Above the sky.

Gu Bai's figure slowly descended, and landed beside the Heavenly Master, and he easily lifted the defensive realm.

"Gu Xiaoyou... Is it really you?"

Li Dongxuan's lips moved, he and Gu Bai had a relationship at the headquarters, and he never thought that the second meeting with the other party would be under such circumstances.

At the beginning of the battle of Sakura Island, Gu Bai was hit head-on by Izanagi's sixth eye ability, and since then he has disappeared for several months.

As time passed, the little hope that was left in people's hearts had been exhausted, and everyone thought that he had died a heroic death.

But who would have thought,

At a time when Kyushu was facing a catastrophe, he returned with such a posture.

He held the bow of God,

With only three arrows, he deterred an Origin-level ghost.

No one knows what happened to Gu Bai during this time.

Several Sages present had mixed feelings in their hearts at the moment, and they had countless words to say, but they didn't know where to start.

"Sorry, it's late. "

Gu Bai said apologetically.

If he hadn't come across a big rat from the Corpse God Society on the way here, he wouldn't have come so late.

But it's okay, it's stuck on point.

Gu Bai glanced at these super saints, and several old men had all suffered a lot of injuries in the battle just now.880

Especially the Celestial Master, who alone fought against the River Styx at the forefront, catching most of the damage.

Now the entire dantian qi sea is shattered, and it is basically powerless to return to the sky.

Gu Bai frowned slightly: "Heavenly Master, your injury..."

"It's okay, I can't die, even if I'm a waste person in the future, it's good to be able to pick up a life, thank you for saving your life. "

The old heavenly master smiled very open-mindedly, looking at the young man in front of him, his eyes were full of relief, "It's good that you're back." "

"It's okay, it's not a big problem, I can cure it. "

Gu Bai said.

As soon as these words came out, all the saints present were stunned.

Not a big problem?

Can it be cured?

For cultivators who have reached the realm of transformation, the physical body is far beyond ordinary people, even if the heart or brain is destroyed, they can reshape the physical body with their own powerful qi and blood.

But only the Qi Sea Dantian is broken, and the gods are difficult to save!

The dantian is the foundation of all the cultivators,

It is extremely amazing that the Heavenly Master was able to save his life under such circumstances.

Gu Bai actually said that it could be cured?

Several Sages were a little stunned.

Even the Old Heavenly Master hurriedly said: "Little friend, don't waste too much energy on Lao Dao, my old bones don't matter anymore, it's important to be careful of the River Styx!"

The voice fell.

The monstrous sea of blood in the mist of smoke and miasma ahead had poured in again, trying to swallow all the humans on this land in one gulp.

Gu Bai just raised the demon bow again, aimed at the River Styx, and shot arrows.

Boom ——!

Once again, the newly formed head of the River Styx was shattered in an instant, and the entire blood began to recede again.

"It's okay, I said it can be cured. "

Gu Bai said with a smile.


The four Sages looked at each other.

Gu Bai's resolute posture of repelling the River Styx, as well as his rather confident words, stunned them all, and they didn't know what to say for a while.

But in the next second, their pupils instantly widened to the extreme, as if they had seen something unbelievable to them.

I saw Gu Bai close his eyes.

Then, his right eye opened, and a soft white light rose from the pupil of his right eye, turning into a cluster of flame seedlings.

And behind Gu Bai, a round of white spiritual flames also appeared at this moment and began to rotate slowly.

That round of white spiritual flames,

With a mysterious power that has transcended the dimension of this world, it has diffused into the surrounding space.

Gu Bai locked his gaze on the Heavenly Master's body.

Chaos Interference, Resurrection!


I saw that above the old and withered body of the Heavenly Master, a burst of white light suddenly appeared at this moment. The white light contains an infinite amount of life-reviving power.

The old Heavenly Master's already shattered dantian actually rejuvenated at this moment, the injuries on his body began to heal automatically, the broken dantian began to reorganize, and the blood on his face completely recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The Heavenly Master felt the vitality surging in his body, and his face was already shocked.

"It's... What a great power that is?"

The Celestial Master muttered.

From the emergence of white light, to the disappearance of white light,

In just a few seconds, his injuries have been completely repaired from irreversible serious injuries to intact as before. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Next, Gu Bai also exerted resuscitation power on the other three people, healing all their injuries.

"This, this..."

"Such divine power... It's so mysterious, could it be that Gu Xiaoyou has already attained the Godhead?"

The hearts of several super saints were shocked, and it was almost impossible to describe their mood at the moment in any words.

Don't say anything about Hua Tuo alive,

Because this is not a cure at all, this is simply a lapse in time!

"I'll go..."

"What's going on??? this?"

"Gu Ye is healing the Heavenly Master?"

"This, this, this... That's it?"


"Such a serious injury, healed in a blink of an eye???"

"Gu Ye has become a god, right?

The audience in the live broadcast room was also shocked to the extreme.

Gu Bai closed his right eye, and the divine flame behind him also dissipated, and when he opened his eyes again, his eyes had returned to their normal state, and he said with a smile:

"Okay, seniors, please go to other defense lines for reinforcements for the time being, just leave it to me here. "

Li Dongxuan felt the strength in his body that had recovered to the peak, and was very excited: "Gu Xiaoyou, I'll help you!"

Yang Taichu pressed his shoulder and said with a smile: "Master Lishan, you don't listen to persuasion at all, and you still want to stay here and cause trouble for our little immortals." "

Li Dongxuan's embarrassed old face turned red: "Yes, yes, yes." "

The Heavenly Master cherished the salute: "Gu Xiaoyou, the great grace is unforgettable!"

"You're welcome. "

Gu Bai smiled and nodded, and the square inch world unfolded.

The next moment.

The Heavenly Master and the others were directly transferred to the periphery of the battlefield.

These four top super saint powerhouses who once topped the top of the world looked at each other, and there was infinite emotion in their hearts.

"It seems that God really bless me Kyushu this time..."


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