It was a shocking scene.

made the entire live broadcast room set off a heated discussion.


"Damn, Gu Ye is too fierce!!"

"Two moves???? and it's a combo???"

"Damn! Anyway, let Brother King Kong finish yelling! Half of this voice is suffocated to death!"

"This is even sharper than killing the Skeleton Creeper, and this is the big boss of Skull Island?"

"That's it, that is, Gu Ye is awesome, if this thing is in the city, just by relying on the roar just now, it can directly demolish most of the city, do you believe it?"


Gu Bai stood under the tree, avoiding this brainstorm.

His gaze looked at the Vajra corpse in the distance, searching for the energy gathering point in its body.

Sure enough, he was still alive.

In the end, it is the world's first truly catastrophic medium-risk monster.

If you die so easily, you're sorry for the name.

Gu Bai raised a finger and aimed at the energy point in King Kong's body.

Vientiane Cave is empty!


A ray of thunder shot out in an instant, but it didn't hit.

That energy point turned out to be a quick shift.

Immediately afterward, Gu Bai shot out several more rays, until he forced that energy point into a corner, 14


King Kong's skin was suddenly torn open violently, and a swift figure came out of it!


The figure was only more than ten meters tall, but its speed was extremely fast, and it disappeared the moment it appeared, and the naked eye could not even catch a trace of its afterimage.

The next second.

Gu Bai gathered his natural energy into his left arm and raised his hand to block.


Suddenly there was an earth-shattering earthquake!!

All the viewers on the public screen are still talking about the strength of Hell King Kong and whether he can be worthy of the level of medium danger.

Suddenly, I saw the whole field of vision shake violently.

If it weren't for the fact that the time hadn't come yet, they would have almost thought they had landed suddenly.

Everyone's frightened hairs stood on end.

Next, an even more terrifying battle suddenly unfolded.

Boom ——!

Boom ——!

The picture shook even more violently, and the smoke and dust kicked up by the shock wave obscured all vision, and only countless rubble and tree trunks could be seen flying wildly in the air.

"What's the situation????

"Oh, isn't it????"

"Still ?????"

Boom ——!

Boom ——!...

In this instant, the entire Great Rift Valley was filled with terrifying shockwaves everywhere.

The movement caused by this sudden war is really terrifying.

Mountains and rivers are constantly broken,

The ground cracked into an abyssal ravine.

Together with the entire towering rift valley, it began to slowly collapse.

"It's going to be a big deal! Who told me what happened!!

"Damn, I was almost deafened when I wore headphones, and I didn't make such a big move with the ghost knife just now!"

"What's going on? Didn't that King Kong get a headshot? Now what is fighting with ???Bai Ye?"

All the audience was dumbfounded.

Moreover, the pace of this battle is unimaginably fast.

There are several encounters almost every second!

The shock waves generated by these encounters alone directly caused the Great Rift Valley, the tallest giant mountain, to begin to disintegrate at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It then spread to the surrounding mountains.

The entire Skull Island is almost completely shattered!

"Roaring !!!"

At this moment, a roar that was about to tear the human eardrum suddenly exploded.

The circular wave formed by the sound wave instantly punched a huge gap in the countless mountains in front of it!

The monstrous wind, blowing the smoke and dust between heaven and earth, flowed out from this gap.

The whole view finally became clear.

And Gu Bai's figure with a talisman suspended around him also appeared from the gap in the mountain range after the sound wave.

Also until now.

Only then did everyone see clearly the other side of the big battle just now.

It was a small King Kong with a body length of no more than ten meters, with almost no fur on its body, and only rotting flesh and blood hanging on the white bones of the forest all over its body.

It was as if the silence and rotten breath from hell permeated its surroundings, forming a chilling forbidden area of death.

Its eyes burned with ghostly fire, staring silently at the young human in front of it.

The audience was completely stunned.

Only then did they realize that the giant King Kong just now was just a shell.

The King Kong in front of him is the real big boss of Skull Island!

It is only now that the audience has really clearly recognized the strength of the catastrophic medium-danger.

In fact, when Gu Bai killed the skeleton creeper just now, almost everyone had an illusion that the strength of the catastrophe level was not much different from the calamity-level one.

In addition to the evil gods, the catastrophic levels on Sakura Island have also not shown their true strength.

So everyone subconsciously puts these beings on the same level as skeleton crawlers.

But now.

Everyone felt a chill down their spine.

Suddenly they realized,

Ghosts that have reached this level will not have the same combat power to resist.

Then every catastrophe level is an existence that can destroy the world.

At this moment, all of us are still immersed in the fear of being dominated by forces beyond our knowledge.

No one noticed the collision between the two ghosts.

There are only a dozen seconds left. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The next second.

Hell King Kong has been wrapped in monstrous power and attacked Gu Bai again!

And this time, Gu Bai pulled out a talisman.

"It's still a semi-finished product, but it should be enough. "

Gu Bai muttered to himself.

Then, he rubbed his fingertips, and the talisman spontaneously combusted.

Recite the mantra in your mouth:

"Nether Soldiers, listen to me!"


One of the three orders.

Yin Soldier Ghost Order.


The next moment,

The heavens and the earth were darkened.

Countless void chains were generated out of thin air at this moment, completely binding the advancing body of Hell Vajra.

Hell King Kong was furious, and reached out to rip off the chains.

But no matter how much it struggled, it could never break free.

It was as if the chains had come from another world, and it was not its body that was bound to it, but its soul!

A 483 burst of shouts and killings came from far to near.

Around Hell Vajra, a void law like a yin swamp slowly appeared. []

Endless figures of Yin soldiers began to emerge from them.

The phantoms were clad in armor and armed with long ge.

Constantly converging around Hell Vajra.

Their phantoms overlapped repeatedly, as if a person had separated into billions of doppelgangers.

And the spear in their hands.

At this moment, it also penetrated the body of Hell King Kong and stabbed its soul.

"Roar !!!!"

Hell King Kong's whole body trembled violently, and he let out a terrible roar.

It felt like its soul was being pierced and torn apart, and it was a pain that could not be described in words.


The next moment.

The tip of the gun flies.

Soul splitting from billions of Nether Soldiers,

Let this catastrophe-level Hell King Kong let out only one last painful howl, and then completely scattered!

Its body fell limply in its chains as if it had suddenly lost all its strength.

The strongest existence of the Skull Island Ghost Snake died here.

And at this moment when Hell King Kong died completely.

This is the world.

Suddenly, there was an earth-shattering earthquake.

Boom ——!!!

The whole world seemed to collapse at this moment, and the collision of countless breaths instantly set off a terrifying wind that swept thousands of miles.

Skull Island Ghost,

At this moment, it officially landed on Sakura Island.

The real hell has been reached.

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