Kyushu border.

At this moment, all the super saints who are still surrounding Kyushu have also received orders and have begun to retreat.

Gu Bai is dead.

For the Corpse God Society, there is no point in continuing to besiege Kyushu.

The Celestial Master looked at the departing figure of the enemy, as if he realized something, and his heart suddenly emptied.

His gaze slowly turned to the direction of the cherry blossoms.

In those old eyes, there seemed to be countless emotions and words, but in the end, they only turned into a sad sigh, "The gloomy sky, why not my Kyushu?"

In a conference room in Rendezvous.

Only the old man is left in charge of the overall situation.

The old man leaned back in his chair slowly, half of his face hidden in the shadows, silent.

After a long time, the old man let out a lament, and the whole person seemed to be ten years old at this moment.

This moment.

Those who were still rejoicing at the fall of Izanagi.

I was already in tears, and I was almost out of breath in my heart.

From great joy to great sorrow,

It's just for a moment.

But no matter how much they wept and prayed.

Things won't turn around either.

517 in the blink of an eye.

The world has ushered in the dawn of a new day.

But the dawn of human civilization has fallen into the eternal night before dawn.

It's dawn.

The vast army of the undead from the northwest of Kyushu also began to recede like a tidal tide with the appearance of the rising sun.

Above the 10,000-mile defensive line, there were traces of battle and rows of bloody corpses.

After a night of hard fighting, the tired warriors returned to the base.

A silhouette scurried through the crowd.

An Tang was worried.

As a front-line combatant, you can't use your mobile phone when you go to the battlefield.

So as soon as she came back in the morning, she was eager to know Gu Bai's news.

But along the way,

An Tang saw a sad and heavy aura in the base, almost everyone's eyes were slightly red, and the silence of the atmosphere was almost suffocating.

Someone sat alone in a corner with his head buried in his arms.

Someone wiped tears while looking at the video on their phone.

The relaxed greetings between comrades-in-arms in the past, the jokes between each other and the show-off of their achievements can no longer be heard.

This made An Tang's heart can't help but tighten, and even his hands trembled slightly.

She ran all the way to the operations command room,

As soon as he pushed the door open, he saw Zhuge Yun, Song Quan, Yang Lie and others all present.

In addition to this, there are the leaders of the theater of operations, as well as the leadership of the General Directorate.

Everyone's expressions were heavy.

"How... What's wrong...... What's going on..."

An Tang asked in a daze, she felt as if something was blocked in her heart, almost making her almost out of breath.

The scene was silent.

Song Quan wiped the tears on his face: "Gu Bai... He..."


Hearing this, An Tang's hand lost his strength, and the kettle fell to the ground.

Her expression was slightly stunned.

But a crystal teardrop had already crossed her cheek.

Didn't speak, didn't break down and cried.

An Tang just turned around in distraction and walked out of the command room with his footsteps.

inside the base.

A crowd of people came and went.

But An Tang doesn't seem to be able to see the people around him,

She just walked numbly, walked to the edge of a bench, and sat down slowly.

"An Tang, it's rumored that you are a female devil outside, how much of the momentum of the female devil is taken out, but don't be carried away after passing a level or two. "

"I stepped on, hop hop!"

"Why are you so stupid?"

"An Tang, you don't want to admit what you've done, do you?"

"Kiss me (beba) and let you go. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


Fragments of past memories flashed back in her mind.

That annoying smiling face always lingered, and his lazy voice could still be heard in my ears.

An Tang sat quietly from morning to nightfall.


The phone screen lights up.

That's the latest all-in-one notification.

The message border is grayed out.

[I would like to inform all compatriots: At 3:15 a.m. last night, the chief invited lecturer of my country's Holy Academy, No. 50 of the reserve team of the General Administration of Spiritual Adjustment, an outstanding front-line combat personnel, a hero of the people of Kyushu and the people of the world, and respected Comrade Gu Bai, disappeared in the Battle of Sakura Island, and our department sent 13 groups of investigators to the scene to investigate, and the fact of disappearance has been confirmed...]

The report was characterised as missing.

But the wording between the lines has been equated with an obituary.

At the end of the notice, Gu Bai was posthumously awarded a series of honors by the four major institutions in Kyushu, and all search and rescue operations will be launched from today.

The group that sent this message was all the people of Kyushu.

Click, click.

The phone screen lit up with a faint light, blurred by drops of tears.

I could have seen you again today.


An Tang curled up, hugged his knees and sobbed.

An unknown place.

The flow of invisible laws constructs all the order of this space.

A young human figure was suspended in mid-air at the moment.

Countless chains of order were wrapped around his body, exerting strange and mysterious powers.

Gu Bai's eyes looked around at the surrounding situation, and a pair of eyes gradually narrowed.

Is this the space of the sixth eye?

Buzz! Buzz!

Around Gu Bai's body, dozens of talismans burned at the same time, forming a powerful formation.

The invisible chains of order bound to him also disintegrated and disappeared at this moment.

Gu Bai's physical body was freed.

The senses and spiritual senses were also fully restored at this moment.

It was only now that Gu Bai began to take a closer look at this mysterious space.

This is the power of the sixth eye, which Izanagi has never used, and it is the ultimate means that the corpse god will deal with him.

It's not an illusion.

It's a seal.

And it's an extremely special kind of seal.

Gu Bai touched his chin.

It's only been a few minutes now.

But his chin has grown a short stubble.

This is the realm of time.

The speed of time here is at least 100 times faster than that of the outside world.

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