When I came to the cafeteria.

Song Quan had already eaten, and he and several brothers from the reserve team next to him were in full swing discussing tomorrow.

Seeing Gu Bai holding a dinner plate from a distance, he immediately shouted loudly: "Old Gu! What about this!! "

Gu Bai walked over, and as soon as he put down the plate, he heard Song Quan ask:

"What did you do on the 5th?"

"He asked me to be the instructor for the first class tomorrow."

"Are you coastal people so cold in all your jokes?"

"No kidding, it's true."

"Okay, it's even colder to add this sentence."

Song Quan pursed his lips, and several people next to him also burst into laughter.

Gu Bai didn't have time to pick up the stubble, so he ate by himself.

Song Quan continued to have a heated discussion with a few good buddies next to him.

"I just received a piece of gossip that it is said that tomorrow it is very likely that the bell team will be on the field."

"Where did you get any gossip, nonsense, Brigade Zhong will return to the garrison tomorrow to set up defenses, and no one is in the Holy Courtyard at all."

"I think the possibility of Elder Yan is a little higher, except for the dean, Elder Yan has the highest qualifications."

"Indeed, Elder Yan is the deputy chief of the Spiritual Research Institute, and it is not an exaggeration to call it Taishan Beidou in the Inhuman World."

"Hey, 13 Gu Bai, what do you think?"

"yes, let's talk a little bit."

Number 26 next to him asked, and the others chimed in.

Because of Song Quan's eldest brother,

Their small group is also very concerned about Gu Bai, a newcomer, and they all want to be more familiar with it now.

Gu Bai casually took a few mouthfuls of food, curled up with a sleepy face and said, "Didn't I say it just now, you don't believe it, I'm going back to sleep now, you eat slowly, by the way, where is our dormitory?" "

Song Quan smashed his tongue, "Why are you so difficult to nag." "

Gu Bai asked repeatedly: "Where is the dormitory?" "

"Turn right out of the cafeteria and turn right into the third building, your room is on the fifth floor, the one on the left."

"Okay, I'm leaving."

Gu Bai waved his hand and left the cafeteria directly.

Several people in the seats looked at each other, thinking that this master's personality was really wild enough.

A bad joke, just three times.


The entire reserve team, except for An Tang Yang Lie, is estimated to be the only one, and he dares to leave Brother Quan here without looking back.

or no heart,

Either that's really iron-clad.

And looking at Brother Quan's attitude towards him, nine times out of ten it is the latter.

"Brother Quan, this brother of yours, should we also call him Brother Bai?"

No. 26 asked, he really couldn't figure out Gu Bai's temper.

Although Gu Bai is still No. 50, no one dares to treat him as No. 50.

After all, he was specially recruited by Zhuge Yun, and Song Quan regarded him as his own.

It is estimated that the future will be the second-in-command of their small group.

"You can shout whatever you like, it's the same for him anyway."

Song Quan doesn't care.

At this moment, other people in the cafeteria suddenly made a commotion, and everyone was holding their mobile phones and discussing excitedly.

"It's time to inform!"

"I'll go, everyone look at their phones!"

The mobile phones that Song Quan and the others put on the table also rang.

They hurriedly opened it to see that it was a notice about the first lesson of the hospital tomorrow.

"It's really coming!"

"Let's see who tomorrow's instructor is!"

The notification message is very brief, only the time, place, and name of the instructor.

Article 12 is skipped.

All eyes are on the third one.

【Invited Lecturer: Gu Bai】

At the sight of the name, the entire cafeteria suddenly fell silent.

After a brief silence.

It's a big puzzle.

"Who is Gu Bai?"

"Why hasn't this lecturer heard of it?"

"It can't be some ancestor who has just come out of the mountain, right?"

"It's impossible, even if it's a monk from the Hidden Mountain, they all come to the Holy Courtyard, and there will be some news."

"Why is this name a little familiar, I heard someone mention it today." (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

The hall was full of buzz.

Only Song Quan and a few people stared at those two words with bronze bell-like eyes.

Confirmed countless times.

Gu Bai!

It turned out to be really Gu Bai??? []

He really wasn't kidding just now???


Gu Bai is the legendary mysterious heavyweight guest, the lecturer of the first class of the Holy Academy???

A few of Song Quan's younger brothers felt that their brains were about to shut down.

And Song Quan repeated two words in his mouth, and the volume became louder and louder.

"Damn... it... it! Groove !! "

In the end, Song Quan's whole body jumped up and rushed directly in the direction that Gu Bai left.

It's speeding at almost a speed of 100 meters and three seconds.

Finally stopped Gu Bai before he entered the dormitory building.

"! It's really you???? "

Song Quan clamped Gu Bai's shoulders with both hands, his face full of disbelief.

Gu Bai drooped his eyelids: "I've said it a few times, but you didn't listen to it at all." "

"No, you're really a lecturer, huh? Who told you to be it??? "

"Arranged on the 5th."

"The old man is crazy, tomorrow is such an important occasion!"

"You look for No. 5 and say, don't get in my way, I'm going to sleep."

"! You can still sleep! Do you know how big it is? It is estimated that the whole holy courtyard will be fried later!! "

Gu Bai felt like a swarm of flies were ringing around his ears, and his brain was buzzing.

When I came to the door of my dormitory,

After facial recognition verification, the dormitory door opens automatically.

Song Quan couldn't stop making noise, and wanted to follow in,

As a result, Gu Bai was shut out of the door 420 with a "bang".

Inside the room, the whole world fell silent in an instant.


Enjoying a moment of tranquility, Gu Bai felt extremely comfortable.

The dormitory treatment in the Holy Courtyard is undoubtedly very good.

Spacious and bright, it is elegantly decorated, no less than the presidential suite.

Gu Bai took a shower, changed into pajamas, and lay down on the soft big bed, ready to sleep in the dark.

Who knows, another rapid voice sounded in his ears.

"Gu Bai! Gu Bai! Something is wrong!! "

The sound goes from far to near.

Gu Bai took a look, and saw a small fluffy paw sticking out of the windowsill,

Immediately after, a lovely snow-white figure crawled in.

It's the little fox fairy I haven't seen for a long time.

Gu Bai: "You're back from Tu Mountain." "

Tu Shanqing jumped directly on Gu Bai, and said in a hurry: "You still have the heart to lie down!" "

"What's wrong?"

"This Midyear Festival is extraordinary, the underworld is out of order, thousands of ghosts are wandering, and the world is going to be in chaos!"

Gu Bai raised his eyelids: "Ah, you just know." "

Tu Shanqing was stunned for a moment: "You know?" "

Gu Bai: "Who doesn't know this." "

Tu Shanqing: "??? "

Tu Shanqing: "Then do you know the ghost difference?" "

Gu Bai: "I know." "

Tu Shanqing: "...".

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