I! New Systems Every Day

0103 Extraordinarily Effective Cancer-Killing Spirit (First Update, Please Give Me Flowers)

Under the leadership of Ye Mengyu, Su Li quickly arrived at the group's drug research room.

At this time, there were many people inside, all gathered around to look at the data on the screen.

"Hello, Mr. Su."

Seeing Su Li's arrival, everyone's eyes lit up and they nodded and saluted Su Li.

"Chairman, this is Wang Nanyang, the person in charge of the research and development of Cancer Killer. They have just tested the effect of Cancer Killer."

Ye Mengyu looked at the old man and said.

"Chairman, please look at this, this is the drug we developed based on the formula you gave us, and there is also a piece of data.

Wang Nanyang said and handed a capsule to Su Li, along with a data report.

"what's the result?"

Su Li asked, pretending to flip through the data report, but he couldn't understand this thing.

"Chairman, the effect is unexpectedly good. We extracted a large number of cancer cells and tested them in different environments, different numbers of cancer cells, etc."

"There is an active factor in this cancer-killing spirit. As long as it comes into contact with cancer cells, it will start to engulf it. The more cancer cells there are, the faster this active factor will multiply. Even patients with late-stage cancer can only take one day at most." , all cancer cells in the body will be destroyed.”

Wang Nanyang said with some excitement that he used to do research in the medical industry.

However, due to some reasons, he has been ostracized by many people.

When I came to the Su Group, in addition to being interested in the Su Group, I also saw generous benefits.

I originally thought I would just wait for death, but I didn't expect to be involved in such a great research work.

Although this cancer-killing spirit was not developed by them.

But as long as you participate, you will definitely leave a mark on your resume, which is of great significance.

"Oh? Is this active factor harmful to the human body?"

Su Li frowned and asked.

Active factors that live by engulfing cancer cells.

If it can continue to reproduce, it will be more terrifying than cancer cells.

"Don't worry, Chairman, as long as there are no cancer cells to phagocytose this active factor, it will be like us humans without food, and we will eventually starve to death."

"And this cycle is very short. Within ten minutes of swallowing cancer cells, the active factor will die and be broken down into water by the human body."

"So the only sequelae after using this cancer-killing spirit is probably having to go to the toilet more often."

Hearing Wang Nanyang's words, everyone around him couldn't help but smile.

What are the side effects of going to the toilet a few times?

If cancer could be cured by going to the toilet a few times, I'm afraid some people would be willing to stay in the toilet for the rest of their lives.

Su Li also smiled after hearing this.

The products produced by the system did not disappoint him.

I'm afraid someone from the State Administration of Medical Safety will come to conduct testing tomorrow.

As long as the test is completed, this cancer-killing spirit will be officially sold.

"By the way, how much does it cost to make this cancer-killing spirit?"

Su Li asked.

"Chairman, the cost can be said to be very low. Except for a few rare medicinal materials, other medicinal materials are very common.

"The cost of making such a pill of cancer-killing spirit is around 500, and this pill is enough to treat all cancers.

After hearing Wang Nanyang's words, Su Li looked at the capsule containing the cancer killer.

One capsule costs more than 500. Compared with other drugs, it must be very expensive.

But the problem is, this thing only needs one pill to solve cancer.

It saves countless people money on medication and chemotherapy.

In comparison, it is absolutely cheap and couldn't be cheaper.

"Okay, professionals from Kyoto will come to do the test tomorrow. As long as it passes the test, the patent approval and other matters will be quickly resolved. As for the price, let's set it at 588. Any family can afford it."

Su Li said with a smile.

Everyone nodded when they heard this.

They had long known that the chairman wanted to sell such drugs at cost price.

So I don't have any objections, and it won't affect their wages anyway.

At the same time, I am full of admiration for Su Li.

If a shady businessman owns such a drug, he will definitely make a lot of money.

But the other party is willing to give up such huge benefits to benefit mankind.

This kind of courage cannot be compared with them.

"Chairman, there are still two problems. One is that we do not have a factory to mass-produce such drugs, so the output of our laboratory cannot meet the demand.

"The second problem is that this drug has just appeared, and I'm afraid not many people believe in it, so we need to shoot an advertisement to promote it."

Ye Mengyu said.

But Su Li smiled slightly. After all, he had the experience of a top businessman.

How could he not think of these two questions?

You must know that his chat with the chief in Kyoto was not in vain.

"I have solved these two problems, and you will know tomorrow."

He has already told the three leaders about the production factory.

After hearing this, the three leaders immediately agreed to Su Li.

As long as this cancer-killing spirit is real, he has the right to expropriate all the drug-producing military factories in H City and even the country.

And they will also send troops to stay permanently to ensure that the formula will not be lost to doctors.

As for the advertisement, wait until the people from the Drug Inspection Bureau come tomorrow to prove whether it is true or false.

I'm afraid the three leaders will advertise for him on the news broadcast that night.

Compared with those celebrities charging high fees to shoot advertisements, there is nothing better than asking national leaders to speak out and popularize it in person.

The effect is not comparable to those of celebrities.

Seeing what Su Li said, Ye Mengyu didn't ask any more questions.

She is the talented businessman assigned to Su Li by the system, so she naturally trusts her boss.

After looking at the drug Miailan, Su Li went to see the research and development of Lingyan Cream.

I am also very interested in Lingyan Cream Su Li.

Cancer Killer is the sword that made Su Group famous.

This Lingyan Cream is (Li Nuozhao)'s sharp sword to make money.

He runs a company, not a charity, so this Lingyan Cream is naturally used to make money.

At this time, Lingyan Cream had also been developed, and the effect was surprisingly good.

It not only has the function of whitening and moisturizing, but also has the effect of removing acne because of the medicinal essence used in it.

In order to make it affordable for everyone, it is divided into three grades.

The effect of each type is naturally different, but even the lowest level one.

The effect is also better than those so-called big brands on the market.

After reading it, Su Li was naturally very satisfied.

At the same time, Ye Mengyu was also given some other cosmetics and pharmaceutical formulas.

Since the Su Group has made achievements in these two fields for the time being, it is natural to strike while the iron is hot.

When we returned to the villa, we were almost there.

At this time, the voice of the system factory administrator also sounded.

Su Li knew that a new golden finger was coming again. .

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