This Blood Fiend,

The whole body is squirming slightly.

If you look closely, you can see that its skin is covered with dense miniature grimaces.

It can be said that every drop of its blood is a grimace.

In the process just now, countless undead souls gathered together to form this resentment body that was wailing for ten thousand souls.

In a nutshell

This blood demon, which is no more than three meters tall, is a miniature version of the River Styx.

Gu Bai slashed out with a sword in his hand.

The sword breath turned into a long rainbow, piercing through the body of the blood demon.

Boom ——!

The terrifying sword breath cut a black line between the earth and space.

The Blood Fiend's body was also unbalanced at this moment, and he staggered a few steps backwards.

However, the sword breath that was enough to cut through the entire River Styx only left a trail no more than a few fingers deep on the Blood Demon's body.

And it quickly recovers as the flesh and blood wriggle.

Now, the density of the Blood Demon's physical body has reached an unimaginable level.

"It's kind of interesting. "

The corners of Gu Bai's mouth provoked a smile.

Completed the extreme condensation of the entire body.

Defense, speed, and attack power have been greatly improved across the ranks.

This is the strongest form of the River Styx.

It is also a strength that the origin level really should have.


"I'm going to be so awesome???"

"This Nima... Gu Ye's sword just now failed to break its defense?"

"This monster is a condensation of the entire River Styx, you say?"

"Damn, if it's true, then this density is too scary. "

A shocking giant that is hundreds of kilometers long and has a diameter of tens of kilometers on the surface of the river when fully unfolded is condensed into a life form that is only three meters high...

You must know that the River Styx can easily crush the existence of the Pharaoh's ghost in its initial state.

How powerful this Blood Demon is now is beyond anyone's imagination.

Until this moment,

The audience finally realized the seriousness of the problem, and their entire backs were already wet with cold sweat.

This is the true Origin level.

"It's coming..."

"It's going to begin..."

The audience swallowed slowly, and they could clearly see that the Blood Fiend had slowly opened the bloody mouth that had split half of its head.

The billions of grimaces that make up its flesh also opened their mouths at this moment.


An indescribable howl spread from the Blood Demon's body!

At this moment, a mighty sound wave was formed, causing the entire space to ripple like water.

The sound of the continuous wailing pierced the eardrums and almost tore everyone's soul apart!

Boom ——!

With the Blood Demon as the center, the ground that was dozens of kilometers full of kilometers collapsed in an instant at this moment!

The shattered earth's crust, under the sonic shock, was split into countless pieces, crushed into powder.

The entire war zone was directly turned into a vast desert.


"Vozhnyima !!"

The audience covered their ears in pain.

When they heard this wail through the screen, they all felt as if their souls were being torn apart by countless tentacles, and the pain was extreme.

At this moment, only Gu Bai still had a flat expression, he took out a talisman from the small world, rubbed his fingers and burned the talisman, and recited a mantra in his mouth:

"Quiet. "

In the next moment, the sound wave emitted by the Blood Demon that could almost shatter everything was completely purified at this moment.

The whole world suddenly fell silent.

And Gu Bai's figure also disappeared at this moment.

In the next second, he appeared in front of the Blood Demon.

The spirit sword in his hand pierced the blood demon's mouth.


The sound of a sword piercing flesh was heard.

The blade of the Spirit Sword, as sharp as if it had cut through everything, pierced through the Blood Fiend's mouth, piercing its entire head and out of the back of its head.

This is not a sword breath attack, but an attack of the spirit sword itself.

In front of the super artifact, any density defense is almost useless.

Gu Baijian pointed upward.

The Blood Demon's entire head was directly split in two, and a blood arrow soared out!


The Blood Fiend let out another scream of pain, and it staggered to its feet, but quickly stood on its feet and threw a punch straight away.

This time, the Blood Demon was not only resentful, but also with a monstrous rage!

Gu Bai also entered the state of the Miracle Immeasurable World at this moment.

After receiving the blessing of the Beginningless Dao Book, his Lei Fa has already reached a higher level.

Gu Bai raised his arm to block.

Countless purple thunderbolts surged, covering his arm with a layer of brilliant brilliance.

Boom ——!

The two sides collided together.

With an earth-shattering sound, the earth instantly cracked into a terrifying abyss.

Before everyone had time to react, Gu Bai and the Blood Demon had already launched an unprecedented melee hand-to-hand combat!

Boom, boom, boom......

A terrifying tremor spread out.

No one can keep up with the pace of combat at this level.

Everyone just saw pieces of collapsed black fields, appearing at every collision point in the sky and on the earth.

The entire ground of the war zone, and even the crust hundreds of meters deep underground, were completely reduced to dust in this melee.

I am afraid that by the time the battle is over, this marginal defense line will completely turn into a large desert with only fine dust accumulation.

Boom ——!

Boom ——!

Boom ——!......

One after another, the sound spread in the sky.

The whole Tianyan picture is also like frequency hopping, and the angle of view is constantly changing at high speed.

Even the city of Longdu Base, which was nearly a thousand kilometers away, could clearly feel the huge fluctuations from the war zone.

When the sound waves and shock waves hit, even the glass of many high-rise residents was shattered into slag.


"Can any of you see it? I can't see anything???

"My teacher is a super-level powerhouse, he can't see it, let's take a look. "

"It doesn't matter if you can't see it or not, it's purely because the pace of the battle is too fast, and the capture speed of the Sky Eye can't keep up!"

"Damn... It's a scary battle, isn't it? Can Gu Ye hold on?"

