After a brief silence.


The whole classroom resounded with extremely enthusiastic cheers!

Everyone's emotions exploded at this moment, setting off a huge momentum, almost tearing down the entire roof.

"Hahaha! Kneel down !!"

"I also know that the apprentice has to salute first, you ghosts also know a lot!hahahaha!"

"Why don't you kowtow to Master Gu?

The depressed breath that was blocking everyone's chest just now instantly dissipated at this moment, making people feel happy in their hearts!

This scene is so magical!

As the chief lecturer Gu Bai,

It's just a simple use of two talismans,

Let those ghosts close their stinky mouths, kneel on the spot, and bow to the teacher!

Especially the last paragraph that Gu Bai said,

Coupled with the shocked, angry, and humiliated expressions of those ghosts.

It's so relieving to watch!!

Seating in the strategy class.

An Tang's mouth opened slightly, and a pair of beautiful eyes looked at it in a daze, and they were all stunned.

"the cow! That kid is still hiding this trick!!"

Song Quan's expression was extremely excited.

Even Yang Lie next to him let go of his prejudice against Gu Bai and swung a punch vigorously.

This counterattack is really beautiful!


There were thousands of Holy Academy students at the scene, and no one could have predicted that the situation would develop so magically.

Before today,

The vast majority of people have the concept of talismans,

It still stays on the regular talismans such as "Golden Light Talisman" and "Corpse Suppression Talisman".

Who would have thought that the talisman would have such a magical effect!

Also until now,

Everyone finally realized it.

They all glanced back at the old man sitting in the back, full of admiration for his old man's wisdom.

no doubt

The talismans used by Gu Bai were from the hands of the dean.

Elder Yan, who was sitting next to Yang Taichu, also smiled meaningfully: "Dean, your trick is high." "

But the old dean is now more confused than anyone else.

He was stunned and said, "That's not my talisman. "

"What? not your talisman?"

This time it was Yan Lao's turn to be confused.

was confused with Yan Lao, as well as other college leaders in the same row.

"Could it be your fellow disciple?"

An elder asked.

As we all know, only the Maoshan faction in the world today has the orthodox inheritance of Fu Zheng, and the other famous sects have long been lost.

But what is extremely shocking is that

Yang Taichu shook his head again:

"No, that's not the talisman of the Maoshan faction. "

Hearing this, the leaders of the academy directly couldn't rectify it.

Gu Bai didn't use the Maoshan Sect's talisman, so who did it use?

Everyone's eyes turned to Zhuge Yun in unison.

Zhuge Yun spread his hands and smiled bitterly, indicating that he didn't know either.

This is all Gu Bai's actions alone???

The co-authorship didn't follow the script at all???

Just as the leaders of the academy were talking.

The seats for international exchange students have changed again.

I saw the blindfolded cultivator slowly get up from his seat.

With a tedious mantra in his mouth,

Immediately after, he drank silently. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Words are broken!"

As soon as these words came out, the dozens of foreign students who were suppressed made a sound of "bang" and "bang".

Finally freed from the suppression of the power of the rune.

They lay on the ground, one by one, breathing heavily, as if they had survived the catastrophe.

When he looked up at the young figure on the podium, there was no more arrogance or provocation in his eyes.

Instead, there is a fear from the bottom of my heart.

If it hadn't been for Lord Alpha's rescue, they wouldn't have known what they would have been suppressed.

This change in the situation,

also made Gu Bai on the podium raise his eyebrows slightly.

He flipped through the roster and praised with a smile:

"Your name is Alpha, isn't it?"

"Nice spells, oh no, you're called Yan Ling. "

Alpha's voice was slightly cold: "Your Excellency, why do you want to play such a small trick?"

Not only Alpha, but also the international exchange students in other positions at this time had gloomy and terrible faces.

Only the Caesar on the throne still had a calm smile, and even showed a lot of interest in the scene just now.

Gu Bai closed the roster and said with a smile: "This Alpha classmate, you say that classroom education is a small trick, it is too narrow, this is the education method of the Kyushu Holy Academy, understand?"

Alpha snorted coldly:


"Your Excellency is younger than us and is not worthy of being called a teacher in front of us, but I would like to ask you for advice. "

Behind Gu Bai's hand, he stepped off the podium step by step, and said leisurely: "In our Kyushu, the master is the teacher, since you have said that you want to ask for advice, then I, as a teacher, must teach you." "

The two sides were sharp in their rhetoric and did not give in.

But the meaning of the words is already quite obvious.

The other party issued a war letter.

And Gu Bai has already taken on the battle.

The atmosphere in the entire classroom also became tense at this moment.

This was expected, but everyone didn't expect that these ghosts couldn't hold it back so quickly.

An Tang, Yang Lie, Song Quan and other top masters of the strategy class glanced at each other and were ready.

Next, it's time for the hard-hitting show.

".~ It seems that Your Excellency has responded to the battle. "

The corners of Alpha's mouth curled contemptuously:

"The communication between strangers is naturally through mutual learning. "

"Since we have this opportunity, why don't we place some bets?"

Gu Bai had long expected this, and said, "You can say it directly." "


"We have 6 people, you have 6 people, and they play in turn, and the last side standing on the stage wins. "

"If we win, within the three-month deadline of our enrollment, your faculty shall not restrict the personal freedom of our international exchange students. "

"If you win, we will stay in the Holy Courtyard for these three months and never go out. "

"How, dare you bet?"

The voice fell, and the scene was in an uproar.

Every student was furious.

Damn it!

These grandsons are playing this abacus, and they dare to show their cards?

Why don't you just say that you want to take advantage of the Midyear Festival to come to Kyushu to take advantage of the fire and rob?

I heard the whole classroom filled with angry swearing.

Giant Johnson stood up with a sneer, his eyes swept over the audience, and he raised his voice: "There are thousands of you, and we only have a hundred, are you afraid?"

"Afraid of you!"

"Damn, Lao Tzu is the first to go!"

"That, you wait for Lao Tzu, you forgot how to pick cotton after not seeing the whip for a hundred years, right?"

Giant Johnson's words directly caused the anger of the audience.

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