I Made Tiandao Into An Online Game

Chapter 68: The Great Emperor's Back-Up Plan! [6/10]

City Lord's Mansion.

Qin Ge asked nervously: "Did he save her?"

"Lucky! The Green Spider Demon Emperor was careless. He didn't expect that I could use so many world origins!" Tian Dao's voice was a little weak.

Although the battle just now lasted only a few seconds, it was extremely dangerous.

Especially the duel between the two innate magical powers. If it were an ordinary creature in the realm of Heavenly Venerable, he would definitely die immediately.

Although Tian Dao acted very relaxed before, in fact, in order to deal with the destructive magical power of the Green Spider Demon Emperor, he paid a huge amount of world origin.

At this time, Qin Ge also noticed that the world origin stored by Tian Dao these days has been consumed, and even his own world origin is almost gone.


For a moment, Qin Ge couldn't help but take a breath and exclaimed: "Is the Green Spider Demon Emperor so strong?"

"Don't underestimate the Green Spider Demon Emperor. Before the dark turmoil, it was recognized as a genius in the Tianxuan Continent. Even the Demon Clan Emperor once said that it was one of the most promising talents to become the seventh emperor.

Tian Dao said in a serious tone: "Since it joined the darkness, its strength has become more and more powerful. Now it is only one step away from the emperor. Once it comprehends its own path, it will be able to break through the barriers and break through the big seat!" After listening to Tiandao's explanation, Qin Ge was shocked. It must be said that he really underestimated the Green Spider Demon Emperor before, and his impression of it only stayed on the despicable and shameless traitor. Unexpectedly, it has such a glorious past. "According to the character of the Green Spider Demon Emperor, it will never give up and will definitely come in person!" Tiandao affirmed. Qin Ge frowned and said: "With its peak cultivation in the Tianzun realm, once it comes, who can stop it?" Now things are in trouble, and it can even be said that it is facing a desperate situation. Once the Green Spider Demon Emperor comes, Qin Ge's efforts for so many days will be in vain. The city and NPC were built bit by bit by him at the cost of countless world origins. Once they are destroyed, it is equivalent to returning to the pre-liberation period, and everything must start from scratch. For players, it is tantamount to deleting the game file, and everyone has to start over. If this is true, it will definitely cause a sensation and cause countless players to quit the game. Even if some die-hard fans stay, it will not have any effect. Qin Ge's plan will also be shattered. Seeing his solemn expression and frowning brows, Tiandao suddenly smiled and said: "Don't worry!" "Hey! How can I not worry? I see that my efforts will soon be in vain..." As he spoke, Qin Ge was suddenly stunned, and then said in surprise: "Do you have a way?" "I don't, but the emperor will see!" Tiandao said confidently: "Throughout the ages, who can become a great emperor? Who is not a brilliant and brilliant person who dominates the world. Even if he is dead now, how could he not leave a backhand!" "Backhand?" Qin Ge thought for a moment and said: "Like the seed of the female emperor of the sub-immortal clan?" "Yes, the six emperors all left different backhands. For example, the female emperor of the sub-immortal race, her back-up is the seed. She has been unknown before, just because she is waiting for an opportunity, and that opportunity is the moonlight grass!" Tiandao explained.

"Why do you think the six emperors turned into stone statues when they were dying? It is to preserve the last piece of pure land for Tianxuan Continent and breed the hope of rising! Otherwise, if the Green Spider Demon Emperor can destroy this place at will, how could I agree to your plan at the beginning!"

After hearing this, Qin Ge couldn't help but feel relieved.

Looking at the six stone statues on the square, he couldn't help but sigh.

Eastern Wilderness.

Before the dark turmoil, the Eastern Zhou Dynasty was already a wild land.

After the dark turmoil, it became even more desolate.

The bare mountains were hidden in the black fog, appearing and disappearing from time to time.

At this time, a crack suddenly appeared in the sky, and then the figure of the Green Spider Demon Emperor stepped out of the void.

At the moment it fell, a domineering voice sounded: "You have crossed the line! Get out of the Eastern Wilderness within three breaths!"

The speaker The person was none other than the Silver Scale Demon Emperor.

It stood proudly on the top of the mountain at this moment, with the silver scales all over its body slightly spread out, constantly absorbing the black fog.

A pair of giant wings behind it flapped from time to time.

Every time it flapped, a gust of wind would rise between heaven and earth, and some fragile hills would collapse one after another in the howling wind, turning into rubble.

A trace of cold light flashed in the eyes of the Green Spider Demon Emperor, and he said: Silver Scale Demon Emperor, I have something important to discuss with you this time!"

"Not interested, get out!"

The Silver Scale Demon Emperor didn't even look at it, and his tone was extremely domineering.

Hearing this, the female head in the middle of the Green Spider Demon Emperor couldn't help it anymore, and said angrily with a ferocious face: "Silver Scale, don't be shameless! Do you really think I'm afraid of you?"

"What? Do you want to fight me?" The Silver Scale Demon Emperor raised a disdainful sneer at the corner of his mouth.

Although the Green Spider Demon Emperor wanted to take action, he suppressed this impulse when he thought of the purpose of coming.

Taking a deep breath, the Green Spider Demon Emperor slowly said: "The empress of the sub-immortal race seems to be using the moonlight grass to revive and want to live a second life!"

A strange color flashed in the eyes of the Silver Scale Demon Emperor, and then he sneered: "So what? What does it have to do with me?"

"Hmph! Once she revives successfully, do you think she will let you go? Don't forget, the one who slaughtered the sub-immortal race back then was you, the Silver Scale Demon Emperor!" The Green Spider Demon Emperor snorted coldly.

These words made the Silver Scale Demon Emperor fall into deep thought.

After a moment, it suddenly laughed wildly: "Haha! I understand!! You are afraid, right? Because you are a traitor. If the empress of the sub-immortal race is revived, I am afraid that the first person to be killed will be you!"

The Green Spider Demon Emperor, whose thoughts were exposed, looked uncertain, and his eyes and hands kept flashing red.

If it were not a serious matter, it would have already fainted at this moment.

The Green Spider Demon King screamed: "Yinlin, we are grasshoppers on the same string. She won't let me go, so will she let you go?"

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