I Made Tiandao Into An Online Game

Chapter 84: There Are 100,000 Hp

Seeing them wake up, Han Xiaoleng also showed an awkward smile.

"Sorry, I disturbed your rest."

As he said that, Han Xiaoleng jumped up, and when he swung the dagger downward, although he cut off one of the blood-red centipede's legs.

But it was useless.


This reminder made Han Xiaoleng's heart sink suddenly.

Damn it, this blood-red centipede actually has 100,000 health points.

That would be difficult to deal with.

The next second, Han Xiaoleng relied on his agility to quickly jump to the side, successfully avoiding the attack of the blood-red centipede, and quickly took out another long blade.

This is a Miao Dao.

But even if it is three meters long, it may not be able to subdue the blood-red centipede.

In the dark night, the pair of shining eyes were staring at Han Xiaoleng quietly.

Although there was no movement for a long time, it also summoned that the danger was imminent.

The next second, the blood-red centipede spit out a huge flame.

When the fireball hit,

Han Xiaoleng was unable to fight back, so he could only use his agility to jump to another place.

But the prompt also made Han Xiaoleng's face darken.


Isn't this too much blood loss? Even if he took out the small green bottle to replenish blood, it probably wouldn't be enough.

But Han Xiaoleng still drank several bottles, and his blood volume finally returned to 743, but the fireballs were still hitting him.

Helplessly, Han Xiaoleng could only use the Miao Dao to attack the blood-red centipede.

Even if he attacked quickly, it might not be useful.

The shell of the blood-red centipede was as hard as a steel plate, and the Miao Dao had no way to break it, and even the damage was not enough.

After swinging the knife for a long time, no blood volume was lost, which made Han Xiaoleng more and more impatient.

But when he looked at the centipede's foot, suddenly, the operation just now flashed in his mind.

If I guessed correctly, attacking this centipede's foot quickly might make it drop faster.

It would also be easier to deal with it next.

With the three-meter-long Miao Dao, Han Xiaoleng didn't even touch the blood-red centipede, and chopped off a row of its legs.


The blood volume dropped so much at once, it seems that this judgment is correct.

While thinking, Han Xiaoleng chopped at another place.

But the blood-red centipede was not a vegetarian, it decisively curled up its body and turned into a ball, continuously spraying fireballs in the direction of Han Xiaoleng.

When the fireball rushed over, the scorching temperature also dried up some of the moisture here, of course, there was also a diffuse smell in the air.

The smell was hard to describe, Han Xiaoleng could only hold the three-meter-long Miao Dao to look for other flaws of the blood-red centipede.

If he could find it, he wouldn't have to worry about the danger that the blood-red centipede could bring next.

Unfortunately, Han Xiaoleng hadn't hit the blood-red centipede yet.

A cry of surprise came from a distance.

"Oh my god, that cheating female player is here."

"Don't talk nonsense, how could she cheat? Aren't we dealing with the blood-red centipede?"

"Han Xiaoleng dared to touch something like the blood-red centipede, is he crazy?"

"Why don't we go up and help."

"What help? Pick up the leak!"

The few people said with a grin, and before they got close, Han Xiaoleng was ready to deal with them.

In this environment, no one is trustworthy.

It's just that Han Xiaoleng just flashed to the side, and these people thought the opportunity had come. As a result, the fireball was deliberately led over by Han Xiaoleng.

The next second, those people were screaming in the fire.

The blood volume dropped sharply.

The terrible thing is that the fire can't be extinguished.

"If you really want to sneak attack people, you'd better go back and practice for two more years!"

When looking back at those people, Han Xiaoleng's face was only arrogant and disdainful.

Han Xiaolian saw through idiots like them.

But this also angered those people.

They picked up the green potion, and even if they drank several bottles, it was not enough.

Their health was already in danger.

The blood-red centipede saw that Han Xiaoleng had a few more helpers, and was afraid to attack, because a row of claws had been chopped off.

The remaining ones were probably not going to stay.

Han Xiaoleng picked up the Miao Dao again and leaped up.

But this time he didn't get behind the blood-red centipede.

The men behind him shouted.

"Come back quickly, that guy is spitting fireballs."

"Be careful, he wants you dead."

But their bluffing did not bother Han Xiaoleng at all, but completely angered the blood-red centipede.

Of course, the scary thing is that the blood-red centipedes in the corner gradually opened their eyes.

But those men didn't notice it, they still thought Han Xiaoleng was easy to bully, at least they could play with him.

Seeing Han Xiaoleng busy chopping off the blood-red centipede's legs, the leader of the group took out a blood-replenishing pill.

"This thing can instantly restore blood. It is a high-level blood-replenishing product. Do you want it?"

Zhao Meng said as he took out several pills.

The younger brothers beside him almost drooled when they saw this.

Only they knew how painful it would be to replenish blood for a period of time.

In the process of replenishing blood, they had to avoid the blood-red centipede's attack.

Although there was only one, no one could guarantee whether there would be any accidents.

"If you want it, bring that woman to me."

Zhao Meng pointed at Han Xiaoleng.

This action also made Han Xiaoleng's face darken.

After killing monsters for a long time, no one provoked him, but he was targeted by this group of people.

Seeing Han Xiaoleng's anger, Zhao Meng said hurriedly.

"Look, this guy is anxious, let's take action quickly." Hearing this, the men rushed forward decisively, throwing their weapons at lightning speed. Taking advantage of the blood-red centipede's foot being cut off by Han Xiaoleng again. -20000 Those people were very excited, because the blood-red centipede's strength had been reduced from 10 million to 30,000. "Girl, you are really working hard. I can see that you are a potential stock." "Boss, it is your blessing to be favored by you. Don't struggle and follow us." But how could Han Xiaoleng listen to them? After all, he is also a famous figure on the list. If these guys can really do whatever they want, Han Xiaoleng will become a joke. But the blood-red centipedes in the corner also came to them quietly. One of the men with a bow and arrow was about to catch Han Xiaoleng. As a result, the blood-red centipede in the corner spit out a fireball directly at him. -8000 The blood volume disappeared instantly, and the man was eliminated instantly. Seeing the opponent out, Xiao Lian laughed again.

Zhao Meng stayed where he was, shocked.

"How could it become like this?"

Zhao Meng was furious.

"Can't you do something useful, you bunch of rubbish?"

But those men retreated because the blood-red centipede in the corner had awakened.

But Han Xiaoleng stepped on the wall and used the power of jumping down to completely remove the blood-red centipede around him again.

After the last row of legs was cut off.


The blood-red centipede in front of him also fell apart. .

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