I Made Tiandao Into An Online Game

Chapter 80: Killing Monsters Is Like Mowing Grass! [2/5]

The vanguard of the dark creature army is equivalent to cannon fodder, so its strength is naturally not too strong.

Cannon fodder!

Isn't it used to die?

Not only can it consume the opponent's energy, but it can also play the role of clearing ambushes.

Time passed by minute by minute.

At this moment, there were bursts of muffled sounds at the foot of the distant mountain.

Even the ground shook slightly.



Boom! "Here it comes!" Director Ao swallowed his saliva and held the long sword tightly with both hands.

Because the Beimang Mountains and the plains below are covered with dense and tall trees, even if you are high above, you can't see the situation of the dark creature army, and you can only rely on the soul players to pass on information.

The sound is getting closer and closer, and more and more dense, like a thousand horses galloping.

Finally, the first dark creature appeared in the players' field of vision.

This dark creature looks like a hyena.

But its body is many times larger than that of a hyena, and its limbs are extremely slender, and it is very flexible when running. On the hideous and disgusting head, there is a big mouth full of sharp teeth, and saliva flies freely from the corners of the mouth.

Corruption cave beasts!

Like wandering spiders, they belong to the lowest level of dark creatures.

They are good at digging holes and feed on carrion.

When there is no food, they will choose to devour their companions.

Although they are weak, they have strong reproductive ability. A dozen Corruption Cave Beasts can grow into tens of thousands in just one year.

This way of evolution seems to be very similar to the creatures on Earth.

The weaker the creature, the stronger its reproductive ability.

For example, ants and cockroaches... Although they are weak, a finger can crush a large group of them, but they can never be killed.

Once at the source of darkness, a mysterious existence killed Corruption Cave Beasts and used great magical powers to kill tens of billions of Corruption Cave Beasts.

But after only a few decades, the number of Corruption Cave Beasts has returned to its original level...

After this Corruption Cave Beast appeared, the second one followed!


Instantly, countless Corruption Cave Beasts filled the players' vision (bbca).

Looking around, there were densely packed, at least tens of millions.

As the Corruption Cave Beasts ran, the entire Beimang Mountains were constantly shaking.

This scene was really shocking.

Even though the players knew that the Corruption Cave Beasts were weak, they still couldn't help but feel numb in the face of such an exaggerated number.

Director Ao couldn't help but say: "This is fucking, the graphics card is burning! Fortunately, I'm using the latest gaming helmet, otherwise it feels like the graphics card is smoking now!"

"To be honest, this game optimization is really awesome, and this big scene is not at all! I'm impressed!" Sheng Rui also said.

Shi Yue looked at the densely packed Corruption Cave Beasts below, his eyes glowing, and murmured: "How many activity points will this get........."

The Corruption Cave Beasts ran very fast, and almost in the blink of an eye, they had already rushed up the mountain.

Seeing this, a guild leader shouted: "Here they come! Hold on in the front row! Sub-fairy Clan in the back row, all come to me!"


Accompanied by a series of explosions, the Ten Thousand Monster Clan players standing in the front row turned on the Xuanwu electricity at the same time!

Thousands of players turned on the Xuanwu armor together, and the scene was spectacular.

The white shields connected into a piece, forming a solid barrier!

Closer, closer and closer!

Finally, the Corruption Cave Beast that appeared first slammed into a Ten Thousand Monster Clan player!


Immediately afterwards, there was a series of collisions!

Hundreds of thousands of Corruption Cave Beasts slammed into the defense line formed by the Ten Thousand Monster Clan players, and the scene was extremely shocking.

The momentum was fierce, but it was useless.

The Corrupted Cave Beasts only have the strength of the fifth or sixth level of the Tempering Body Realm, while the players of the Ten Thousand Demon Clan who can hold the first line of defense are all high-end players, with the lowest level being the fifth level of the Blood Sea Realm. Some, like Sheng Rui, are already the ninth level of the Blood Sea Realm, and only need a few hundred thousand experience points to reach the Fifth Palace Realm.

Moreover, their equipment is not bad, with at least two green suits as a base.

Therefore, under the first round of impact, the defense line did not move at all, but the Corrupted Cave Beasts were like hitting steel and iron bones, and they fell to the ground.

At this time, the players of the Sub-Immortal Clan who were protected in the rear also moved.

In an instant, a strong wind blew in the Beimang Mountains, and countless wind blades flew and slashed at the Corrupted Cave Beasts.

With Shi Yue's current equipment and level, he is firmly in the first sub-immortal clan. At this moment, a wind blade technique instantly killed the Corrupted Cave Beasts within a range of more than ten meters in front.

When the second batch of Corrupted Cave Beasts attacked, thunder and lightning descended.


Batch after batch of rot cave beasts, like being mowed, came and died, one batch after another.

At this moment, the sub-immortal players on the first front line were almost grinning.

Don't worry about anything, just close your eyes and throw skills in front of you, you can get a lot of activity points.

"This is too cool!" Shi Yue's eyes lit up, and she threw skills one after another at the rot beast army.

After a whole night of hard work last night, she successfully upgraded both skills to LV4!

At this time, the CD of the wind blade is only 4 seconds, and the CD of the thunder is as short as 3 seconds.

The two skills are used alternately, and there is almost no buffer time.

Of course, in order to brush up her proficiency, she also spent all her fairy jade on buying blue potions.

But now it seems that this investment is correct.

As long as you can make it into the top 100 of the scoreboard, you can get your money back, and if you enter the top 10, you will make a lot of money.

"Damn, I'm so angry!"

At this moment, Director Ao was extremely annoyed.

He didn't even have a chance to finish off the enemy. Shi Yue used a skill to instantly kill a large number of Corruption Cave Beasts.

He could only watch Shi Yue's score on the leaderboard constantly refreshing.

"Don't worry! These Corruption Cave Beasts are just cannon fodder. Although they seem to be numerous, their points may not be as high as a monster in the Five Palace Realm." Sheng Rui comforted him.

"I know!"

Director Ao nodded. In fact, he also understood in his heart, but the efficiency of the sub-immortals in killing monsters was really enviable!

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