"Nonsense! Gu Ye is not serious yet! How can he not hold on! The origin level is a fart, even if the body size is condensed, what if the overall strength of the Styx has not become stronger, if the Styx has this confidence, he will not think about running away just now!"

"What the buddy upstairs said makes sense, just now Styx was planning to avoid the edge for the time being, if the final form of Styx is really that strong, then why do you need to run just now, you will fight with Gu Ye in the early opening form!"

"Hmm, do you feel that the battlefield seems to be getting farther and farther away..."

"Indeed, I'm in Longdu Base City, and the shock wave just now is more terrifying, and now listening to the sound and fluctuations, it seems that I am getting farther and farther away from Base City. "


While the audience was nervous and hot.

Gu Bai had already crushed the Blood Demon from the edge war zone all the way to the mountains in the distance.

Boom ——!

With the last thud.

Both sides retreated some distance.

Gu Bai held the spirit sword obliquely in one hand, and the other behind him, under the blessing of the dual realms of the Infinite World and the Fangcun World, it was like a god coming to the world.

On the other hand, the Blood Demon's entire body was already in the fierce battle just now, and it was beaten like a rag bag, and blood was dripping from every part of his body, and the healing speed was not as fast as before.

The blood demon's energy is not unlimited, and after the consumption just now, its aura has begun to languish, and it is difficult to form a powerful combat power again.

"What's the other trick, hurry up and show it, I'm still in a hurry to seek revenge." "

Gu Bai said. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

I have just finished warming up, and the other party is already dying.

In addition, this Styx ghost did not let himself trigger the spirit exploration mission,

The battle was a bit of a disappointment.

It's better to get it done quickly, so that you can find the corpse god and settle the account.

The Blood Demon also seemed to be able to understand Gu Bai's words, and an aura of extreme anger slowly spread into the surrounding space.

It suddenly opened its mouth, and a terrifying ray of blood shot out of it!


This blood ray was only a finger thick, but it contained endless blood power, and it instantly penetrated the space, marking a collapsed space with neat edges, and shot straight at Gu Bai.

Gu Bai raised his sword to block!


The blade of the sword split the bloodline, splitting it in two.

The two high-pressure energy diverts formed by the blood line collapsed the space of the two straight lines, and a huge letter "Y" appeared in the sky.

That's when it happened.

Instead of spurting blood, the Bloodfiend suddenly turned into an afterimage and began to flee into the distance!

Even Gu Bai didn't expect that the other party would run so simply and quickly. []

This hand is really good.


".~ It ran !!"

"Styx, this is ??? escape"

The audience was shocked, and everyone felt a little unbelievable.

A dignified origin-level, Western law old king can casually press on the ground to rub the existence, would run away in such an embarrassment!


On the way to escape, the Blood Demon's body actually began to disintegrate, turning into billions of drops of blood, splashing everywhere!

This is the Regenerative Trait of the Blood Fiend!

These billions of drops of blood that flew to all sides, even if only one drop could survive, it would be able to recreate an immortal body through this only drop of blood!

The blood demon knew that he was invincible, and this wishful thinking of escaping was fought very loudly.

It's just a pity,

It met Gu Bai.

"It's all on this, and there's no point in escaping. "

Gu Bai stared at the Styx River in front of him, which was fleeing rapidly, with some disdain in his eyes.

His mind moved,

In the next moment, the entire sword breath field was regenerated, completely sealing off the entire area.

Feel that everything around you has been completely locked down.

The blood splattered everywhere was completely agitated.

As the first Origin-level ghost to engage in actual combat with the human side, Styx finally felt what fear was at this time.

It realized that it might be wiped out soon.

But now those bloods can't form any combat power at all, and can only try to gather again.

But Gu Bai's next move made Styx completely fall into despair.

Dao Xi Field, expand!


The space centered on Gu Bai began to rhythm.

The ripples spread between heaven and earth until they were level with the boundaries of the entire Sword Breath Realm.

Overlapping dual domains.

The complete body of the Spirit Sword is truly manifested at this moment.

The supreme Dao qi that purifies everything, and the breath of the fairy sword that pierces the soul with a sharp edge, blend and overlap with each other,

It has become an irresistible force of order.

All the blood splashing in the air stopped at this moment, as if it was instantly locked by some mysterious force, and it could no longer move.

I saw Gu Bai reversing the spirit sword in his hand and holding the hilt upside down.

Then, he slowly let go of the spirit sword.

The blade shattered into countless rays of light at this moment, blending directly into the surrounding air.

The next moment.

Above the billions of drops of undead blood scattered in this heaven and earth, a sword began to slowly condense.

A sword aimed at a drop of blood.

Billions of drops of blood, there are billions of swords hanging in the air, locking them up.

A realm of judgment shrouded over the River Styx was born.

Gu Bai raised a hand and stared at him, as if he was a master who controlled life and death.

The next moment, his palm waved downward.

All the spirit sword clones stabbed down directly.

Forgive heaven and earth!


At this moment, hundreds of millions of sword lights flashed, and the light was brilliant to the extreme, illuminating the mountains and rivers of Kyushu.

Billions of drops of blood in the River Styx,

The moment the spirit sword stabbed down, it was instantly shattered, and the energy aura inside was purified.

There were no vigorous battles.

There was no hesitation.

Gu Bai seemed to have just made an insignificant decision.

All the blood of the River Styx has been purified and turned into ashes.

All the realms of evil and dead air.

Completely lifted at this moment.

Between heaven and earth, there is a clear place.

Until this moment, the first origin-level ghost to invade Kyushu was eliminated.


Gu Bai also lifted all the realms, and slowly exhaled a breath again.

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