The hoarse and calm voice of the ghost knife slowly spread.

Like a demon's whisper, it set off a storm in everyone's mind.


No one has long thought about grabbing resources, what Skull Island.

Because they saw their own faces in the body of the ghost pig.

From the time when I was eating a small piece of meat just now.

The Ghost Pig's rule-level ability has already been activated.

All the super-level present, including the three transcendents, have become stand-ins for the ghost pig.

An iron knife, hanging high above their lives, will fall at any moment.

This fear of total domination made them tremble, as if they had felt the power of the Lord for the first time before.

"The Lord ... Please spare my life....."

They subconsciously want to kneel.


The ghost knife turned a blind eye, and he didn't give the strong people much time to react.

The second knife has been cut.

With the ghost pig screaming in pain, it parted.

Another super-rank turned in half, and the corpse was neatly cut off and fell to the ground.14

"From now on, I'll kill one by one, give you thirty minutes at most, and after thirty minutes, I'll kill you all. "

The nightmarish voice of the ghost knife sounded again.

At this moment, everyone woke up from shock and fear!

"Kill... Kill!!"


"Kill Gu Bai !!"

The super-rank powerhouses looked crazy.

They didn't dare to look at the corpse god and ghost people again, and turned to the figure in the distance, frantically slaughtering away!

At this moment, the awe-inspiring of nine was gone.

They have to kill Gu Bai! Kill Gu Bai himself to be able to live!


Hundreds of millions of viewers in front of the screen opened their eyes wide, looking at the incredible scene in the picture, and felt that the entire worldview had collapsed.

This is the Corpse God Society.

It is only today that people around the globe truly realize how horrific this organization really is.

In the eyes of the world, those super-level powerhouses who are high above and dominate one side are even extraordinarily strong enough to dominate the country.

In front of the knife-wielding man, it was just a pig to be slaughtered at will.

He just issued a death decree with a blank face, and everyone had to go forward and carry it out.

And now, these dozens of super-ranks, which are enough to subvert one side's world-class combat power, have all aimed their guns at the same person.

They were going to kill Gu Bai.

"I'm... I rely on me, I rely on !!"

"Running !!"

"Bai Ye Run!!"


"Crazy! They're all crazy!!"

"What should I do, what should I do now? So many super levels are going crazy!!"

Looking at the overwhelming terrifying picture of a group of super-level powerhouses attacking, the barrage exploded instantly.

This is definitely not something that can be resisted by one person!

This is a group of super rank!!

Especially a group of crazy people in a state of death threat!

This is a dead end for Gu Bai!!

A boundless sense of fear instantly permeated everyone's hearts.

In the countless cities of Kyushu, countless cries and angry scolding sounded, and everyone looked at the camera and was already anxious.

And not only Kyushu, but people all over the world also feel that they are hanging over their heads by a dark cloud, and they cannot see any light and hope.

The corpse god will appear in no more than a few minutes.

Except for Gu Bai, all the other super-level powerhouses have all defected!

This is not only a rebellion against one's own country, but also against humanity!

This is even more terrible than the situation in the world parliament.

For a time, almost all the participating countries immediately issued a notice to the world.

First: Determine that the behavior is the unauthorized action of your own combatants!(Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

Second: Characterize the act as a mutiny!

Third: Expelling the nationality of the combatants of your own country!

In a very short period of time, various countries have completely severed their seats with these renegades.

Even the Lighthouse Nation is no exception.

Otherwise, they will not only face the war operations in Kyushu, but also the wrath of countless people!

But these are just remedial measures.

Now the situation inside the ghost snake on Skull Island has become a foregone conclusion.

Nothing in the outside world can affect the final outcome inside.

Look at the overwhelming offensive ahead.

Gu Bai just sneered disdainfully: "This will finally think of unity." "

Always tempted by food, never know the truth, and only know how to lick the owner's leather shoes when he is held by a knife on his neck.

What is the difference between this group of so-called strong people and a group of pigs and dogs?

The next second.

The place where Gu Bai was standing had been overwhelmed by countless powerful realms and ghost arts!

"Super Rank Ghost Magic Ten Thousand Soul Brake!!"

"Realm Blood Sea Soul Eater !!"



The surging energy erupted like a tsunami.

The entire coastline to the outskirts of the mountains was covered by this terrifying energy.

Destroyed everything almost instantly.

It's just that the distance between these super-level powerhouses is too close!

And their overly powerful realms and ghost arts have already affected each other!

As soon as the move was released, the few super-level people at the forefront were directly torn to pieces by the countless overlapping ghost magic domains!

But the crazy attacks didn't stop!

They didn't care if they would accidentally injure their teammates, they just attacked Gu Bai's position like crazy.

No rules, no tactics!

And the craziest are the three extraordinary powerhouses.

987 They started with the strongest attack, which directly brought the rhythm of indiscriminate bombardment.

It doesn't matter if all the rest of the super ranks die, but Gu Bai must die!

To those three transcendents,

This is a crisis! It is also a great opportunity!

Because, the Lord is watching here!

Kill Gu Bai and get the Lord's approval!

Then, with the help of the massive resources of Skull Island, go to the next level, and with the gift of the Lord, become a member of the ghosts and control the future world!

That's how they came here!



Heaven and earth shook, the coast was completely shattered,

Even the mountains in the distance were split and disintegrated due to the shock wave shock, and a large number of ghosts had been directly killed by the aftermath of the battle before they could emerge!

The whole battlefield is completely in a frenzy!

Now no one knows where Gu Bai is or if he is still alive.

No one even felt Gu Bai's breath, because there was destructive energy everywhere!

They only felt that the terrible fluctuations layer by layer were pressing on their bodies!

They have to attack, otherwise they will not be able to resist these destruction and suppression!



Gu Bai stood on top of a tree trunk in the distance, looking at this outrageous scene on the coastline, completely stunned.

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