I Made Tiandao Into An Online Game

Chapter 95: Successful Kill

What appeared at this time was the clone.

The real Han Xiaoleng was in another place, after the black snake's attention was attracted.

Han Xiaoleng rushed out decisively and stabbed the black snake's eyes with a knife.

At the moment of piercing the eye, Han Xiaoleng also saw the blood volume bar prompt.


One knife took away nearly 70,000 blood. It seems that Qin Ge's command is really correct.

But the black snake was also completely enraged and decisively attacked in the direction of Han Xiaoleng.

When the black snake turned its head and swung its tail, the whole mountain forest seemed to be shaking.

Seeing this, Han Xiaoleng felt helpless.

"Don't struggle, now you're dead."

Anyway, no matter what he did, it was useless.

Who let Han Xiaoleng know his weakness?

At the moment of swinging the knife, the blade flashed, and the other eye of the black snake was also stabbed by Han Xiaoleng.

The struggling black snake suddenly stopped twisting its body and looked up at Han Xiaoleng, obviously not believing what he saw.

"You're blind, can you still see me?"

Han Xiaoleng was a little surprised, and then looked at the black snake's tail.

There, Han Xiaoleng saw the soft belly.

Even if the black scales covered the whole body, it was certain that the black snake in front of him must have flaws.

"Damn it, how could you do these things?"

The black snake roared and roared, and the whole forest seemed to be shaking.

Han Xiaoleng heard it, but was unmoved, and rushed forward with a knife.

In the blink of an eye, he stabbed the black snake's belly.

This knife actually had 200,000 blood points. Looking at the prompt, Han Xiaoleng's eyes lit up, and then he attacked the belly in front again.

Qin Ge said on the side.

"Go get the snake gall, the snake gall is gone, this guy will die."

Hearing this, Xiaoleng rushed to the location of the snake gall.

But the black snake was not a vegetarian, and it rolled over and slapped heavily in the direction of Han Xiaoleng.

Even if the black snake lost its eyesight, it could still use its ears to determine Han Xiaoleng's position.

Han Xiaoleng was therefore unable to approach the black snake. After all, without eyes, the charm spell would be meaningless.

Han Xiaoleng had no choice but to approach from other places little by little, trying to find other flaws.

Qin Ge said on the side.

"Don't think about defeating him like you did just now, pierce his ears and make him lose his direction."

Although it was a bit cruel, this was a game world, and there was no need to be polite to these monsters.

Han Xiaoleng heard it and quickly stopped on the tree. The black snake heard that there was no movement around and also calmed down, but the snake's tongue was still spitting out.

Obviously, the black snake was still looking for Han Xiaoleng's location, but he was very smart and knew to save his energy.

Seeing this, Han Xiaoleng felt helpless.

But when he saw the black snake's ears, he quickly rushed forward again. When the wind came, the black snake quickly flashed back.

Han Xiaoleng was not to be outdone and rushed forward again.

This time, the black snake also found an opportunity to hit Han Xiaoleng hard on the ground.

The moment the mouth opened, the fangs were exposed, and it stabbed at Han Xiaoleng's position decisively.

This series of offensive means is more than powerful.

Fortunately, when Han Xiaoleng picked up the Miao Dao to block, Qin Ge also stepped forward and used magic to break one of the fangs.

The black snake fell to the ground in pain. After all, it was almost dying of torture.

Even if it had a million HP, it couldn't stand Han Xiaoleng's crazy attack.

But Han Xiaoleng stood up, found an opportunity, and took advantage of the victory.

Holding the handle of the knife with both hands, he stabbed directly at the black snake's ear.

In the moment when the blood flowed, 100,000 HP disappeared.

Of course, the other ear hadn't been taken off yet, so how could he rest?

In the blink of an eye, Han Xiaoleng came to the other side of the black snake.

When he raised the knife and stabbed it down, blood flowed out.

But the black snake was also completely enraged, and it attacked Han Xiaoleng blindly like crazy.

Seeing that the black snake was so powerful, Han Xiaoleng was terrified again.

The current situation was too bad.

Although he was afraid, Han Xiaoleng still gritted his teeth and chose to deal with it calmly.

When he looked at his hands.

Just a little thought, "Han Xiaoleng decisively evacuated quickly to the store.

But this evacuation was also caught by the black snake, and the black snake was obviously going to kill Han Xiaoleng, and it was not something Han Xiaoleng could face without any reservation.

Soon, Han Xiaoleng's physical strength was also exhausted.

"If it doesn't work, let's come and help. "

Qinglin couldn't bear to watch it, because Han Xiaoleng was really in a mess.

Even with the skill of Copper Skin and Iron Bones, the black snake's relentless attack made Han Xiaoleng unable to resist.


The blood volume was lost bit by bit.




Han Xiaoleng was not panicked at all. After taking out the blood-replenishing pill, his blood volume returned to full.


But it would take some time to recover from the physical consumption.

But the black snake was not going to give Han Xiaoleng that chance.

The next attack was even more terrifying and violent. In the blink of an eye, Han Xiaoleng had nowhere to retreat.

Seeing Han Xiaoleng in agony.

The black snake just laughed twice, then opened its mouth and pounced in the direction of Han Xiaoleng.

Seeing the black snake's actions, Han Xiaoleng was furious, and when he picked up the handle of the knife and stabbed the black snake in the mouth, he was also poisonous.

Unexpectedly, when the blood flowed, the black snake became even more angry.

And then Han Xiaoleng was in a passive state, and was beaten back by the black snake, and he couldn't even use the ability to fight back.

Until he was hit hard by the black snake and fell to the ground, Han Xiaoleng finally realized that it was not good, and he staggered and fell to the ruins.

Although the black snake couldn't see Han Xiaoleng, it could lock his position, and decisively rushed forward and used his body to restrain Han Xiaoleng.

But How could Qin Ge just sit there and watch? He just took a step forward, and the light of the spell made the black snake scream in despair.

The remaining blood volume also dropped in an instant.

After the black snake died.

Han Xiaoleng lay on the ground, motionless.

"Are you okay?"

Qin Ge walked forward, feeling helpless.

It can be seen that Han Xiaoleng is about to die.

"It's okay, a small problem."

As he said, Han Xiaoleng stuffed a handful of blood pills. Although the blood volume returned, the physical strength could not keep up, so he simply watched from behind and did not go to the black snake to check the reward.

Qin Ge saw Han Xiaoleng so weak, so he simply went forward alone.

Qinglin walked to Han Xiaoleng's side, raised his hand, and gently comforted Han Xiaoleng.

"It's okay, the problem is solved. "

But the next second, a soft halo also appeared from Qinglin's hand.

Qinglin didn't put away the light until Han Xiaoleng's physical strength was fully restored.

Han Xiaoleng sensed something was wrong and quickly said to Qinglin.

"What did you do just now? What is that halo?"

"I took off the round bead on my head. This thing is too dazzling and it is easy to attract thieves.

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