Now the basic facts have been confirmed.

A few hours ago, Gu Bai returned to the real world.

In addition, the Origin-level ghost snake "Styx" was destroyed.

This is something that even the president of the Corpse God Society in front of him did not expect.

The other party not only broke away from Izanagi's seal, but also became stronger.

Able to kill the origin level alone,

It is enough to prove that Gu Bai's current strength has stepped into a higher dimension.

It has the power to transcend this world.

This is an extremely dangerous thing.

Especially the rebel powerhouses present, what they are most worried about is being ~ liquidated.

Originally, Gu Bai was sealed, Kyushu would be completely destroyed by the Origin Level, and the gods were about to be born, leading them to obtain immortal status.

Everything is moving steadily in the direction it has set.

But who would have thought that the only person in the world who can still influence the overall situation will come back.

Moreover, as soon as he made a move, he killed the Origin-level Styx!

If Gu Bai discovers this, let alone obtaining immortality, it would be good not to be liquidated on the spot.

As early as when he had fought the catastrophe level of the Slippery Head Ghost, the Great Tengu, and the Yaqi Great Snake, Gu Bai had already shown his strength beyond that of the Super Sage.

Later, in the battle with Izanagi, he was directly canonized.

And even more so now.

All the strong people present turned slightly pale because of fear.

The situation is changing so quickly that it is completely beyond the control of the Corpse God Society.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were focused on the old man above.

"President, what are we doing?"

Ghost Head asked.

The old man's eyes were calm and gloomy, like two withered lamps with only wicks left, and he slowly spoke:

"The ghost gate is about to appear, and the underworld will reappear in the world, which is a torrent that no one can stop. "

"Even he was the same. "

Hearing this, the pupils of the ghost head flickered slightly, as the number two person of the Corpse God Society, he naturally knew a lot of secrets, and he kept it secret.

The appearance of the ghost gate is the predetermined end of this world.

It is also one of the necessary conditions for the birth of "God".

But now that there is a variable of Gu Bai, I am afraid that something unpredictable will happen in this process.

"Lord, are you telling the truth?"

"Doesn't that mean we'll be fine if we stay here?"

"That's good, that's good..."

On the long steps, the strong men from all walks of life talked about each other.

Obviously, the president's words made them relax a lot.

At this time, however, the president continued to speak in a slow tone: "However, for the sake of safety, the Lord must receive some nourishment in advance, and this will require you to contribute some blood. "

As soon as these words came out, the strong people present all stood up straight, as if they had suddenly come to some extremely important occasion, revealing solemn and solemn colors.

In the Corpse God Society, it is an extremely honorable thing to donate blood for the "Lord".

This is the ticket to eternal life,

No one would be stingy at such a time.

"It is an honor for us to be able to contribute our modest efforts to the Lord!"

"Yes, the more times like these, the more we have to show our devotion to the Lord, and you will take as much blood as you need, Lord!"

The crowd professed their loyalty.

The old man on the altar slowly opened his hands, "Faithful believers, you will become a part of the Lord, and the Lord will lead you to eternal life. "

This sentence seems to be biased, but at this time, no one cares about the details of the words.

Some of them had already taken out their daggers, and when the president had placed the blood array at their feet, they began to cut their wrists and bleed. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


The president did not start a blood formation.

In the darkness behind him, a huge palm stretched out.

The skin of the palm was grayish-white, and the knuckles and nails had an eerily slender shape, and there was no flesh filling, only pure skin and bone.

The palm of the hand pressed against the altar, and the other hand came out.


This strange creature, hundreds of meters high, slowly crawled out of the darkness.

It was a creeping giant with extremely long limbs.

His head was elongated, distorted face, his mouth was lined with rows of sharp teeth, and his dry, thinning hair hung from the top of his head, dragging the ground around.

This is the body of the giant white corpse, the totem of the Corpse God Cult.

Originally, there were still some strong men who were excited and ready to donate blood at any time.

The moment he saw the giant white corpse appear, his face changed, and his legs softened almost instantly.

If it was just pure blood, there would be absolutely no need to dispatch the existence of the giant white corpse.

Now it appears. []

Then there is only one possibility left.


"Grow up... You're trying to..."

Everyone present couldn't help but tremble their lips and almost sat down on the ground.

The president looked down calmly, not so much calm as indifferent, "This is a glorious thing, and you will soon have eternal life." "

This sentence directly finalized the fate of everyone in the audience.

It was only now that they understood what the president meant by the phrase "you will be a part of the Lord."

That is, the complete sacrifice of the flesh.

The giant white corpse slowly stretched out a hand, twisted two fingers in the air, and grabbed the head of a strong man.

The other hand gripped his torso and lifted it vigorously.


"Snap ——!"

The screams stopped abruptly, and the strong man's head had been directly pulled out.

The giant white corpse threw both pieces into its stomach and chewed it with its sharp teeth, and the blood was drunk as a drink.

Immediately after, the giant white corpse began to speed up its eating.

Its palms gripped in the air in front of it, and with each grab, the forces of order locked onto the captured prey, immobilizing it at all.

"No!! don't !!!!"

"Lord, please spare me! I will be loyal to the Lord! Don't kill me!!"

"I've done a great job to the Corpse God! you can't !!! that."

At this moment, even the existence of the Holy Cross Pope and the Tantric Holy Buddha, the super-saints, had unprecedented fear in their eyes.

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