Just for a moment.

The Golden Light Spell tore through the entire Hellbound Realm and broke through the triple barrier, turning into a divine light that pierced through the heavens and the earth.

This light is too bright.

Everything in this heaven and earth, even the sun overhead, became dim at this moment.

The only thing that can occupy all the vision is the golden light.

A dozen seconds passed.

The harsh eye spots that remain on everyone's retina slowly fade.

"Do you know what just happened?"

Someone muttered.

At this moment, the entire audience is full of confused faces.

"I remember... That Sharma seems to have used his ultimate... And then I couldn't see anything..."

"I just saw two suns, no, one. "

"So... What's going on now?"

"I'm... I rely on me, I rely on me, I rely on !!"

"Look at !!"

"My day..."

Wait until your vision becomes clearer.

Everyone was completely shocked by the scene in front of them.

I saw that the incomparably powerful realm that Sharma had just released was now gone.

The entire war zone was calm.

It's as if nothing had happened.



The barrier has been broken!!

Everyone stared in amazement at the huge void that appeared above the barrier.

Triple enchantment, all broken.

It was as if someone had poked a hole out of it with brute force, and the edge of the glass shattered could be clearly seen.


This isn't just any ordinary barrier!

A double enchantment cast by two super-level powerhouses! plus a double enchantment against the war zone!

It's all broken?

Moreover, Sharma's strong and ferocious aura has all disappeared.

This also means that Gu Bai won the victory in this battle.

And think of the golden light that pierced through the heavens and the earth just now.

Everyone felt that their brains were running out.


That's the improved version of the Golden Light Spell you're demonstrating, right?

What do you call this thing the Golden Light Spell?

At this moment, not only the many students of the Holy Academy were shocked,

Even Yang Taichu, who is known as the "Fu Sheng", couldn't help but shake his heart.

The attainment of this talisman has obviously reached the realm of transformation.

It can be seen from this how high the real level of the mysterious master behind Gu Bai is.

And Gu Bai himself is definitely a talented person with Fu Qi.

High-level talismans are not something that can be triggered by just one person.

Especially when he was still so young, it would be absolutely impossible for him not to be a genius at the demon level.

The smoke cleared.

Gu Bai dusted off his body.

Now, he's the only one still standing in the war zone.

And Sharma, has been transferred.

To be honest, if Morgan's speed had been half a beat slower, there would have been no Sharma in the world.

In fact, Gu Bai didn't want to be so ruthless, he also wanted to take the opportunity to talk about the effects of various spells.

As a result, that Sharma was too eyeless to see.

If you come up, you have to make a killing move, so you can only invite him to eat a large golden light spell.

However, for the first actual combat application of this high-level talisman, Gu Bai was quite satisfied.

The only thing that is unsatisfactory is that it takes a long time to make this high-level talisman, and it is not small to use.

It's still good as a reserve hole card.

But in conventional warfare, it is better to use other means.

Periphery of the war zone.

Morgan was covered in dust and his face was very gloomy.

At his feet,

Sharma's body lay on the ground like a filthy rag bag.

His injuries were too severe.

All the limbs disappeared, and only the torso remained of the entire body, and it was a small section of torso from the navel to the top.

The whole face, including the hair, was worn out, and it was impossible to see who it was.

All over the body, only an extremely faint heartbeat remains, symbolizing that the person is still alive.

Now, even if an ordinary person steps on it casually, it is estimated that he will have to go directly to see the Buddha.

After sending Sharma to the doctor.

Congressman Morgan's gloomy gaze slowly turned to the red position.

But the person he was staring at was not Gu Bai, nor Lin Guorui, the deputy chief executive, but Yang Taichu.

Morgan: "Your Excellency, you have crossed the line~. "

This statement is a very serious accusation.

It's a pity that under the conditions of this scene, it seems to be no deterrent.

It's just an emotional outlet.

"What our Teacher Gu used was not my charm. "

"Even if it is, it's not a violation. "

The old dean put his hands behind his back and said with a smile: "If you really want to talk about violations, I think it should be you, your first few players, but they all used the Ghost Blood Source Bead, a forbidden item recognized by the world. "

"Heh, do you have any proof?"

Morgan sneered, a flash of sharpness flashed in his eyes, but he could only stop there.

What Yang Taichu said is indeed the truth.

A talisman is a type of magic weapon, which can be said to be a weapon or a consumable.

Since it is something that falls within the scope of these two categories, there is no reason why it cannot be carried.

The exception is the Ghost Blood Source Bead, which is recognized as a prohibited item and is forbidden to be used in any tournament or competition.

The barrier that Morgan used to isolate his line of sight was infiltrated and modified by Gu Bai, causing the masking effect to be lost, and now they can't continue to use it anymore.

Otherwise, if this video of the battle is put on the world parliament, even if they are a multinational alliance, it will not be justified.

Morgan's side suffered a big loss, and the deputy chief was extremely happy.

After confirming that Gu Bai had nothing to do, he immediately shouted, "Next!"

I also heard the deputy chief's shout.

Everyone has just recovered from the shock just now.

In its place, there was a great deal of excitement.

"Cattle Batch !!!"

"Teacher Gu, I love you!!"

