
The global network is already full of terrifying images of Sakura Island.

On YouTube, countless live broadcasts are on, and they will soon be interrupted by the death of the anchor.

One video after another is uploaded, and almost every few minutes pass, the local situation will have extremely shocking~ changes.

The eastern capital has completely fallen and is fully covered by ghosts, and the current casualty rate is expected to exceed -80%.

The surrounding urban agglomerations, including suburbs and villages, have also been devastating due to the invasion of a large number of ghosts.

This huge catastrophe that suddenly erupted on Sakura Island.

People around the world were shocked beyond measure, and they were all discussing this matter fiercely on various online platforms.

"Groove Groove Groove !!"

"Have you gone to watch the live broadcast, it's so scary!"

"I just watched it for less than two minutes, and then the anchor gagged and was torn in half by a kappa!"

"Wori! Havoc! There's a Havoc monster! Go and see !!."

"I saw it just now, and now I've probably slaughtered several districts. "

"It's not just one, the latest news is three! And the fiercest slippery ghost in it hasn't made a move yet, that thing is said to be the king of all demons. "

"Isn't the island going to be gone overnight?"

"Where do you need a night, it's only an hour. "

"Does anyone know what level Sakura's ghost is, I feel really bad..."

"The surrounding ghost monitors are all damaged, and it is said that the data at the last second is Havoc Medium Danger, and it has now surpassed Skull Island, and it is still improving!"

"him! they're all coming for Bai Ye!"

"What is this going to do? Skull Island is almost over!"

"I've just taken a look at the latest data from the Monitoring Bureau!43 minutes later!!"


"So fast???"

"What the hell is going to do here?"

With the acceleration of the development of the situation.

Now the whole of Kyushu is also in a panic.

No one knows what the consequences of the catastrophe-level ghost collision will be.

Everyone is most worried about Gu Bai now.

Now that he is still in the ghost, in another half an hour, he will fall directly into the core battlefield.

If it was only at the level of Skull Island, with Gu Bai's strength, he would definitely be able to escape back to Kyushu.

But since the Corpse God Society has done this, it must have a back hand.

The situation faced at that time is absolutely dangerous.

It's nightfall.

The army of ghosts in the midyear festival began to attack the defense line of Kyushu again.

This night, the onslaught from the ghosts was even more violent.

Even half of the people in the strategic meeting of Longdu were absent and went to support the front line in person.

In the confidential conference room, the remaining heads of various departments stared at the big screen, their faces solemn to the extreme.

Just now, a message came from the border.

The super saints who surrounded the border of Kyushu added two more.

"It seems that the other party is betting on the market this time. "

The old man looked out the window.

A total of five super saints approached, which almost moved the top forces of the entire human world outside of Kyushu.

The corpse god would besiege him like this, because he didn't want Kyushu to provide any form of support to Gu Bai.

Sacrifice a country, manipulate the global super-saints, and not hesitate to bring the entire world to the point of complete destruction, but also to get rid of Gu Bai.

The other party is already completely crazy.

No one knows what kind of storm will be set off next in this chess game, which has reached the point of winning and losing.

And now,

The intersection of all the wind and rain was all concentrated on the young man.

At this time.

Central Skull Island.

As far as the eye can see, it's already a mess of charred black wasteland.

Gu Bai has gone crazy.

From the moment he noticed the ghost's movement, he began to speed up the pursuit of the skeleton creepers here.

This kind of hellish creature that comes out of the ground does not have a high individual strength.

Although it belongs to the category of catastrophe, if you want to talk about real combat power, it is estimated that it is not as good as the Yin General of the second stage.

But the horror of them is that there are too many of them.

Since just now, Gu Bai has killed at least twenty skeleton creepers, but he hasn't finished killing them yet.

The group of guys kept coming out of the ground, squirting a puff of corrosive poison gas at themselves from time to time, and some of them even dared to bite directly.

In a fit of rage.

Gu Bai simply passed through a cave in the mountain range, directly crashed all the way into the ground, and killed their lair.

"Master Bai, don't kill !!"

"Stop, Stop, Stop, Stop!!!"

"Bai Ye, stop it! Now you have to save your strength!!"

"The most important thing to maintain strength is !! about to land!!!"

", Gu Ye is crazy, and he went straight underground!"

"Hurry, hurry, hurry, who can contact Bai Ye, I'm dying!!!"

In the live broadcast room, a large number of barrages flew by.

Seeing that Gu Bai was still killing indiscriminately under the mountain range, Kyushu netizens were almost numb.

Just now on the periphery of the mountain range, after so many rounds of battles by a group of super-rank, super-powerhouses, and ghosts, the consumption was already extremely large.

Wait a minute, there's a giant ghost on Sakura Island.

If you run out of power now, how can you break through the encirclement later?

But Gu Bai was destined not to hear these words.

He had gone deep into the ground at the moment, and relying on the perception of the square inch world, he had discovered this network of underground nests.

Just like that, they made it all the way to the bottom of the lair.

The light emitted by the natural energy on Gu Bai's body reflected the surrounding scene.

I saw that on the countless winding cave walls here, there were rows of white giant eggs, which made people's scalp tingle.

The giant eggs were throbbing like hearts, and some had broken out of their shells and turned into baby creepers. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

And it was when Gu Bai arrived here.

The entire Skeleton Creeper's lair tribe is in a state of complete madness.

Countless terrifying figures surged towards this direction, and the two of the largest creepers among them were even close to the middle danger of the catastrophe level.

These two creepers, a male and a female, seem to be the leaders of this nest.

"Great, the family just needs to be neat. "

The corners of Gu Bai's mouth hooked up a touch of arc, and a purple cloud of light slowly appeared in his hand.

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