Rendezvous Base City.

Supreme Strategic Command.

above the square.

Gu Bai stood in front of everyone, also looking at the picture from the perspective of the Sky Eye in the sky.

"It's really powerful..."

Gu Bai narrowed his eyes and muttered in a low voice.

Roughly judged

Including the generals, there are at least five origin levels.

The catastrophe level is already too many to count, let alone the calamity level.

As for the lethal level, it can't exist in this kind of billions of ghosts in the whirlpool at all,

As early as the moment it appeared, it was directly vaporized and turned into nutrients for other ghosts.

During the field, the other fighters were also shocked.

Just these companion ghosts that were created when the ghost door closed and opened were already so powerful.

It's hard to imagine the extent to which the other party's ghost body has reached.

This is just the beginning.

"Gu Xiaoyou." 15 The Heavenly Master, the chief chief, the deputy chief and others all walked to Gu Bai's side, their faces extremely solemn.

Gu Bai's gaze was still looking at the Heavenly Eye Vision Realm in the sky above.

He's still waiting.

Inside the ghost gate, there must be something to come out.

Moreover, the remnants of the Corpse God Society still have no signs of appearing.

"Wait a minute, everybody."

Gu Bai said to the Heavenly Master and the others.


He walked to the open space on the side and said to the little white fox on his shoulder: "Xiaoqing, what kind of immortal method are you?" The one who can detect the breath? "

"Faerie Messenger."

Tu Shanqing rolled her eyes, she didn't remember how many times she had said it.

Gu Bai: "Yes, it's this fairy messenger, can you cover the Central Plains region?" "

Tu Shanqing rolled his crystal eyes, thought for a while, and said: "It's a little difficult, you have to get closer, and someone has to protect the Fa, but it's all in this situation, is it any use to use fairy touch?" "

"Yes, I need you to help me find someone, do you have an impression of the breath of the Corpse God Society? If you sense that they are there, let me know. "

Gu Bai commanded.

Tu Shanqing nodded, and then reacted, her eyes widened: "No, you plan to give me Dharma protection in that situation?" Do you know how strong things are when the hell door closes??? "

"Don't worry, I can handle it."

Gu Bai said with a smile.

At this point,

In the array of fighters in the rear, there was another exclamation and commotion.

Gu Bai looked back and saw that the ghost gate in the Heavenly Eye Vision Realm had changed again.


It was an incomparably dense tremor of terror.

It seemed that tens of millions of troops were marching, and the momentum of overwhelming mountains and seas poured out of the pitch-black giant gate.

Two giant shadows, one black and one white.

The first to emerge from both sides of the ghost gate.

The white giant figure was dressed in a long robe and an official hat, tall and thin, with an extremely penetrating smile on his pale face, and a long tongue spit out from his mouth, like a blood-red cloth hanging in the air.

The black giant shadow has an extremely fierce face, a wide body and a fat body, and angry eyes, like a black-faced god.

The two ghosts, armed with shackles and handcuffs, one left and one right, opened the way in the black wave.

And they also have a name that everyone knows and everyone knows-

Black and white are impermanent.

At this moment, all the audience, witnessing the appearance of such a strange god, almost stopped filming at this moment.

"Black and white impermanence... That's black and white impermanence..."

"Black and white impermanence has come to the world to ask for his life..."

People couldn't help but shudder all over their bodies and their faces turned pale.

And in addition to the impermanence of black and white, there is another strange figure that appears between the two.

The strange monster, with chains on its back and a smiling white face, took up the vast majority of its body.

He was dressed in a purple robe and held a thin bamboo slip in his hand.

It is a ghost who has been wandering in the mountains and rivers of Kyushu for a long time, but has never been officially touched.

Three ghosts go together,

Opens the way for a mysterious being that is about to be born.


In the ghost gate, a mysterious light of dark order also emanated.

It was like a black dawn sun, piercing the dim night sky with an incomparably savage attitude.

Subsequently, (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!) )

A huge figure took the lead in stepping out of the ghost gate.

Its head is as big as a bucket, its shoulders are narrow, its limbs are extremely long, and it holds a ghostly fire lantern in its left hand and a blood-colored long pole in its right hand.

The height of this Yin God has reached more than a thousand feet.

A pair of tiny eyes, embedded in a huge head, resemble a little black mole on a white pigskin.

And so he stepped forward in the void step by step.

The faint flame emitted by the lantern in his hand remained on his way, turning into a river of ghostly fire.

"That's the Night Wanderer..."

"The Night Wanderer... The night wandering god is leading the way with a lantern..."

Soon, someone recognized the identity of this ghost god, and their hearts were shocked to the extreme.

The lantern of the night wandering god leads the way.

It is self-evident that the beings who can be led by Him are self-evident.


The overwhelming sound of shaking is getting closer and closer to 550 years.

Until he crossed the ghost gate, he shook in the present world with a bang.

Moment. []

The entire land sank to a depth of hundreds of meters because of this coercion that shook out of the ghost gate.

A cobweb-shaped abyss, centered on the Ghost Gate Pass, directly spread to the entire Central Plains.

Even the edges of the four base cities in Kyushu were affected by a terrible earthquake.




Accompanied by the breathtaking sound of war drums, it came from the endless underworld on the other side of the Ghost Gate.

One figure after another.

also began to emerge from the ghost gate.

It was a vast sea of Yin soldiers and generals, wearing tattered armor and holding spears, releasing a vast evil aura, step by step towards the world.

This is an army that destroys the world with no end in sight.

Every Yin soldier and Yin general is far stronger than the Yin soldier borrowing incident in Binhai City at the beginning.

And among these Yin soldiers and Yin Generals, there are also two terrifying giant shadows.

These two giant shadows both have a majestic body that is thousands of feet high.

One is a horse-faced human body.

One is a bull-headed human body.

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