I Made Tiandao Into An Online Game

Chapter 6: I Traveled Through Time??? [Please Add This To Your Collection! ]

There are not many people in this Penguin group, only about a hundred.

But these group members are all good friends of Director Ao, and almost every one of them is a senior game player, and several of them are also UP hosts in the game area.

Soon, several messages appeared in the Penguin group.

"Old E:???"

"Old E: confused.jpg"

"Old E: What are you talking about? What wandering spider?"

Old E's real name is Wei Huai, and he is also a UP host on Bilibili. Although he is not as famous as Director Ao, he is not much worse, with more than one million fans.

Looking at the information in the Penguin group, Old Ao was stunned at first, and then quickly typed back: "Game! Didn't you recommend it to me? Don't you play it yourself?"

"Old E: I'm playing it now! And there are no wandering spiders in this game..."

What does it mean?

Looking at Wei Huai's reply, Director Ao was a little dumbfounded.

Since he is playing it, how could he not know about wandering spiders?

Could it be that every monster in this game is different?

But he thought about it again and felt that it was impossible. If that was the case, how many modelers would be needed? At least billions!

Even if all the game programmers in the world were killed, they still couldn't make it.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but typed and asked: "What's the name of the game you played?"

"Old E: "Freedom Fight", didn't I send it to you last night?"

"Freedom Fight"?

Director Ao clearly remembered that the game he just played was called "Tiantu"!

What the hell is going on?

"Did Old E send the wrong game?"

Muttering to himself, he decided not to think about this problem anymore, but continued to type: "Old E, I recommend you a game that is 100% realistic, can't stop, and is super exciting!"

Director Ao's words immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the group.

As friends, they knew very well how picky Director Ao was about a game. At present, there are not many games on the market that can catch his eye.

Now Director Ao actually used the word "can't stop" to describe it, and everyone became interested.

But when they saw the 100% realism, their faces were suddenly filled with black lines.

For a moment, dozens of chat messages flashed.

"C Jun who never delays the update: Lao Ao, you seem to be making me laugh!"

"Lan Shao: I traveled through time???"

"Pure Black: If I didn't live in 2030, I would have almost believed it."

"Old E: 100% realism, VIP will be given when you go online, 999 for one knife?"

"Funny 666: I'm applying a mask, don't make me laugh..."


Do these people think I'm making fun of them?

Director Ao was a little speechless, but he didn't blame them, after all, his reaction at the time was the same as theirs.

Thinking of this, he quickly tapped the keyboard with both hands and typed: "Don't say too much nonsense, go download the game now, and if it's not 100% realism after experiencing it, I'll live broadcast a five-speed electric fan!"

Hearing what he said, many people in the Penguin group have started searching online.

A few minutes later

"Funny 666: Lao Ao, you didn't sleep at night to tease us?"

"Lao E: Show off, no wonder you are so shameless, you want to fuck a five-speed electric fan."

"Lan Shao: I am still too naive..."

"Pure Black: Haha, I even went to all major game platforms to look for this game, and there is no such game at all. Lao Ao is getting more and more arrogant now."

"Xiaoyao Sanren: You don't really believe that there is a 100% realistic game, right?"

"Dousha Xiaobaozi: I was deceived, so angry!"


There is no such game at all?

Director Ao really felt like he was screwed at this moment. He felt that the people in the group were teasing him.

But after thinking about it, he found something wrong.

Although these people in the group usually like to joke, judging from their tone, they don't seem to be joking.

Moreover, if one person jokes, it is impossible for everyone to joke together.

Thinking of this, Director Ao opened the search engine and started searching for the game "Tiantu".

But the results of the search were all irrelevant.

The developer, the official website of the game, and even this game, are all gone!

Unwilling to give up, Director Ao entered the major game platforms again, but still couldn't find this game.

"This... this is too low-key!" Director Ao looked at the search results and was completely dumbfounded.

Having been a UP host in the game area for so many years and having played no less than a thousand games, this is the first time he has seen such a low-key game developer.

Not only is there no publicity for the game, but there is not even an official website.

There is no information on the Internet, the confidentiality measures are too terrible!

The search was fruitless, and Director Ao had no choice but to give up.

It was already midnight, but because he had drunk too much coffee and Red Bull before, he was not sleepy at all, but was in high spirits.

Play games?

There are still more than 40 minutes in the soul state, and he doesn't want to look at the black and white screen motionlessly.

As for other games, forget it! Since playing "Tiantu", he feels that all other games on the market are rubbish. Even the most popular "Road to Glory" now feels full of slots and unbearable to look at.

That's right!

The new video has not been made yet!

Thinking of this, Director Ao hurriedly connected the virtual game helmet to the computer.

When playing games before, he was ready to record videos, so he turned on the video recording function.

Just edit the game video just now, and then add the copywriting commentary, and a new video will be out.

It took less than an hour for Director Ao to make the new video.

After watching it once, he nodded with satisfaction, and then submitted the video to Bilibili, and took a very eye-catching title.

"Mysterious 100% real online game! Is it a low-quality product that cheats money, or black technology?

It has to be said that this title is really easy to arouse the interest of the audience.

Coupled with Director Ao's huge number of fans, even though it is early in the morning, the video has exceeded 100,000 clicks in just one hour!

Reading during the Dragon Boat Festival! Recharge 100 to get 500 VIP points!

Recharge now (activity time: June 8 to June 10)

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