I Made Tiandao Into An Online Game

Chapter 82: Walking In The Dark!

Ten minutes ago.

Beimang Mountains, halfway up the plain connecting to the Fire Centipede Lord.

Han Xiaoleng held a dagger and hid in a very hidden cave.

The cave was not deep, but it was enough for her to shrink in it, and there was a stone blocking the entrance, which almost covered the view in the cave.

Therefore, she was lucky to survive the attack of the Rot Cave Beast army.

As for the other unlucky soul clan members, they were not so lucky. They died directly during the first round of attack by the Rot Cave Beast.

After all, the soul clan members were fragile with low defense and low blood, and they could not withstand such a large-scale attack.

As a soul clan player, and a special profession in reality, Han Xiaoleng deeply understood that an assassin could only play the greatest value in such a large-scale frontal battle by hiding in the dark. Once exposed to the light, he would not be far from death.

But the key is that her current position is too embarrassing.

It was just halfway up the mountain. On the top of the mountain were players waiting in full battle array, and at the foot of the mountain was an endless army of rotten cave beasts.

And the war had already begun. At this moment, countless rotten cave beasts at the foot of the mountain were fearlessly rushing towards the top of the mountain.

The vibration of countless rotten cave beasts galloping made the entire mountain tremble slightly, especially the cave where she was hiding, which was shaking violently and seemed to be collapsing at any time.

The most embarrassing thing now was that she couldn't get out.

In this case, once she showed her head, she would be torn into pieces in an instant under the impact of the army of rotten cave beasts.

But if she didn't show her head, would she have to stay in this cave until the end of the event?

Thinking of this, Han Xiaoleng showed a resolute look on her face.

She wanted to go out, she wanted points!

However, Han Xiaoleng was not impulsive. If she rushed out immediately when her head was hot, it would be no different from seeking death.

She carefully poked her head into the cave entrance and began to observe the situation outside.

Looking through the narrow exit gap, she saw smoke and dust floating in the sky, and there were constantly figures of rotten cave beasts running at high speed in the smoke and dust.

The army of the Corrupted Cave Beasts seemed endless, like the surging waves on the sea, one after another.

After carefully observing for a few minutes, Han Xiaoleng showed a surprised smile.

Because she discovered a pattern of the Corrupted Cave Beasts.

Each wave of the Corrupted Cave Beasts' attack had a gap of nearly 5 seconds.

5 seconds, although extremely short, was enough for her to act.

Glancing at the two skills in the skill bar, Han Xiaoleng narrowed her eyes, and her brain began to work rapidly.

[Walking in the Dark] LV3 (580/10000): Walking in the darkness, wandering between life and death. After using this skill, the player will merge with the shadow and enter a 15-second stealth time. In stealth mode, the player's movement speed increases by 50%! Once damaged, the player will exit stealth mode. Cooling time: 60 seconds!

[Netherworld Slash] LV3 (630/10000): After use, the player will condense soul power and cause 180% of his own attack power to a single target within a range of 2 meters. When the player is behind the target or in other blind spots, the damage caused will be doubled! Cooldown time: 8 seconds!

She has upgraded the skill of Night Walk to LV3, with a stealth time of 15 seconds, and can increase the movement speed by 50% during stealth.

15 seconds, including the 5-second interval of the Corruption Cave Beast Army, is 20 seconds.

She is halfway up the mountain, only 800 meters away from the foot of the mountain.

At this moment, her agility attribute bonus is very high, and with the movement speed bonus of Night Walk, it should be more than enough to reach the foot of the mountain within 20 seconds.

After some calculations, Han Xiaoleng felt that her plan was feasible.

Although there were endless armies of dark creatures at the foot of the mountain, she was confident that she could survive with her disguise.

After making the decision, she began to wait quietly.

Waiting for the interval between the attack of the Corruption Cave Beast Army.

A minute later, the ground trembled slightly, and the interval time was up!


Han Xiaoleng did not hesitate at all, like a black lightning, quickly rushed out of the cave and rushed to the foot of the mountain.

At the same time, Han Xiaoleng, who was running at high speed, kept counting down silently in her heart.


When she counted to 1000, she decisively activated the dark night walking skill, and the whole person disappeared without any warning.

At this moment, the rumbling sound sounded again.

The army of rotten cave beasts at the foot of the mountain attacked again.

Although the rotten cave beasts could not see Han Xiaoleng in stealth mode, they could attack her.

So, in addition to running at high speed, she also needed to avoid the impact of the rotten cave beasts. Once hit by the rotten cave beasts, she would exit the stealth mode.

Once she showed her figure, she would be torn into pieces by countless rotten cave beasts in an instant.

At this moment, Han Xiaoleng felt that her blood was boiling.

This feeling was just as exciting as dodging bullets in a gunfight when she was on a mission!

The rotten cave beasts in front of her were like cannonballs, but in her eyes they were like bullets.

Han Xiaoleng's figure was turning and moving, and she was like a ghost.

And while she was dodging, her speed did not slow down, but increased continuously.

If other players saw this scene, they would probably be shocked. .

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