The next moment,

Gu Bai felt a warm energy, which was softly blessed on his body.

That energy is pure, as if it comes from the origin of all things in the world.

Immediately afterward, this pure energy began to continuously enhance Gu Bai's momentum and enhance his overall strength.

Gu Bai's hair began to grow wildly, turning into fluttering silver hair, dancing wildly in the wind on his shoulders and waist.

A red mark appeared on his forehead, and several red demonic lines appeared from his face until they covered his entire body.

The temperament of the whole person immediately added a bit of evil charm and bewitchment.

The clothes are fluttering, and the light and dust are lingering.

It's like a fairy coming into the world.

Gu Bai felt the majestic power in his body, and he was also surprised.

It seems that after Tu Shanqing's last retreat, his strength has indeed improved a lot.

Even a spirit body has such a strength "five zero three".

Moreover, this little fox even cultivated the immortal law?

At this moment, all the viewers who witnessed this scene couldn't help but be a little confused.

"This, this, this...????"

"... it!!"

"It's coming! the big one is coming!!!"

"Bai Ye's new fan, may I ask if this is a ??? God"

"The hell is really coming! Bai Ye Niu Pi !!"

"The first time it was the White Crane Boy, the second time it was the Spirit Official, which immortal ??? this time?"

"Damn, do you feel that Bai Ye is covered by someone in Heavenly Court, and any immortal can be invited down?"

"This connection is invincible, it's just that!And it's no case, no fragrance, no summoning order! Immortal pure help, this is!!"

"Pay attention to Bai Ye's temperament, this time it's an earth immortal! And at least it's an earth immortal who has cultivated for thousands of years, I'll be obedient..."

There was a sensation on the barrage.

Everyone in the world has seen a lot of capable people who can ask God to call their ancestors.

For example, the official generals of southern Fujian, various lords in eastern Guangdong, and other places such as the King of Junshan, the White Dragon King, and even the Taoist gods and so on.

There are similar ones abroad, and last time Caesar asked God to come out and leak half of his face.

But being able to invite real high-end combat power like Gu Bai is unique in the world!

At this moment, everyone was very excited.

"Demon fairy?"

The ghost knife's eyes condensed slightly, and he snorted coldly.

"It's just a spirit, and if you think you'll be able to survive like this, you'd be naïve. "

"Ghost spiders. "

The ghost knife voice fell.

The woman next to her had already taken the lead.

"I'll come first, I'll come first!heehehehe!!"

The woman jumped into the air excitedly, clinging to the cliff wall like a spider, and laughed as she crawled in a strange way.

It's just that her laughter is not at all as pleasant as just now, but more and more sharp and harsh, more and more rapid, like a crazy monster.

The black hood fell, and I saw that the woman's beautiful face had become extremely hideous at this moment.

The eyes turned black, the pupils were like green beads, the mouth with a sinister smile was split behind the ears, the mouth was covered with rows and rows of fine fangs, and at the very end there were two chelates tens of centimeters long.

The most terrifying thing was that her limbs became thin and long as she crawled, covered with black burrs, and the soles of her hands and feet also turned into spikes, which were nailed to the stone wall.

The next moment, the ghost spider's limbs pressed down and bounced off the stone wall.

Her speed was so fast that she disappeared in place without even an afterimage.

Less than 0.1 seconds.

She flashed behind Gu Bai.

The spikes of the forelimbs were nailed directly to the back of Gu Bai's head!


Gu Bai's figure shifted instantly, dodging the fatal blow.

Boom ——!

The earth shook suddenly!

The direction of the spike's attack suddenly exploded a wave of thousands of meters!

This blow shattered almost the entire earth's crust.

At the attack site below, a circular abyss hole with no bottom visible appeared.

The ghost spider just shot,

The ghost boy below had already launched a surprise attack. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Kill you!"

His face, which was only seven or eight years old, became extremely resentful, and he picked up the scarecrow and stabbed it on the scarecrow's head with a silver needle!

Almost at the same time.

Gu Bai felt an incomparably penetrating chill on his forehead.

This icy chill completely locked onto his forehead, and teleportation was pointless under this locking attack. []

He immediately raised his arms and crossed them in front of his forehead, while adding a large amount of energy to his arms.

Bumper ——!

A sharp force that was enough to penetrate everything pierced Gu Bai's arm.

This terrifying collision caused a huge ripple of air waves in mid-air.

Gu Bai's whole person was knocked away by the force of the shock, directly crashing through several mountains, and finally stopped in a pile of mountain ruins.

But the opponent's terrifying offensive is far from stopping.

A huge shadow suddenly appeared in the sky above Gu Bai's buried ruins.

It was a mountain of meat.

The diameter reaches an incomparably staggering number of kilometers.

This behemoth, like a meteorite falling from the sky, fell into the ruins in the next second.

It's already been smashed.

Boom ——!

With an unprecedented bang, Roshan crushed everything here.

The entire surrounding land sank hundreds of meters in an instant.

Centered on the point of fall, countless abyss-like ditches were cracked around it.


This terrifying concussion swept almost everything around it.

After a few seconds.

Only then did the world gradually calm down.

The hundreds of millions of viewers in front of the screen, looking at this picture that was countless times more terrifying than the dozens of strong men attacking at the same time just now, almost suffered a cardiac arrest.

The excitement and excitement brought by the picture just now disappeared in an instant, and in its place, there was a fear that made everyone shiver all over their bodies.

There was a long gap on the barrage, and the audience couldn't say anything about 3.6 for a long time, and they were completely in fear of being dominated.

This is the power of the Corpse God Society.

Even if it is extraordinary, in front of them, it is like a child's play.

Just when everyone is in despair and fear.


A snow-bright sword light suddenly flashed from above Roshan.

The next second.

Roshan was neatly divided into two halves and rumbled to both sides.

Gu Bai's unscathed figure gradually appeared in front of everyone.

There was a hint of excitement on his face.

These rule-level abilities on the other side are so interesting!

Since this group of guys is so energetic, it is not rude to come.

Gu Bai directly closed his eyes and formed the Dharma seal with both hands.

After a few seconds, he slowly opened his eyes, and a light flashed.

"Immortal Law Fox Immortal Grand View!".

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