su Li successfully completed the task in less than half an hour.

These sea beasts include not only sharks, but also octopuses, walruses, and sea lions.

Su Li did not waste any time on successfully hunting sea beasts.

Instead, I took some good meat and prepared to stew it to taste.

[The system prompts that the host has successfully completed the task and gained language proficiency. 】

As the system finished speaking, countless messages appeared in Su Li's mind, including English, French, and Arabic.

There is even animal language, and there are tens of thousands of languages ​​that Su Li mastered in an instant.

And there are some languages ​​that are not found on Earth.

"This mission is too simple. It seems that we need to find a more difficult mission."

Su Li said while cutting up the sea lion she had just killed.


Just cut and played with sea lions, Su Li was about to leave.

There was a sudden turbulence around him, which made Su Li narrow his eyes.

Soon he saw a huge creature coming towards him.

"What is this? Is it a whale?"

Su Li was a little curious, and then flew over with the flying sword.

A minute later, Su Li saw a huge submarine approaching.

Su Li squinted his eyes, and he actually saw the flag of the island country on the submarine.

"This island country is so capable that it actually came to our Chinese waters.

Su Li thought secretly.

In fact, Su Li didn't know it because he was looking for sea monsters.

Now he is in the waters of the island country. After all, he is on the bottom of the sea and cannot tell the direction.

"Since you dared to come to our Chinese waters and were met by me, then don't even think about going back."

[System mission, sink the Canglong-class submarine of the island country and leave safely. Mission reward: first-generation mecha manufacturing technology. 】

Seeing the system's mission 710 reward, Li's eyes lit up.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be mecha manufacturing technology, which reminded him of Iron Man.

If he could master such technology, everyone would be Iron Man.

"It seems I can't do it without destroying you."

Su Li looked at the submarine in the distance and thought to himself, then dived under the submarine.

Fortunately, he had a superb kitchen knife, so it was relatively easy to cut through the shell of the submarine.

Soon Su Li came under the submarine and took out the unparalleled kitchen knife.


Gently scratched the bottom of the submarine.

Su Li saw a trace of scratches appear. This was because he did not inject internal energy.

"Break it for me!"


Su Li gave a light drink, and her inner energy was poured into the unparalleled kitchen knife.

As it fell onto the submarine's shell, cracks appeared.

"Bang bang bang..."

Then Su Li punched several times again, and a hole as big as a human head appeared.

At the same time, a suction force appeared, and the sea water moved crazily towards the submarine.

"System, this task is very simple. Why are the rewards given to Mao so rich?"

Su Li left quickly and asked curiously.

But as soon as he finished speaking, his body couldn't help but startled again.

Because he discovered that there were several submarines appearing all around him.

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