
The ground shook and the space trembled.

In the midst of everyone's horrified gaze,

A massive white cross rises from the ground.

The cross, just the part that protrudes from the ground, is 100 meters high.

There are countless lifelike human figures carved on it.

Those people were crucified with their arms outstretched.

Some shed blood and tears, some closed their eyes and confessed, and some showed frightened expressions.

Densely packed with a patch that covers every corner of the cross.

The sunlight that pierced through the hollows of the clouds shone on the giant cross that nailed countless guilty people.

It's like a handicraft full of pendants.

But such a sacred and majestic scene makes people can't help but feel a chill from the bottom of their hearts.

"It's... Super-Order Spirit?"

"Oh my God..."

"Damn, how do I feel so disgusting..."

On the spectator seat, countless people watched this scene and only felt a little numb.

This kind of existence in the divine light, mixed with a hint of cult aura, is really uncomfortable.

For the Easterners, this cross is not a representation of God, but more like a giant corpse.

After the full appearance of the cross.

An incomparably powerful realm was also formed in an instant.

The level of this realm was extremely high, and the energy field was majestic, but it did not cause any harmful damage.

The goal of action of all forces.

It was the incomparably small figure in front of the cross.


With the sound of a spatial tremble.

The entire Heavenly Tombstone Realm instantly froze, and even the dust floating in the air froze.

It's like a movie screen pressing the pause button.

Inside and outside the domain, it is completely reduced to different dimensions.

Countless white rays of light and dust were released from the bodies of those confessors on the cross, turning into streaks of light and flying towards Gu Bai below.

"It's okay, I'm energetic~. "

Gu Bai was amazed.

With such a powerful physical foundation, he was imprisoned in place by this realm, unable to move.

This has never been the case before.

A large amount of light gathered in front of Gu Bai's body.

That is the power of order of the Spirit.

These forces of order wrapped around Gu Bai, flattened Gu Bai's arms, and slowly flew into the air until they were parallel to the cross.

The whole process is almost irresistible.

Even if he is a super-level powerhouse, he can only be at the mercy of him like a marionette.

The appearance of this scene made countless students of the Holy Academy fall into endless fear and panic in an instant.

"Oh no!!"

"My day!"

"Master Gu is under control!

"How could that Caesar have such a strong realm?

A student in the strategy class swallowed his saliva, and said with a pale face: "What can I do, this is a super-level speech spirit, and it is also the secret of the Holy Cross Sect, only the Pope and the next generation of Pope can understand and use it, and it can't be cracked..."

At this moment, those who know something about the Holy Cross Sect are definitely the most shaken in their hearts right now.

They never thought of it,

Caesar, as the only successor of the Holy Cross Sect, would directly use what can be called a hole card in this kind of sparring level battle.

And that's far from the end.

Then something even more frightening happened.

I saw Caesar's figure, slowly flying into the air.

until it was at the same height as Gu Bai.

His eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a rare flash of emotion.

It was a hint of anger.

He was extremely dissatisfied with Gu Bai's calm expression in the face of the trial.

It is a contempt for the majesty of the Lord.

Caesar spoke again, reciting a syllable with a cumbersome syllable. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After the last mantra was uttered, he dictated the mantra:

"Super Rank Spirit God Halberd!"

As soon as the mantra came out.

Heaven and earth trembled.

The clouds swirled, with the void at its core, expanding widely. []

One ray after another shone through the gaps in the clouds, creating the Tyndall effect, like thousands of pillars of light shining on the earth.

And in the vast halo of clouds,

A huge phantom gradually loomed.

The shadow was very vague, like a god in heaven, emitting a brilliant glow that made it impossible for mortals to look directly at His true face.

The phantom of the gods slowly moved,

All could see that He had a halberd in His hand, which was intended for judgment.

“???????????????????.????? -????? ......"

With the appearance of this phantom, a distant chant was heard in the sky.

It is as if there are thousands of believers chanting the gospel in heaven and reaching the earth.

This picture is like a grand funeral hosted by God for this land.

At the moment, the international exchange student area, all foreign students,

They have all fallen into a state of incomparably madness.

Their expressions were almost contorted with excitement, and they bowed down in the direction of the sky with fervent and reverence.

Enjoy the baptism and blessings of the Lord.

".~Oh! Oh God!!"

"Mercible, forgive me!!"

"Lord Caesar!!"

At this moment, Caesar became God's spokesman in the world.

He slowly stretched out his arms and looked kind: "Confess to the Lord." "


All the students on the Kyushu side were already sluggish, and their bodies couldn't stop shaking.

They did not feel the so-called baptism, nor the so-called purification,

All you can feel is boundless fear.

How do you break the game?

The first super-level spirit has not yet been cracked,

Right now, the second super-level spirit has appeared.

Moreover, that phantom in the sky...

Be...... Oh, God?

"Don't be afraid, the teacher won't lose to that kind of thing!"

The whole scene was filled with unease, and only one girl was still comforting everyone.

"This is Kyushu, our territory. This kind of alien god can't make any waves. "

Chen Luoluo crossed his hands on his hips, looked at the god phantom in the sky without fear, and snorted twice in his mouth.

I want to restrain the teacher with this kind of thing.

Isn't it just to please God, you think the teacher won't be soft!


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