A few seconds passed.

An Tang reacted at this time, and his face slowly turned red to the root of his ears.

She grabbed the quilt and covered herself.

"I, I, I..... We were last night, shouldn't we..."

"Yes, we slept together last night. "

Gu Bai's expression was solemn.

"No... What's going on..."

An Tang's words are a bit self-deceptive, she herself is obviously still a little painful now.

"Yes, you drank too much last night and took my first time. "

Gu Bai's expression was heavy and painful.

"Don't talk about you!"

"Get out of here, get out of here, I'm going to calm down!"

An Tang's brain couldn't handle these things at all now, so she pushed Gu Bai out of her room in a panic and slammed the door.

Then I ran to the bathroom as fast as I could, and washed my face with cold water.

I was awake for a while.

An Tang touched his cheek with the back of his hand, it was still hot.

She had basically forgotten about what had happened last night, and there were only a few blurry pictures left like a few slides.

Now when she thinks of those clips, she is ashamed to find a crack in the ground to get into, and she can't calm down.

It's all caused by alcohol!

I can't drink it next time!

After a while.

An Tang couldn't help but feel a little aggrieved, squatting on the ground and hugging himself, his eyes were red.

Obviously, I haven't been in love yet, so why should he say that it was his first time.


Outside the door, Gu Bai breathed a sigh of relief.

I thought that the trick of preemptive strike was really useful, and I landed safely.

Otherwise, according to the normal routine, you will either get a slap or a scream, and you will fall into disadvantage.

It was just last night, and it was really an accident.

It's not my intention.

It's all caused by alcohol!

Left the medical center.

Gu Bai walked all the way back to the dormitory, and his mood was also a little melancholy.

Since it happened, you have to be responsible for it to the end.

He thought of Chen Luoluo and Tu Shanqing.


Let's figure it out.

It's not been a smooth journey.

He is now the most famous person in the whole hospital, and he will be recognized everywhere.

The students want to take a group photo and ask Wei Xin.

It took half an hour to walk to the floor of his dormitory.

As soon as he got out of the elevator, he bumped into a shadow head-on, it was Chen Luoluo.

"Teacher, where did you go last night, why can't I find you?" "

Chen Luoluo held a stack of materials issued by the academy in his arms and asked curiously.

"I was last night..."

"You're going to drink!"

The little assistant pouted, a little unhappy.

But in the next second, Chen Luoluo found something,

She reached into Gu Bai's collar and twisted out a long hair.

"Whose is this. "

The girl asked confusedly.

"Antang's, we slept together last night, it was an accident, but it did happen. "

Gu Bai didn't intend to hide it.

Anyway, sooner or later, it's better to cut through the mess quickly.

"Oh. "

Chen Luoluo's eyes turned red, and tears fell down her eyes.

The information books in his arms were also scattered all over the ground.

She turned to leave.

Gu Bai grabbed her hand and pulled her into his arms.

The girl struggled for a while, but she didn't break free, so she stopped making trouble, hugged Gu Bai and cried.

"I haven't slept with you yet, but I came first. "

The little girl cried with pear blossoms and rain, which made people feel distressed to watch.

Gu Bai also breathed a sigh of relief, and after a good meal, he coaxed her.

However, Gu Bai found that she was completely blank for a blank slate in this regard, and thought that sleeping together was really just sleeping together.

I'll tell her later. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Okay, okay, don't cry, it was really just an accident last night, we all drank too much. "

Chen Luoluo slowly left Gu Bai's arms, wiped his tears, and looked at him with red eyes.

In fact, she also knew that she couldn't possess the man in front of her alone.

But I was still very unconvinced.

"Hmph, I don't care how many women you have in the future, anyway, I'm going to be big. "[]

Chen Luoluo crossed his hands on his hips, and when he said this, he still had a nasal voice that he had just cried, like a ruthless little milk cat.

Gu Bai was suddenly amused and wanted to laugh a little, how do you want to become bigger and stronger with your soft character.

"What's bigger?"

At this moment, a pleasant female voice came.

The figure of the little white fox appeared on the windowsill, and with a smart jump, he was gorgeously transformed into a great beauty in the world.

"What were you guys talking about?"

Tu Shanqing walked over, and at first glance, he saw the tears on Chen Luoluo's face.

"Why are you crying, stinky bastard, did you bully her?"

Tu Shanqing asked fiercely, and was about to pull Gu Bai's ears.

As early as before, after Tu Shanqing became Gu Bai's Baojia Immortal, Chen Luoluo was in charge of the first few tributes, and the two complemented each other very much, so the relationship was very good.

"I don't have any. "

Gu Bai helplessly supported his forehead.

Why is this another one?

Let's just get a table of mahjong today.

Tu Shanqing: "Then what did you just talk about, what's the big deal?"

"Sister Fox Fairy is big. Chen Luoluo said faintly, his momentum was a little weaker, but he immediately added: "Then I am the second." "

Gu Bai touched Chen Luoluo's head and asked Tu Shanqing, "By the way, didn't you just leave yesterday, why did you come back again." "

Speaking of this, Tu Shanqing immediately straightened up: "There is something serious, you two come with me now." "

"Where are you going?"

The two asked in unison.

"Tu Shan. "

".~ No, we are two human races, what are we going to Tushan for?"

Gu Bai was stunned for a moment.

Tu Shanqing's expression was very serious, not like she was joking at all, she said: "Tu Shan's secret realm is going to be closed, you guys go to take refuge with me, it's too late." "

Gu Bai: "What happened?"

"Last night, at the cost of losing the Mandate of Heaven, the Ancestor conducted a future divination and got a definite message. "

"At most, it will only take half a year, and the ghost gate will be opened. "

"Therefore, the clan elders decided that from the near future, they will start to completely close the secret realm of Tu Mountain, until it is completely isolated from the outside world. "

Tu Shanqing's earth-shattering words made the hearts of the two of them shake.

"As soon as the ghost door is closed... Will the world be destroyed?"

Chen Luoluo asked in a daze, she obviously couldn't accept this reality yet.

Tu Shanqing: "According to the concept of your human race, it's pretty much the same. "

Gu Bai was silent, and after a long time, he said, "Tu Shanqing, you take Luoluo away." "

Chen Luoluo: "Teacher!"

Tu Shanqing: "Gu Bai! You still want to stay in the world? This Zhongyuan Festival is just the beginning, and the situation in the future is far more dangerous than you imagined (is the king good)!"

The second daughter was in a hurry.

Chen Luoluo was in a hurry, why did he only take her away.

Tu Shanqing was anxious about why this fool refused to leave.

Gu Bai had already made up his mind.

"Listen to me, go see your parents first, they will agree. "

Gu Bai wiped the tears on Chen Luoluo's face, "Go to Tu Mountain, listen to Sister Fox Fairy, don't worry about me, we'll see you again soon." "

Then, Gu Bai looked at Tu Shanqing again, and opened his hands to take the second daughter into his arms.

Chen Luoluo choked: "Teacher..."

Tu Shanqing's eyes were also red: "Stupid!"

Gu Bai is not a muddy and indecisive person.

For the changes in the world, he actually had a premonition in his heart, but he didn't have such an opportunity.

Since this is the case, it is time to make a decision.

The next moment.

Gu Bai used the square inch world to transfer the second daughter outside the Holy Courtyard, no longer immersed in parting.

In an instant, the hallway was empty.

Only his back is left, stretched by the slanting sun.

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