The shouts and cheers from the audience overshadowed wave after wave, and even reached the preparation area of the blue side. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Lord Caesar, I'm going to war. "

Alpha the Blind Walker stood up from his seat and said very respectfully to the man next to him.

When he spoke, he bowed slightly, and he didn't dare to look directly at each other with his "eyes".

This is awe from the bottom of my heart.

"Go ahead, don't be like that idiot at Sharma. "[]

Caesar said lightly.

From beginning to end, he was this picture of not caring about himself, calmly watching the play.

"Yes. "

Alpha bowed again, and then turned to leave.

As soon as he walked out of the door, Alpha's body slowly turned into a cloud of dust.

The dust dissipated in midair.

When it was condensed again, it was already in the war zone.

His debut.

Let everyone can't help but get up.

The blind walker is said to be the one who has been guided by Allah.

Among this group of international exchange students, he is the second person after Caesar.

"The blind man is on the field. "

"This one shouldn't be so easy to play, and that Alpha's record is very scary. "

"Said to be the number one in the world?"

"I just checked, this guy is the first in the world among the younger generation, and the first fault line. "

"How is that possible? Don't they still have that Caesar?"

"Caesar is different, he doesn't have any public records, so he is not listed, but Caesar and the blind walker are recognized as the first and second. "

"I'm... How do you fight this?"

"If Master Gu still has the Golden Light Spell, it should be no problem! That shot just now was so powerful!"

"I don't think I'm optimistic... Didn't Gu Shi say it just now, he only demonstrated it once, I guess it should be the final killer move, after all, that Sharma was too tight. "

When the students of the Holy Academy talked about this, they couldn't help but feel a little apprehensive in their hearts.

And at this moment, Gu Bai's voice also sounded on the radio.

"After talking about the advanced version of the Golden Light Mantra, let's talk about the compound application of various charms. "

"But this blind classmate seems to be so serious, I may talk a little less about the process. "

"You can see more. "

Gu Bai's voice just fell.

Alpha's body began to disintegrate.

He dissolves into countless clouds of sand and blends directly into his surroundings.

The surrounding wind and sand have become bigger.

The next second.

Countless spikes of sand, born out of thin air,

And at an extremely terrifying speed, it shot in the direction of Gu Bai.

Like a thousand arrows.

".~Jin Gangfu!"

Gu Bai's fingers rubbed lightly, and a golden gang mask immediately appeared around his body, bounced all the spikes away.

"Bell, bell, bell...!!"

The spikes that were bounced off slammed into the barrier in the distance, causing the entire barrier to shake violently.

These spikes have been weakened once, and they can still have such terrifying power.

It really made everyone on the viewing platform a little panicked.

If it weren't for the enchantment, they would have been shot into a sieve long ago.

But that's just the appetizer.

The intensity of the next battle began to climb in a straight line.

"Soul Demon Slaying Chain!"

"Jin Gang Fu!"

"Formation Breaker!"

"Words are really flamed!"

"Eightfold Town Power Talisman!"

Bump! Bump......!

The earthquake trembled, and smoke and dust billowed out.

The two of them shot too fast, and often before everyone understood their last move, the next fierce collision had already arrived.

As the holder of the world's No. 1 record, Alpha's offensive is simply terrifying.

It's almost impossible for the naked eye to keep up.

And in the face of such a fierce attack.

Gu Bai can still attack and defend in a good way, calmly, and can explain a few words from time to time.

But everyone was worried.

Because, the talisman in Gu Bai's hand was being consumed and reduced at a rate visible to the naked eye.

"Oh no! Fu Zhen is running out!!"

"What to do, what to do, what to do???"

"Can you sneak the talisman in? I'll go to the dean right now!"

"Secretly send a hair, this kind of battlefield, as soon as you enter the war zone, you will disappear directly, and this is (Mo Dezhao) obviously violating the rules!"

"What's that going on? Are we just watching?"

The crowd watched worriedly.

This extremely high-intensity fierce battle lasted for more than ten minutes.

"Five Thunder Orders!"

"High-level ghost magic nightmare slashing hearts!"

After the last fierce collision.

The two finally separated themselves for some distance.

Gu Bai moved his wrist and said, "I just demonstrated to you thirty-eight combinations of low-level runes, and then let's take a look at the combination applications of high-level runes." "

But Gu Bai touched it in his pocket and probed it in the small world space again.

Eyebrows furrowed slightly.

Combat spells are gone, and only the last few low-level ones remain, as well as a bunch of support spells.

Alpha crossed his arms and slowly spoke:

"You've run out of spells. "

"Die or surrender. "

Gu Bai spread his hands: "You guessed right, the spell is indeed used up." "

As soon as these words came out, all the students of the Holy Academy in the audience instantly felt a basin of cold water poured on their heads.

It's over, it's all over.

Without the spell, according to Gu Bai's combat power positioning, how can this battle continue?

Alpha: "You're strong, I'll allow you to surrender, I'll give you three seconds to think about it, and after three seconds, I'll kill you." "

Gu Bai sat down cross-legged on the spot, and directly took out the pen, ink, paper, and inkstone from the small world space.

"Well, given that you're not bad, I'll make an exception to customize a full set for you. "

Gu Bai thought for a moment and said.

Then he picked up the pen.

Dip in ink, draw symbols.

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