I Made Tiandao Into An Online Game

Chapter 76: Tempting Event Rewards! [4/5]

In excitement, Director Ao directly closed the live broadcast interface and quickly opened the official website homepage.

Sure enough, the picture on the official website homepage has changed.

In the dim tone, a city stands between cliffs, and in front of the city, endless dark creatures are sweeping in.

There are four large characters in ink above the sky-----Battle to defend the city!

Although the picture is static, it is very tense, making people feel a heroic spirit of fighting to the death!

This poster made Ao Guangchang's blood boil.

However, he also saw a message through this event poster.

The city is set up on the edge of the cliff, which means that there is no way to retreat and it has reached a desperate situation.

Then once the player fails to defend the city, the consequences may be very serious, and the player may even be punished.

Thinking of this, Director Ao hurriedly controlled the mouse to pull down to view the details of the event.

"The demon emperor came across the long river of time. Although he severely injured the two demon emperors, the Green Spider Demon Emperor did not give up. He sent an army of dark creatures [to flatten the last ten pieces of the future continent.

At the beginning, there is a long paragraph of text, which mainly introduces the cause of this event.

After reading it patiently, Director Ao continued to scroll the page.

"In this city defense battle event, players will get points for every 400 dark creatures they kill. The amount of points obtained is affected by the strength of the dark creatures. After the event ends, players can use their points to exchange fairy jade, props and other items on the event interface.

"For this event, we will implement the statistical points and set up a points list for players to check at any time. The top 100 players in this event will receive additional rewards!"

First place: reward hidden race!

Second place: reward any part of gold equipment*1!

Third place: reward any mount*1!

4th-10th place: reward any part of high-quality green equipment*1!

11th-30th place: reward any part of green equipment*1!

31st-60th place: reward fairy jade*200!

61st-100th place: reward (bbdh) fairy jade*100!


Director Ao looked at the content of the event rewards and couldn't help but exclaimed.

There is no way, the rewards for the top three are too tempting.

Whether it is a hidden race, golden equipment, or mount, for the current players, they all have unparalleled temptation.

And the rewards for the fourth to tenth place are not bad.

Although with the development of the game, there are more and more green equipment, but high-quality green equipment is still a scarce commodity and in short supply in the high-end market.

If you are lucky enough to get high-quality equipment such as rings or accessories, then their value will not be lower than ordinary gold equipment.

Because in the current game, the hidden rate of rings and accessories is very low.

Even Director Ao himself is only equipped with a low-level blue ring.

It's not that he doesn't want to change, but there is no one at all.

Even if one occasionally appears, it will be instantly bought by a group of local tyrants at a sky-high price!

For a while, Director Ao couldn't suppress his excitement.

Because with his current equipment and level, he has a chance to rush to the top of the leaderboard.

However, the top three should not be expected, because with the update of the expansion pack, the sub-fairy players have risen strongly.

The mobile turret with high magic explosion, this title is not a joke!

Both skills are large-scale AOE skills, and the key damage is high, especially in this kind of city defense battle, the monsters below are densely packed, as long as you close your eyes and throw skills down, you can get a lot of points.

This advantage is simply not comparable to melee professions.

After reading the content of the event, Director Ao couldn't calm down for a long time, but the battle to defend the city started immediately.

However, at this moment, he found that there seemed to be more information at the bottom of the page.

"There's more?"

Curious, he continued to pull the page.

"In this battle to defend the city, once the damage rate of the city reaches 70% and the NPC death rate reaches 80%, it will be judged as a failure to defend the city. All player points will be invalidated and the rewards will be cancelled!"

"After the city is completely breached, it will not be refreshed and returned to the original version!"


Director Ao took a breath of cold air, and his original excitement was instantly calmed.

This punishment is really too harsh!

Once the defense of the city fails, the player's rewards will be gone.

And once the city is completely captured, it will no longer be refreshed, but will return to the original version.

What is the original version?

Most players now probably don't know.

But as a veteran player, Director Ao knows clearly what the original version of the game looks like.

Let alone the city and the novice village, except for the six stone statues, there is not a single hair.

What teleportation array, system mall, meritorious achievements... none of them, this is the original version!

After so many days, Director Ao has witnessed the changes and development of the version with his own eyes.

A ruin gradually became a novice village, and finally became the current city.

If he is asked to return to the original version, needless to say, he will definitely not want to!

At this time, the official website forum has completely exploded.

Hundreds of thousands of new posts can be refreshed every minute, and the popularity is astonishing.

Liuliume: Wow, it is indeed a conscientious game, and the event rewards are too generous!

Bilibulili: I have to brag about it, it is really conscientious.

Bai Lian Cheng Shen: I'll put it here, I have reserved the third place in the event!

Hua Meixi replied to Bai Lian Cheng Shen: Brother, you are a meat tank of the Wan Yao clan, what confidence do you give me?

Rem my wife: Am I the only one who noticed the penalty for failure in the event?

Xiao Baozhi replied to Rem my wife: I saw it too, the failure penalty is very severe! But what is the return to the original version? Which big guy can come out to explain it.

Director Ao looked at the post and silently typed a reply to the small packet of paper: Brother, believe me, you definitely don’t want to return to the original version!

The battle to defend the city must be won!

Director Ao silently said in his heart!

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