"Look at the door!"

"It's coming, it's coming!"

Under the watchful eye of all eyes.

Gu Bai put on a megaphone headset and slowly walked onto the podium in front of him.

He stood in the middle of the podium, looked around, and then said to everyone:

"Good morning, everyone, I think everyone should know, my name is Gu Bai, and I am the lecturer of this open class. "

After a brief silence,

There was a whispered heated discussion at the scene.

"He's that Gu Bai, so young?"

"Isn't it, just dressed in casual clothes?

"it, the slippers you still wear???"

Everyone was dumbfounded.

The appearance of this mysterious lecturer is too explosive.

Casual wear, flip-flops,

His hair was also a mess, and he looked like he had just woken up.

Although everyone was a little mentally prepared, the scene in front of them still shocked the eyeballs of "May 17".

You know, it's not just the top young Tianjiao from the world sitting below.

There are also many Taishan Beidou in the Inhuman World, such as Yan Lao, Li Lao and others who are extremely virtuous and respectable.

Even the dean and dean of students were present in person.

can behave so casually in such a solemn and oppressive scene.

Not to mention anything else, this master's psychological quality is definitely top-notch.

Although everyone does not understand, there are still many people who are curious about how the next situation will develop.

After all, the upper echelons of the Holy Courtyard are not fools.

Arranging Gu Bai to be the lecturer for the first class this time must have a special purpose.

"You say, Gu is really a peerless master, right?"

"Don't expect too much, there are big hands who have already analyzed it last night, Gu Bai's real strength should be between sequence 20 and sequence 15, and there will not be too much deviation. "

"For his age, having this kind of strength is indeed a top talent, but it is far from qualified to be on this podium. "

"Unless, he's particularly prominent in something else. "

"It's not okay to have a herniated disc in your waist, this kind of open class, no young generation in the world is qualified to stand on it, if you want me to say, Gu Bai is definitely a smoke bomb, wait and see." "

"Look at the faces of those ghosts. "

"Damn, I guess these turtle grandsons are going to make trouble. "

The heated discussion continued to ring out in the audience.

A lot of people turned their attention to the group of international exchange students on the side of the front row.

After Gu Bai appeared just now, the gringos looked at each other and smiled, showing contempt and sarcasm.

Under these expressions, there is a hint of impatience.

It's like a pack of hungry wolves that smell blood.


Auditoriums in the back row.

An old white man in a suit looked at the stage with a smile on his face.

His name is Morgan.

He is a member of the United Parliament of the World, a high-ranking figure in the West.

At the same time, he is also the top leader of this group of international exchange students.

Morgan had a cigar in his mouth and smiled at the middle-aged man next to him:

"Your Excellency, Deputy Superintendent, oh no, Your Excellency the Dean of Teaching, this lecturer of your Holy Courtyard has a lot of personality. "

"I just don't know, he's so young, can he be up to the job?"

Deputy General Manager Lin Guorui responded lightly: "This is not bothering Congressman Morgan." "

After that,

The deputy chief looked at the young figure on the podium and exhaled slowly.

As the top of the General Directorate of Spiritual Adjustment,

He was one of the very few people who knew Gu Bai's true strength.

Even so, when Zhuge Yun strongly recommended Gu Bai before, he also had reservations.

Because, today's situation is too complicated.

"I just hope this kid can control the scene. "

The vice president's eyes were calm, and he thought secretly in his heart.

It was also at this time.

On the podium, there were two clear coughing sounds.


For a moment, the entire classroom fell silent.

As we all know,

The main drama is finally about to begin.

I saw Gu Bai slowly speak:

"I was thinking before I walked in. "

"As the world's first Inhuman Academy, what should it talk about in its first class, what kind of demonstration should it be. "

"Is it to talk about the history of the revival of ghosts, to talk about the formation of ghosts, or to talk about the types of supernatural events. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Or, say some majestic scenes, give you a good shot of chicken blood, and awaken your sense of mission to protect the world in your hearts. "

"But when I stood on the stage for a moment, and saw the look in your eyes, I rejected the above plans. "

"Because I'm afraid everyone will fall asleep. "

"If the first lesson was just about talking nonsense, it would really be a waste of everyone's expectations. "

Speaking of which,[]

There was a burst of laughter in the classroom.

The laughter was followed by a round of applause.

In just a few words, Gu Bai has already broken the cold scene.

"This stinky boy is quite fantastic....."

The leaders of the college in the back all laughed, and finally felt a little relieved.

They were really worried that after Gu Bai went up, he would show stage fright, speak logically, and stammer.

That's really not losing, losing first.

Now it seems that this kid's business ability is really not weak.

Let's see what he's going to serve next.

Gu Bai waved his palm downward and suppressed the applause.

Only then did he continue:

"So, in today's lesson, let's only talk about dry goods. "

"And it's something that everyone has never heard of, real dry goods. "

As soon as this remark came out.

The classroom fell silent.

Zhuge Yun sat up straight and stared at the top of the podium.

Do you want to talk about Lei Fa? or actual combat?

Since it is dry goods, it must be Gu Bai's two killer features.

But this kid will definitely hide tricks,

Therefore, it is more likely to talk about "actual combat".

Under the gaze of all.

Gu Bai took out a pile of yellow rune paper from his pocket and raised it in the air like a banknote.

"That's what I'm going to talk about today, Fu Dao. "

As soon as this statement came out,

The scene was in an uproar.

Not only were the students dumbfounded,

Even the leaders in the rear auditorium showed a stunned expression.

Did you hear that right?

Gu Bai actually wanted to talk about the talisman???

This thing is not something that ordinary people can afford.

The talisman is extremely profound, and the difficulty of entry is high, which can be called the highest of all Taoist schools.

At the same time, it is also the least inherited. 1.4 After thousands of years, the inheritance of the three mountains of Fu Gong has almost been cut off.

Now only Maoshan is left, and the fruits are the only ones left.

And the ancestor of Maoshan, known as the "Saint of the World", is now sitting in the back!

That's the dean, Yang Taichu!

But Gu Bai couldn't be Yang Taichu's disciple either.

Because everyone looked back, the dean and his old man looked dazed, and obviously didn't know about it.

Combined with the almost shocked expressions of the other academy leaders.

It is conceivable that everyone doesn't know about Gu Baiquan's play.

Also at this time.

An extremely shrill laugh suddenly sounded in the front row.



Everyone followed the prestige and looked at the international exchange student area.

And it was the figure that was incomparably tall and muscular, like a black tower, that made this wild laugh.

Dwayne Johnson.

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