In just an instant, the vast breath of the immeasurable world had enveloped the Great Tengu in an instant.

The Great Tengu stiffened and almost trembled with fear.

Its whole body was locked by the terrifying aura of that human, and it was completely unable to escape!

"Wang !!!"

The Great Tengu let out a frightened roar.

The entire space below shattered, and the massive ball of light turned into a turbulent river of light, which was attracted by it!

The speed of the ball of light is as fast as lightning, and the number is as vast as a sea of smoke.

In this distance, the two are almost unavoidable!

The Great Tengu is also a ruined move, even if it is broken by the eight-foot jade, it will not dare to let Gu Bai do it!

However, it is still too slow.

Gu Bai had already unscrewed off its head with one hand, and along with its spine, it was pulled out along the head.

At the same time, the power of the Heavenly Thunder of the Infinite World has also completely wiped out its divinity!


With the great tengu looking frightened, his head was uprooted.

The entire million balls of light that were surging over were also shattered into countless light dust at this moment.

The light and dust 14 seas flickered hazy, and they passed over Gu Bai's figure and the corpse of the Great Tengu.

The power of divinity quickly faded.

Re-naturalized into a spear and a jade.

The spear was the embodiment of the Great Tengu, and gradually turned into ashes along with the body of the Great Tengu.

But the eight-foot Qiong Gou Yu stayed.

Gu Bai transferred it to his own hands.

The artifact, which had lost its owner, became somewhat bleak.

Gu Bai tried to inject a wisp of divine thought into it, and the eight-foot Qiong Gou Jade unexpectedly glowed with a faint light again, and became colored again.

The confession of the Lord was successful.

Gu Bai was also unexpectedly happy.

This thing is not a ghost relic, but it is better than a ghost relic.

It's a windfall.

At this moment, on the public screen in the live broadcast room, there is also a frightening heated discussion.

"Kill !!"

"Damn!!!Just scared the hell out of me!!"

"Cattle Batch !!"

"Those balls of light just now are too terrifying, they are so special that they are about to turn into a wall of light, how did Gu Ye escape from inside?"

"Do you understand teleportation, Bai Ye's domain is so good!"

"Bai Ye's ability is so buggy that the Great Tengu probably can't even think of it. "

"The big dog's head has been pulled out, what else can you think?"

"Now there are only two left, what about Yagi Orochi?"

"I'm... Look..."

"Look at what? Isn't it nothing?"

"Look at those shadows, !!"


High in the sky.

Gu Bai had already taken the eight-foot Qiong Gou Jade into the small world, and was about to take care of the next two.

He felt that an unprecedented coercion was suddenly exerted on this piece of heaven and earth.

It was a strong, sharp aura.

The air seemed to turn into a sharp blade at this moment.

If it is an Inhuman below the super level, just standing here and taking a breath, it is estimated that the entire internal organs will be cut and shattered in an instant.

Gu Bai looked around.

In the surrounding thick fog, eight long strips of giant shadows disappeared as the fog faded.

Each figure is hundreds of meters high.

Eight directions were blocked.

And where this sharp coercion comes from, it is self-evident.

One of the artifacts.

Kusanagi sword, clouds of the sky.


And the heavens and the earth shook.

The remaining ruins and dilapidated buildings in the distance all began to disintegrate at this moment.

It was caused by the sharp sword breath, and all the reinforced concrete structures were soaked with the sword breath and turned into incomparably fine dust chips.

The disintegration and shattering of the earth's crustal rock layers caused the entire earth to slowly sink.

The breath is getting more and more turbulent, more and more vast.

It's a prison of swords.

From the moment it was generated, no living creature was destined to escape from it.

Gu Bai's surroundings flickered with divine luster, resisting the invasion of the ubiquitous sword qi.

These eight snake heads are extremely far away.

Almost the entire city is covered.

It's too much trouble to get rid of them one by one.

Let's come along.

Gu Bai slowly exhaled and raised a palm.

And at this time,

Yaki Orochi also attacked.

The eight snake heads were raised high, and each spewed out a sword breath!

Boom ——!

Boom ——!

Boom ——!......

Spatial ripples throughout the sword breath realm,

Sudden riot.

The fluctuations caused by the invisible sword breath instantly turned into eight transparent cavities that swept at high speed, shooting towards the direction where Gu Bai was!

The degree of condensation of these eight invisible sword breaths was far higher than the ordinary sword breaths around them, which was far higher than a thousand times!

Just for a moment.

The eight sword breaths have arrived, and it seems that the human figure in the middle will be completely annihilated into powder!

All the audience members have long since stood on end. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

They couldn't see the breath of the sword.

But in any of Gu Bai's previous battles, they had never seen such a large-scale space ripple riot!

The audience's eyes could react, but their fingers couldn't.

I haven't typed a barrage yet.

The eight sword breaths had already accurately hit the figure in the middle.


It was an indescribably terrifying collision.

The entire space writhed, forming a super-giant spatial explosion ripple like a cavity in the water!

The audience's pupils shrank, almost exclaiming.

But the next second.

Everything calmed down.

The spatial ripples were completely calmed, and the sword breath dissipated as if nothing had happened.

Gu Bai still maintained the posture of raising his hand.

But in his palm, a purple light dust quicksand appeared.

The quicksand of light dust slowly flows in a circle, forming a ball.

The field has unfolded.

This is a unique realm in the super-level thunder law, the third-level divine sky.

Infinite World 240 Realms of Divine Might.

A moment generated in this realm.

The sword breath realm of the Yaqi Great Snake has been completely disintegrated. []

Streams of purple light dust quicksand seeped out of the cracks in the ground and floated into the sky.

With the increase in the amount of purple light quicksand.

The light of the stars began to light up this dim and messy land.

until the entire city is covered.

The ghostly mist dissipated, and the chaotic energy that swirled in the air was cleared.

The bloodstained streets and dilapidated buildings were illuminated by the light and dust rising from the ground, ushering in the first rays of light in the dark eternal night of the Eastern Capital.

And the giant snake head standing in eight directions of the city also writhed wildly at this moment.



The snake letter vomited wildly, and his body shook.

Their bodies were also illuminated by the light dust and quicksand, making a sizzling burning sound, along with the scales and skin, which gradually turned to ashes at this moment.

In just a few seconds, the eight snake heads were already completely shattered and dissipated in pain and sorrow.

The only thing that survived was a small white snake.

The speed at which the body of the little white snake turned into embers was obviously much slower than that of the eight snake heads.

Its figure swam rapidly on the ground, almost turning into a white lightning bolt, galloping all the way to the center of the streamer realm.

The little white snake has scarlet eyes and opens its mouth.

But instead of a snake letter, it spat out a white blade.

That is the true essence of the legendary artifact.

Kusanagi sword, clouds of the sky!.

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