Zhang Chunshan spoke slowly.

This time he is not speaking to the West, but to those who have made their choices, all non-Western countries.

"I was surprised by this result. "

"It doesn't matter if you are behind your back, whether you are coerced, controlled, or induced to make this decision. "

"But what I'm trying to say here is. "

"You have trampled on human rights and human nature. "

"You have opened the shackles of order and allowed the devil to eat away at the soul of your country and its people. "

"Maybe you think that you will bet on the winner in this game, and exchange the life of Kyushu, or even the life of your own country, for your own personal interests. "

"But from now on, you will all have a demonic curse planted on you, and you will never be able to erase it. ~"

"What is the difference between you and the ghosts now?"

At this moment, with Congressman Zhang Chunshan's words, it has been transmitted to every corner of the world through countless broadcast cameras at the scene.

In the Kyushu live broadcast room, the barrage was boiling.

"Well said!!"

"Councilor Zhang said it beautifully! These people are no longer worthy of being called human beings, they are just a bunch of scum! Traitors to mankind!!"

"It's too much to say that it's scum, it's a bunch of brutes!"


There are not a few verbal battles in the world parliament, and there have been scenes of national representatives pointing their noses and scolding each other.

But there has never been such serious wording.

Zhang Chunshan's heart-wrenching words that pointed directly at the soul,

Let those parliamentarians fall into tangled, painful, and fearful hearts.

They know that there are countless people watching the resolution of the century.

But as early as when they cast that vote just now, there was no way out.

At the table of fate, they have made a desperate bet.

The Lord's tentacles are in every corner of the world, and they dare not disobey and disobey.

Now that they have completely offended Kyushu, they have only one way to go to the dark.

Only by following the Lord's will and completely cutting off Gu Bai's hope for the future of Kyushu is their only way out.

Otherwise, when Kyushu survives this crisis, recovers from the catastrophe level, and reaches a higher level of strength, no one will be able to bear the liquidation!


In Zhang Chunshan's headset, there was also the highest resolution in Kyushu.

So, under the eyes of everyone, Zhang Chunshan took off his badge and threw it on the ground.

Slowly spoke:

"On behalf of Kyushu, I would like to officially announce here that starting tomorrow, we will withdraw from the World Parliament. "

"Today is the last day of our participation in the World Parliament. "

"We refuse to honour the Convention on Joint Action. "

These words are not loud,

But the words were sonorous and loud, with a firm and fearless force, echoing throughout the venue.

In the face of such a resolute and decisive response from Kyushu.

Speaker Andrew and the others also looked a little dull,

But they also know how much pressure Kyushu will be under because of this.

Speaker Andrew said in a deep voice:

"On behalf of the World Parliament, I announce to all the delegates!"

"Due to Kyushu's refusal to fulfill its responsibilities and obligations!"

"From now on, [the "Skull Island" Joint Action Convention for Crisis Management will be put on hold indefinitely!"

"Until the Kyushu side re-fulfills its obligations!"

This statement.

Like a bomb, it instantly detonated the global network!


"I'll it!"

"They don't want to solve Skull Island at all, they just want to solve Gu Bai!"

"Oh yes, how can you get your hands on our sons of luck in Kyushu by doing this?

"Crazy!completely crazy!!"

"Damn! I already want to kill someone!!"

"Regardless of the aftermath, this Andrew must be liquidated!!"

Kyushu netizens were furious.

Andrew dared to use the lives of people all over the world as a bargaining chip to force Kyushu to compromise!

There is no lower limit!!

It's almost to the point of madness!

And after Andrew made this extreme decision,

All the councillors who voted in favor remained silent collectively, and no one raised any objections!

"Andrew, you're going to pay for what you did. "

Zhang Chunshan said word by word, the fierce meaning in his eyes wanted to pierce the soul of the figure on the main seat. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

At the scene of the World Parliament, there was a long stalemate.

A cataclysmic event from the depths of the Pacific Ocean [Skull Island],

It is approaching the human world at a very fast speed!

And once it lands successfully,[]

Whether it's Kyushu, Sakura Island, or other countries.

The massive amount of flesh and blood nutrients in human cities will make Skull Island enter a super-high-speed growth cycle.

At that point, its ghostly snake will snowball until it turns into an abyss of hell and swallows the whole world!

Minutes and seconds passed.

The latest monitoring data is constantly being refreshed.

Landing locations: Kyushu (45%), Sakura Island (37%), Nishi-Yakoku (4%), Kitakuma (2%)...

Estimated landing time: 3 days, 1 hour and 55 minutes

Landing locations: Kyushu (43%), Sakura Island (38%), Nishi-Yakoku (5%), Kitakuma Province (3%)...

Estimated landing time: 2 days, 23 hours and 09 minutes


The whole world is in turmoil.

People around the world have been plunged into unprecedented panic, and protests have erupted in countless cities around the world.

The parliament was stormed, and the entrance to the World Parliament building was filled with demonstrators.

Inside the conference hall.

Speaker Andrew sat on the stage, his eyes confronting Congressman Zhang Chunshan below.

Although he was still calm on the surface, the cold sweat on Andrew's forehead kept oozing, symbolizing that he was also under extremely great pressure.

He knows this very well, and he has crossed the bottom line too much.

Now citizens are protesting in various countries, and many civil society groups are also taking advantage of the situation to stir up chaos.

They can only suppress these voices with totalitarian power.

If he had done so, he would have been removed from office and would have been prosecuted before the International Court of Justice for crimes against humanity.

But now, times have long been different.

He followed the Lord's commands and followed the Lord's will.

The civilized order of the old world, what is worth mentioning!

Power is the master of everything!

Thinking of this, Speaker Andrew was no longer nervous and flustered, and his eyes gradually became darker.

This is the final game.

Even if the Kyushu officials still refuse, the pressure from all over the country and the whole world will force Gu Bai to stand up by himself!

Then your purpose will be successful.

It's just that they underestimated the determination of the Kyushu officials,

underestimated Gu Bai's huge reputation among the people.

As early as after the Battle of the Holy Academy, Gu Bai had already turned into an idol in the hearts of young people across the country and became a legendary leader.

Officially, in Kyushu,

Gu Bai is even more of a banner erected high to represent the future.

His strength, talent, courage, wisdom, and responsibility have given countless Kyushu citizens hope for the future.

And now, the West wants to break this qi vein, which symbolizes the future of Kyushu!

How can this make hundreds of millions of people in Kyushu agree?

When the whole world is in turmoil.

As the origin and focus of everything, Gu Bai is now ready to go.

He pushed the door open.

The sun shone on his face, reflecting a faint smile.

Why do you want me to show up, and why don't I want you to surface?

As soon as his mind moved, the Immortal Sword Silent Heaven and Earth appeared in mid-air, and after a few idle circles, it was firmly diagonally attached to his back.

Then come on.

The master went to Yemen alone.

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