Boom ——!

Heaven and earth earthquake!

The incomparably vast ghost tide in front of him was directly divided into two by the shining thunder light.

Countless doom-level and catastrophe-level ghosts turned into dust and ashes almost instantly.

Like a sea of black swamps, a huge ravine purified by thunder appeared at this moment.

The army of hundreds of millions of undead released by the Ghost Gate Pass covers too wide a range.

Even such a large-scale kill is only a drop in the bucket for the entire army.

But it has to be said that

The density of these ghosts is also staggering.

With just the aftermath of a blitzkrieg, Gu Bai annihilated thousands of ghosts.

The number of ghosts in the spirit banner has risen a lot!

"Damn, this can't work."

Gu Bai's heart suddenly tightened,

The spirit banner is full, and it is only 100,000 positions.

If you wait for a casual shot, I'm afraid it will be filled up in minutes.

If you don't have time to collect a few origin-level ghost things in 15, it will be a big loss.

Gu Bai hurriedly retracted his strength and quickly raised his height, while aiming at the several ghosts at the front of the army.

Ghosts, black and white impermanence!

These three major ghost differences can be said to be the first Yin Si to appear in Kyushu.

What is certain is that before the Ghost Gate Gate was opened, their strength was only around the catastrophe level at best.

Now they've all been raised to the Origin level.

Let's take these first.

Gu Bai's eyes condensed slightly, unfolded the square inch world realm, directly dodged a few extremes, spanned a distance of hundreds of miles, and came to the side of these three guiding ghosts.

As the only human to break into this army of the undead.

Gu Bai's appearance had already attracted the attention of all the ghosts in the vicinity.

Wave after wave of surging ghosts rushed towards Gu Bai, as if they were about to completely engulf him and tear him apart.

And the soul ghost at the forefront also slowly turned his head.

"Groove Groove Groove !!!"

"It's coming!!! it's coming"

"I'll go! Gu Ye directly did the ghost errand???? "

The tide of war is changing rapidly.

The audience just watched,

Gu Bai teleported in front of the army without the slightest pause, facing the three major ghosts.

Especially after seeing the soul-detaining ghost's penetrating smile up close, everyone felt a tingling of their scalps, and the blood all over their bodies seemed to stop flowing at this moment.

This feeling of oppression felt in the face of the Origin level is indescribable in any words.

The lower half of the ghost's body didn't move, but his head rotated one hundred and eighty degrees, and the incomparably white smiling face was aimed at Gu Bai not far away.

Then, his hands flicked off the bamboo slip, and a brush appeared in his hand.

The barrel of the brush is made of human bone, the tip of the pen is made of human hair, and a large skull head is nailed to the end of the shaft.

The next moment, blood oozed from the tip of the pen.

With a smile on his face, the ghost wrote the name "Gu Bai" in blood.

"What is He doing..."

"Registration... The ghost's name is registered..."


"Gu Ye be careful, !!!!"

After seeing the ghost's actions clearly, all the viewers in front of the screen felt goosebumps all over their bodies.

This is different from the physical attacks of Styx.

The method used by the Soul Arrester is definitely a rule-level ability!

But the process was so fast that everyone was just starting to react.

The name on the thin bamboo slip has long been completed.


Gu Bai only felt an invisible force enveloping his body.

An invisible chain stretched out from the back of the ghost,

At the same time as the registration was completed, the chain was already connected to Gu Bai's body.

It's a kind of soul locking.

It is also the ability of the soul ghost, as a ghost who works in the underworld, to cross the two worlds of yin and yang.


The space suddenly moved.

This chain of the soul detaining ghost suddenly erupted with extremely powerful suction.

It seems that Gu Bai's soul is going to be pulled out like that.

It's just that no matter how hard this chain is.

Gu Bai still didn't move, but he still felt a little interesting. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

This ability can only be useful for targets of the same level and lower levels.

The Spirits are now Origin.

But Gu Bai, who had cultivated the Beginningless Dao Book, had already crossed this dimension and had become a more advanced existence.

To him, this soul chain was more like a pigtail stretched out by the soul-detaining ghost himself than a threat.

"Then you're welcome."

A smile appeared at the corner of Gu Bai's mouth, and the spirit sword in his hand spun and picked it up, directly entangled the soul chain.


The sword breath realm of the spirit sword exploded in an instant, and the vast and turbulent sword breath energy was all poured into the chain!


The invisible chains took shape at this moment, like a red-hot fluorescent tube, lit up inch by inch until they reached the body of the soul-detaining ghost.

The power of the sword's breath to destroy,

is compressed in this very small space,

High-frequency resonance is carried out non-stop.

The ghost's entire body trembled violently, and its pale smiling face became extremely distorted, radiating light from the inside out like a 950 broken light bulb.


The ghost's mouth uttered terrifying syllables, and the skin of his body shattered, splattering black blood.

At this moment, its entire body has been completely destroyed by the Sword Breath Realm.

After reaching the critical point, there was a loud "poof" and completely exploded.

It turned into a rain of black blood in the sky.

Gu Bai's mind moved, and the life of the soul detaining ghost was instantly transferred to him.

Reach out and grab it with a "snap".

"It's kind of interesting."

The moment he started, Gu Bai felt the countless evil ghost souls imprisoned in the bamboo slips.

This is a magic weapon similar to a spirit flag, and it is also a genuine production of the underworld!

Later, when I have time, I have to study and study it.

Gu Bai directly included it in the small world.

At this time, the rain of blood that the soul detains turned into was still hanging and wriggling in the sky.

The remnants of the vitality seem to be about to be reunited.

But Gu Bai didn't give it this chance to regenerate.

Several thick purple arcs of thunder appeared under his feet, sweeping in all directions!

Zizi Zizi——!

A huge purple minefield burst out in an instant, like a flower of thunder and lightning blooming in the sky, directly annihilating the shattered body of the soul detaining ghost into powder.

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