
The breath of the spirit sword spread rapidly, until it filled the entire heaven and earth, completely enveloping the entire river Styx, which was hundreds of kilometers long.


The shrouded invasion of the unknown realm made the entire River Styx instantly agitated, winding wildly on the earth,

It even turned its end to its head and retreated straight away, attempting to escape from this extremely dangerous territory.

But its actions were still too late after all.

When the end of the River Styx came to the edge of the realm, it was as if it had hit an invisible barrier.

Boom ——!

The sudden collision made a huge amount of blood splash in the River Styx!

This is the barrier of the Sword Breath Realm.

A wall of absolute defense condensed by billions of sword breaths!

At the moment when the impact occurred.

Within the domain barrier, "Eighty-Two-Seven", a terrifying shock wave spread, cutting the earth out of a big pit in an instant.

But beyond the realm barrier, there is no movement.

This realm barrier has completely isolated this land from the outside world.

Styx, a large and fragile being, wants to break through the blockade of this defensive barrier, it is simply a fantasy.

"You want to run away?"

Gu Bai snorted coldly, a contemptuous smile on the corner of his mouth.

His mind moved.

The next moment.

The entire field instantly glowed with a bright and hazy luster.

It was a tiny, dusty blue photon that had been created out of thin air in the realm.

Photons swim and converge in the air, like schools of fish on the ocean floor.

The land that was once a mess has now completely turned into a sea of light.

Even the clouds above the sky were reflected in a dark blue cloud of light.

"Is this Lefa?"

"No... It's not Lefa..."

"I'm going... Isn't that dreamy?"

At this moment, the audience looked at the changing scene of the world in front of them in a daze, and they were already shocked.

How big and far is this sea of light?

No one can see the end at a glance.

But what is certain is that the entire River Styx must be shrouded in this sea of light.

This can no longer be described as an exaggeration, it is simply a miracle from heaven.

Moreover, anyone who is familiar with Gu Bai's ability through previous battles can see that this is not Lei Fa.

It's a whole new realm of mystery!

I saw that the sea of light and dust began to surge at this moment, and gradually converged into an illusory lightsaber, hanging in the air.

The dense blue lightsabers formed an unprecedented huge sword array, spanning the heavens and the earth.

At this moment, the pupils of all the audience couldn't help but dilate slightly.

The brain seems to have trouble processing the information that is too far in front of me.

Is this a sword formation?

A sword formation with a diameter of at least 100 kilometers???


Styx's restlessness became even more obvious, and even at the cost of destroying its body, it kept hitting the edge of the realm, trying to escape from this sword formation.

Gu Bai's eyes stared at the river of blood writhing on the earth below, and slowly raised the blade of his sword, pointing at the River Styx.

The next moment.

In the entire sword breath field, all the lightsabers moved.


The lightsaber turned into a streamer and converged into a great river of sword light that was almost the size of the River Styx, and surged directly in the direction of the River Styx.

The majestic sword momentum is rolling like a dragon.

Let everything in heaven and earth tremble.

Styx also felt the approach of the sword, and it no longer chose to break through the formation and flee, but turned back to face it!


The river of blood rose high, wrapped in monstrous might, and slammed straight into the long river of sword power.

Looking down from the sky, it looks like two dragons, one blue and one red, on the earth, colliding together!

Boom ——!

With an earth-shattering bang.

The space where the two sides collided instantly exploded a large area of collapsed black domain.

The earth cracked, and the clouds scattered.

The mighty shock wave almost lifted up the surrounding crust.

If it weren't for the blockade of the Sword Breath Domain, this impact alone would have had an extremely huge impact on the entire Dragon Capital Base City.

"Groove Groove Groove !!!"

"It's !!! done"

"Come on Gu Ye!!!!!"

"Kill Kill Kill Kill !!!!!"

The audience was already on fire at this moment.....

One by one, they waved their fists excitedly, and the spittle stars sprayed all over the screen.

This time, the wrestling between the two sides was extremely fierce!

But the sword is long, and it is obviously better!

Countless sword lights, like light needles shuttling back and forth, formed an extremely terrifying strangulation field, constantly encroaching on the River Styx.

A large amount of blood exploded in the wrestling place, and the undead corpses hidden in it were directly torn into pieces and constantly splashed outward.

The whole scene is like the ultimate wave.

The sword dragon soon completely gained the upper hand, shattering the body of the Styx, constantly pressing in!


In just a few seconds, nearly one-third of Styx's body was completely devoured by the sword dragon.

And as the River Styx begins to decline, (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

The mighty sword dragon became more and more powerful, and it was about to swallow up the entire river Styx.

"If you want to win, you have to win!!"

"Come on Gu Ye!!"

"It's too good to be !!!!"

The audience was going crazy.

This is directly crushing an Origin-level ghost snake!

Who else in the world can do it except Gu Ye?

Gu Bai's gaze was different from that of the audience, he had been paying attention to the core of the 2.5 River.

"It's all like this, and you still haven't come out?"

Gu Bai narrowed his eyes.

The blade of the sword in his hand shook, and the entire sword breath realm immediately resonated.

As if receiving an order, the sword dragon actually increased its momentum again, frantically crushing the body of Styx.

In the blink of an eye, only half of Styx's body remained.

Immediately after that, only a third remained, then a quarter, a fifth ...

The hundred-mile blood river that originally ravaged the earth and mountains is now only an extremely short section, and it is still resisting stubbornly. []

A full minute.

The remaining body of the River Styx was finally torn apart by the sword momentum, losing all its ability to resist, and was completely submerged in the vast blue sword light.

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