At this moment, the hundreds of millions of viewers in front of the screen looked at this picture, and they couldn't help but widen their eyes one by one, and their pupils were full of shock.

This happened so fast.

No one could have imagined that after Black and White Impermanence used such powerful means, the situation would usher in such a huge reversal in an instant.

And this stunning sword in the sky is just the beginning.

The next second.

Gu Bai's figure followed the tail wave of sword qi and directly flashed out.

Almost instantly, he came to the front of the black impermanence.

Dao Qi Domain!

Sword's Breath Realm!

Blade Qi Field!

Gu Bai held the spirit sword in his left hand and the immortal sword in his right hand, and the three major realms ~ were released at the same time.

The power of the two immortal weapons out of the sheath can be called irresistible.

I saw Gu Bai's figure, like a swimming dragon, with a burst of brilliant sword light and sword shadow, sweeping over the black and impermanent body.

There was no wind and rain like before, and the whole process was not hurried or slow, as if it were flowing smoothly.

And the black impermanence body is also completely fixed at this moment.


In the next second, all the light had already crossed.

Gu Bai's figure stopped behind Black Impermanence.

Hei Wuchang's huge body, which was as huge as a mountain, seemed to be divided into countless parts by strips of pure white light at this moment.

began to slowly disintegrate in the shocked eyes of everyone.


His body, like a pile of scattered building blocks, was erased from all divinity in the purifying power of Dao Qi just now,

At this moment, it completely disintegrated and collapsed, scattered directly, and turned into a large area of black ash.

Black impermanence, the killing is complete!

And Gu Bai only paused for less than half a second,

The figure teleported again, and came directly in front of Bai Wuchang.


Another flash of swords and swords.

Before Bai Wuchang could even react, his body was cut into countless pieces.

The vast and pure Dao Qi realm directly wiped out all the dead qi that maintained the power of the ghost cha.

Bai Wuchang's body disintegrated, and all the white cloth blocked by this space completely collapsed and shattered at this moment.

White impermanence, the killing is complete!

In this airspace.

All the ghosts that come from black and white impermanence are all purified.

The whole process takes only ten seconds,

These two ghosts, who are extremely famous in folklore, have fallen on the spot and turned into black dust.

Above the firmament.

Only the young figure with a ribbon of light and dust flowing all over his body remained, standing in the air, looking at the world.

Gu Bai's two palms were flung upward, and the spirit sword and fairy knife flung a few circles in mid-air, as if they were conscious, and they returned to their sheaths with a "bang".


Gu Bai exhaled and let the black dust blow around him.

And the audience who witnessed this battle throughout the whole process had already been shocked by their eyes.

There is no such thing as a difficult battle imaginable.

There is no amazing trick that you have come and gone.

Facing the black and white impermanence that is one level stronger than the soul ghost, and can also achieve the ultimate cooperation with each other.

Gu Bai did not hinder in the slightest throughout the whole process,

Just a few neat tricks solve everything.

Everyone swallowed slowly.

This isn't your average Origin level...

That's black and white impermanence!

Two of the top ten handsome!

The entire public screen, after being silent for a few seconds, finally broke out in an unprecedented barrage frenzy.


"Damn!! Groove !!!! "

"Gu Ye Cow Criticism !!!!"

"I'll go, I'm excited now and my whole body is shaking!!"

"Gu Ye, this is a god, right?"

"What do you mean to become a god, the evil gods of Sakura Island have been killed for eight hundred years, the Styx and the ghosts in the back, the current black and white impermanence, which one is not a god-level existence?"

"Although I don't know if there is a Heavenly Court, but at Gu Ye's current level, he can be able to shoot in the Heavenly Court, can you summarize it with a god?"

"Cold knowledge, the heavenly soldiers are gods, and the Zhenwu Emperor is also a god."

"How do I have a feeling... Gu Ye can really kill through the ghost gate this time..."(Read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu Novel Network!) )

"Wait and see, I'm getting hot blood all over my body now, maybe I'll really see that picture later!"

"Gu Ye Chong! Kill through the crumbs and you're done! "

At this moment, on the land of Kyushu, everyone's hearts are excited.

This feeling of regaining hope after experiencing extreme despair made everyone's blood surge and their voices were almost hoarse.

0 begging for flowers

But compared to the passion of the general population.

At this moment, the Kyushu officials are also in the same mood at any time, but there is no way to feel at ease.


At this moment, the mighty ghost tide released by the Ghost Gate Pass is approaching the four major base cities of Kyushu at a speed unimaginable to ordinary people.

A few hours are expected before a full-blown shock is expected.

An army of the undead, all composed of ghosts above the level of Doom, once it begins to invade human cities, it will be an immeasurable catastrophe.

The official high-level powerhouses don't even dare to imagine what a terrifying picture it is.

Moreover, the scope of danger of the Ghost Gate Pass is too wide.

Even if the human side had Gu Bai's super combat power, it would be difficult to protect all the base cities from harm.

At that time, it is very likely that there will be heavy casualties, or even the complete destruction of an entire base city.

Rendezvous Base City.

"Heavenly Master, do we need to mobilize men and horses to prepare to go out of the city to face the battle?"

After receiving the latest information, a senior military general hurriedly came and asked the old heavenly master eagerly.

Now that the time is very short, I am afraid that it will be too late to even deploy the defense.

But the Heavenly Master shook his head: "Let's just defend the inner city." "

"Since Gu Xiaoyou arranged for us to retreat to the inner city and abandon all the outer defense lines, he must have his intentions."

"If we act rashly, I'm afraid it will disrupt his plans, and then the situation will only get more complicated."

After the Heavenly Master finished speaking, behind his negative hand, those wise old eyes looked in the direction of the Central Plains.

In fact, he couldn't figure it out, how could Gu Bai solve this crisis?

Above the firmament.

Gu Bai's gaze looked at the vast dark earth below.

This army of the undead is still marching towards human cities. []

I don't have much time left.

You have to hurry up and finish the rest of the Origin level and perform the sacrificial flags.

Gu Bai was just about to leave.

A huge hole suddenly appeared in the clouds ahead.

A terrifying huge figure suddenly emerged from the hole, wrapped in monstrous might, and attacked him directly!

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